QQQ Vs VOO: Difference & Performance | BeatMarket (2024)

ETF comparison analysis (QQQ vs VOO) is necessary for investors to understand which of these funds best suits their financial goals and strategy. This article explains what each of these ETFs are, analyzing their similarities and differences.

While these funds do not track the same index, they both invest in stocks of major U.S. companies. Their net holdings overlap and their quotes move mostly in the same direction.

Table of Contents

QQQ and VOO ETF Comparison Analysis Takeaways

QQQ and VOO are two of the most popular ETFs. They have both been traded on US exchanges for a long time, are managed by trustworthy companies and can be considered a good long-term investment.

Both ETFs are traded on the exchange. The funds do not set minimum investment requirements.

To decide which of these ETFs to add to your portfolio, you need to do a detailed analysis of VOO vs QQQ.

QQQ vs. VOO Key Differences and Similarities

At first glance, QQQ and VOO are completely different assets. The difference between QQQ and VOO comes down to the following points:

  • the underlying index (Nasdaq-100 and S&P 500);
  • management company (Invesco and Vanguard);
  • level of diversification (100 companies total vs. 500).

However, a closer look reveals that there are significant similarities between these funds. It is these that make it pointless to add both securities to the portfolio.

The key factor is the composition of net assets. Tech related stocks are heavily weighted in both ETFs, with the same companies topping the list of most important positions.

Parent Firm

VOO was created by a company called Vanguard. It owns the largest mutual funds in the US. And in the ETF market, it is the second largest manager in the world. The total value of assets transferred to it in 2022 exceeded $8 trillion.

QQQ is owned by Invesco. The size of this investment company is much smaller: about $1.5 trillion under management. But this is hardly a significant criterion when choosing between QQQ and VOO.

Benchmark Index Comparison

The Nasdaq-100, which is tracked by the QQQ fund, contains 5 times fewer companies than the S&P 500, which is copied by VOO. At the same time, it has demonstrated higher returns in previous years.

QQQ vs VOO Performance

If you compare ETFs over a period of 1 year and longer, QQQ outperforms VOO. However, there are no guarantees that it will replicate these results in the future. Over shorter time intervals, its returns are lower. For the 3-month period of 2024, QQQ returned 9.71% compared to 10.24% for VOO.

The picture below shows a VOO vs QQQ chart. It illustrates how the quotes of these funds have changed relative to each other over the last 10 years. The table next to it contains key return indicators.

QQQ Vs VOO: Difference & Performance | BeatMarket (1)

The image shows that the comparison of QQQ vs VOO performance will be in favor of the former. However, it is also more volatile, i.e. it has sharper ups and downs of quotations.

The reason for this is that about 60% of the fund’s assets consist of only 10 companies (9 of them belong to the technology sector). In VOO, the top 10 largest companies occupy only 30% of the total number of assets.

QQQ vs VOO Holdings

According to the index tracked in the VOO vs QQQ comparison, the first fund is more diversified. It outperforms the second ETF by 2 parameters:

  • number of companies (500 vs. 100);
  • even distribution of assets by sectors (in QQQ the technology sector accounts for almost ⅔ of net assets, in VOO less than ⅓).

However, both funds invest mainly in US companies with large capitalisation.

When choosing QQQ vs VOO, an investor should consider that most of the companies in the Nasdaq-100 are growth companies. The S&P 500 index includes value companies along with them.

Another important difference is that the S&P 500 also captures the financial sector, which is completely unrepresented in the Nasdaq Stock Market Index.

QQQ and VOO Holdings Overlap

The VOO and QQQ portfolio contains matching assets. Of the 100 companies included in the Nasdaq-100, 78 are also included in the S&P 500. If we compare QQQ and VOO by the top 10 companies, 8 of them will match.

The correlation between stock prices of QQQ and VOO is 0.89. This is considered to be a high indicator.

