AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India) - Role, Objectives, Committee (2024)

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AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India) - Role, Objectives, Committee (1)

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AMFI plays a crucial role in the mutual fund industry, working towards growth, development, and investor protection within this dynamic financial sector.

The primary objectives of AMFI are to foster transparency, protect investor rights, and enhance investor awareness and education about mutual funds. Its mission is to develop and maintain a robust, transparent, and investor-friendly mutual fund industry in India.

In this blog, we will explore the various facets of AMFI, its objectives, initiatives, and its significant contributions to the Indian mutual fund industry. Let us learn more about how the mutual fund industry in India is regulated by AMFI.

What is AMFI and When Was it Established?

AMFI full form in mutual fund is the Association of Mutual Funds in India. AMFI meaning is a self-regulatory organization that represents mutual fund companies operating in India. It was established on August 22, 1995, with the support of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the sponsorship of the erstwhile Unit Trust of India (UTI). AMFI plays a crucial role in promoting the interests of mutual fund investors and ensuring ethical conduct within the industry.

What are the Notable Milestones and Achievements of AMFI?

Some of the notable achievements and milestones of AMFI India are:

  • Conducting impactful investor awareness campaigns to educate and empower individuals regarding mutual fund investments, enabling them to make informed financial decisions.
  • Pioneering the introduction of the Know Your Customer (KYC) process, which enhances investor protection and safeguards against fraudulent activities, ensuring a secure investing environment.
  • Facilitating the implementation of the innovative Mutual Fund Utility (MFU) platform, streamlining investment management for investors by offering single