Expense Ratios

According to this indicator, in the comparison of VOO vs QQQ, the undisputed leader will be VOO with an expense ratio of 0.03% versus 0.2% for QQQ. But QQQ’s higher returns in recent years have offset this difference.

An Introduction to QQQ

QQQ is an exchange-traded fund managed by Invesco. QQQ tracks the Nasdaq-100 index. Basic Information:

  • name – Invesco QQQ Trust;
  • dividend yield over the past 12 months (as of April 2024) – 0.52%;
  • fund launch date – 10 March 1999;
  • stock price – $442.05;
  • market capitalisation – $259.07B.

Top Holdings

The Nasdaq-100 combines 100 companies whose stock are traded on the Nasdaq Exchange. The fund’s net assets include 102 securities. Information about the top 10 holdings is illustrated in the figure below.

QQQ Vs VOO: Difference & Performance | BeatMarket (2)


The technology sector leads the net asset composition of the QQQ.

QQQ Vs VOO: Difference & Performance | BeatMarket (3)

QQQ Performance

Over the past few years, the Nasdaq-100 has performed better than the S&P 500. This was due to the rapid growth of the technology sector.

Between April 2014 and April 2024, the value of the Nasdaq-100 has increased about 3.8 times. That means that an investor who would have invested in a QQQ fund would now have 380% of his or her original capital just from stock price appreciation, excluding dividends paid out over 10 years.

But during certain periods, it is possible to see drawdowns. The figure below demonstrates the dynamics of the fund’s quotations over 10 years.

QQQ Vs VOO: Difference & Performance | BeatMarket (4)

QQQ: Dividends

Payments are made quarterly. Key information is given in the table below.

Annual Dividend$2,29
Dividend Growth Rate (3Y)11.04%
Last dividend cash amount per share$0.57

The table is based on data from seekingalpha.com as of April 4, 2024.

QQQ: Pros & Cons

The QQQ as an asset for long-term investment has many advantages:

  1. High liquidity. Spread between bids for purchase and sale tends to 0%.
  2. Good profitability on the results of past years.
  3. Moderate expense ratio.

The main drawback of this fund and the Nasdaq-100 is the dominance of the technology sector, which accounts for more than half of net assets. If the industry goes into trouble, QQQ will not bring much profit.

Therefore, the fund is suitable only for those investors who believe that the growth of the capitalization of technology companies will continue in future decades.

QQQ does not have the greatest degree of diversification. It includes only 100 companies. In the ETF market you can find funds that unite up to 2000 companies.

An Introduction to VOO

VOO is an index ETF managed by The Vanguard Group. VOO tracks the performance of S&P 500. Basic information:

  • name – Vanguard S&P 500 ETF;
  • dividend yield over the past 12 months (as of April 2024) – 1.29%;
  • fund launch date – 7 September 2010;
  • price – $477.33;
  • current market capitalisation – $1.21T.

Top Holdings

The S&P 500 index includes the 500 largest capitalization companies available on US exchanges. VOO’s net assets comprise 505 stocks (as some companies issue securities of several types). The top 10 positions of the fund are shown in the table below.

TickerHoldings% of fund
AAPLApple Inc.7.02 %
MSFTMicrosoft Corp.6.97 %
AMZNAmazon.com Inc.3.45 %
NVDANVIDIA Corp.3.05 %
GOOGLAlphabet Inc. Class A2.06 %
TSLAMeta Platforms Inc Class A1.96 %
METAAlphabet Inc. Class C1.75 %
GOOGTesla, Inc.1.71 %
BRK.BBerkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B1.62 %
UNHJPMorgan Chase & Co.1.23 %

The table is based on data from ETF.com as of April 4, 2024.

The dominant sector in the index and fund is ITechnology Services. It accounts for 20.6% of net assets of VOO.

VOO Performance

The technology sector in the S&P 500 index is 2 times lower than that of Nasdaq-100. And over the past few decades, this sector of the economy has grown most rapidly. Therefore, VOO results are inferior to QQQ. From July 2013 to July 2023, the Fund’s S&P 500 stocks prices rose by a mere 2.77 times.

Below is the price dynamics of the VOO for the last 10 years.

QQQ Vs VOO: Difference & Performance | BeatMarket (5)

The lower growth rate of the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF price is partially offset by a higher dividend yield.

As can be seen from the chart, VOO quotes are also subject to notable drawdowns during crises. Despite the high degree of diversification, this ETF still has a high level of risk.

H3: VOO Dividends

VOO offers shareholders to receive dividends quarterly.

Annual Dividend$6.41
Dividend Growth Rate (3Y)5.89%
Last dividend cash amount per share$1.54

The table is compiled based on data from seekingalpha.com as of April 4, 2024.

VOO: Pros & Cons

From a long-term investor’s perspective, the VOO has a number of advantages:

  1. High degree of diversification.
  2. Smaller share of tech stocks in net assets than in QQQ.
  3. High liquidity.

The downside of investing in VOO and any other fund tracking the S&P 500 can be considered to be the index’s low returns compared to some other assets. But future results will inevitably be different from the past.

This fund is suitable for people who do not want to bet mainly on one industry, but believe in the growth of the stock market as a whole.

Conclusion: A Side-by-Side Comparison of QQQ vs. VOO

To conclude the QQQ vs VOO comparison, here is a summary table of the key characteristics of both funds.

Parameter/FundInvesco QQQ ETFVanguard VOO ETF
Base indexNasdaq-100S&P 500
1 year return38.36%28.75%
Average annual yield over the past 10 years18.28%12.70%
Expense ratio0.2%0.03%
Minimum investment thresholdNo
AUM as of 04.04.2024$259.59B$435.35B

The table is compiled based on data from ETF.com as of April 4, 2024.

These two ETFs have been around for many years and can be considered a good long-term investment. The net assets consist of securities of the best US companies. They bring consistent returns.

Investing in VOO is preferable for people who want to increase portfolio diversification across sectors and seek to minimize costs.

In the QQQ vs VOO comparison, it is better for those who believe in the continued dominance of the tech sector and are willing to take risks for the sake of above-average returns by reducing the degree of diversification.


Is QQQ too risky?

According to the VOO and QQQ ETF comparison, QQQ is a riskier asset than VOO. The reason for this is that it relies much more on one sector of the economy. Therefore, if tech companies have problems, QQQ quotations will fall more than VOO.

Does QQQ overlap with VOO?

Yes. Approximately 76% of the net asset composition of this ETF can be found among the securities included in VOO. That’s why in the QQQ vs VOO comparison it is advisable to choose 1 of the funds rather than adding both to the portfolio.

Why is QQQ so popular?

The main reason for QQQ’s popularity is the past years’ results. QQQ has outperformed VOO by returns. Investing in this ETF against the backdrop of the success of technology companies yields higher returns than buying a broad market fund.

Should you invest in QQQ and VOO?

Both ETFs, QQQ and VOO, can be considered suitable to add to an investment portfolio. The choice of QQQ vs VOO long term should be made by the investor himself depending on whether he believes that the technology sector will outperform the broad market in the future as well.

QQQ Vs VOO: Difference & Performance | BeatMarket (2024)


QQQ Vs VOO: Difference & Performance | BeatMarket? ›

Overall, when it comes to performance, QQQ has a clear advantage. But while VOO has an advantage over the last ten years, from 2021-2023, VOO outperformed in two out of three years by an average of 8%. The table below will show the dividend yield for both ETFs.

Does QQQ outperform VOO? ›

In the past year, QQQ returned a total of 31.84%, which is significantly higher than VOO's 26.14% return. Over the past 10 years, QQQ has had annualized average returns of 18.88% , compared to 12.89% for VOO. These numbers are adjusted for stock splits and include dividends.

Has QQQ outperformed the S&P 500? ›

Invesco QQQ — the ETF that tracks the Nasdaq-100 index — has beaten the S&P 500 eight out of the last 10 years as of March 31, 2024. Source: Morningstar Inc.

What is the downside to investing in QQQ? ›

The QQQ ETF offers buy-and-hold investors low expenses and long-term growth potential with enough diversification to avoid the risks of betting on one company. On the downside, long-term investors in QQQ must deal with sector risk, possible overvaluation, and the absence of small caps.

Is QQQ better than Vanguard? ›

VGT - Performance Comparison. In the year-to-date period, QQQ achieves a 18.60% return, which is significantly lower than VGT's 21.46% return. Over the past 10 years, QQQ has underperformed VGT with an annualized return of 18.99%, while VGT has yielded a comparatively higher 21.24% annualized return.

Does Nasdaq outperform S&P? ›

A detailed analysis of their annual total returns, including reinvested dividends, reveals that the Nasdaq-100 Total Return™ Index has exceeded the S&P 500 in 12 out of these 16 calendar years, achieving an impressive average annual return of +18.2%.

Does QQQ outperform SPY? ›

SPY - Performance Comparison. In the year-to-date period, QQQ achieves a 16.56% return, which is significantly higher than SPY's 14.48% return. Over the past 10 years, QQQ has outperformed SPY with an annualized return of 18.85%, while SPY has yielded a comparatively lower 12.84% annualized return.

What pairs well with VOO? ›

Many people pair VOO with the Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND) in a broader portfolio. The fixed income ETF has $95 billion in assets and is the largest bond ETF trading in the U.S. BND has two-thirds of its assets in U.S. government bonds, with most of the remainder in investment-grade corporate bonds.

Should I keep buying QQQ? ›

Invesco QQQ holds a Zacks ETF Rank of 2 (Buy), which is based on expected asset class return, expense ratio, and momentum, among other factors. Because of this, QQQ is an excellent option for investors seeking exposure to the Style Box - Large Cap Growth segment of the market.

What is the 10 year average return on the QQQ? ›

Investment Metrics as of May 31, 2024
Metrics as of May 31, 2024
Infl. Adjusted Return (%)6.1515.02
US Inflation (%)0.012.83
Returns / Inflation rates over 1 year are annualized.
51 more rows

What will QQQ be worth in 5 years? ›

Invesco QQQ stock price stood at $485.21

According to the latest long-term forecast, Invesco QQQ price will hit $500 by the middle of 2024 and then $600 by the end of 2025. Invesco QQQ will rise to $700 within the year of 2026, $800 in 2028, $900 in 2029, $1000 in 2030, $1100 in 2031, $1200 in 2033 and $1300 in 2035.

What is the best ETF to buy right now? ›

  • Top 7 ETFs to buy now.
  • Vanguard 500 ETF.
  • Invesco QQQ Trust.
  • Vanguard Growth ETF.
  • iShares Core SP Small-Cap ETF.
  • iShares Core Dividend Growth ETF.
  • Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF.
  • iShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETF.
May 30, 2024

Is QQQ better than VOO? ›

VOO - Performance Comparison. In the year-to-date period, QQQ achieves a 18.60% return, which is significantly higher than VOO's 15.51% return. Over the past 10 years, QQQ has outperformed VOO with an annualized return of 18.99%, while VOO has yielded a comparatively lower 12.88% annualized return.

Is QQQ a good ETF for long term? ›

The Bottom Line

QQQ experiences smaller price fluctuations and is considered to be less risky than TQQQ. Therefore, QQQ is best suited for long-term buy-and-hold investors, while TQQQ is better for active traders.

Should I do QQQ or QQQM? ›

If you're a buy-and-hold investor looking to put money to work in the Nasdaq 100, QQQM is likely the better choice. If you're more of a frequent trader, the additional liquidity offered by QQQ could make it more worthwhile even though it comes with a higher expense ratio.

What is Vanguard's best performing ETF? ›

Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM)

The better Vanguard ETF for their needs is likely VYM, which delivers a higher 2.9% 30-day SEC yield by targeting the FTSE High Dividend Yield Index. It also charges the same expense ratio as VIG does, at 0.06%.

What ETF is comparable to QQQ? ›

Comparison Results
  • SPY. SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust. $542.78. $593.97. ...
  • IVV. iShares Core S&P 500 ETF. $543.86. $595.05. ...
  • VOO. Vanguard S&P 500 ETF. $498.98. $550.08. ...
  • QQQM. Invesco NASDAQ 100 ETF. $197.19. ...
  • TQQQ. ProShares UltraPro QQQ. $74.17. ...
  • QLD. ProShares Ultra QQQ. $99.97. ...
  • SQQQ. ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ. $8.43. ...
  • PSQ. ProShares Short QQQ. $41.20.

What is the Fidelity equivalent of QQQ? ›

QQQ is managed by Invesco, while ONEQ is managed by Fidelity. Both QQQ and ONEQ are considered high-volume assets.

What index is better than S&P 500? ›

Key Points. The S&P 500's track record is impressive, but the Vanguard Growth ETF has outperformed it. The Vanguard Growth ETF leans heavily toward tech businesses that exhibit faster revenue and earnings gains. No matter what investments you choose, it's always smart to keep a long-term mindset.

What is the best ETF for Nasdaq? ›

Best Nasdaq ETFs
  • Invesco QQQ Trust.
  • Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index ETF.
  • Direxion Nasdaq-100 Equal Weighted Index Shares.
  • Invesco Nasdaq Next Gen 100 ETF.
  • Invesco Nasdaq Internet ETF.

What is the best ETF for S&P 500? ›

  • SPY, VOO and IVV are among the most popular S&P 500 ETFs.
  • These three S&P 500 ETFs are quite similar, but may sometimes diverge in terms of costs or daily returns.
  • Investors generally only need one S&P 500 ETF.
May 31, 2024

Why QQQ is the best? ›

Key Points. The Invesco QQQ Trust is heavily weighted to the tech and consumer discretionary sectors. Historical returns have been very impressive, comfortably outpacing the broader S&P 500. The Invesco QQQ Trust is a low-cost and low-maintenance investment vehicle.

What is the 10 year return of QQQ? ›

Source: Bloomberg L.P., QQQ NAV 10-year performance reflected 18.58% growth versus 12.93% by the S&P 500, as of March 31, 2024.

Is Voo better than SPY? ›

VOO typically provides a higher dividend yield compared to SPY. This aspect is particularly attractive to investors who prioritize income generation from their investments.

Which ETF outperforms S&P 500? ›

1. Vanguard Growth ETF. The Vanguard Growth ETF is up 37.3% over the past year and an even better 59.1% since the start of 2023. One look at its holdings, and it's easy to see why.

Is QQQ the best ETF? ›

Despite its popularity, QQQ is very rarely the best choice for any investor. If you want a quick, easy way to invest in the high-flying tech stocks found in the Nasdaq-100 index, one of the most popular ETFs you could buy is the Invesco QQQ Trust ETF (QQQ 0.03%).

Does Tqqq outperform QQQ? ›

QQQ has consistently outperformed TQQQ in dividend yield by an average of 0.84% from 2014 to 2022. In fact, since 2014, TQQQ has generated nearly no dividends outside of 2023, when it outperformed QQQ. Overall, QQQ has a lower expense ratio, less risk, and a higher dividend yield compared to TQQQ.

Should I switch from QQQ to QQQM? ›

If you're a buy-and-hold investor looking to put money to work in the Nasdaq 100, QQQM is likely the better choice. If you're more of a frequent trader, the additional liquidity offered by QQQ could make it more worthwhile even though it comes with a higher expense ratio.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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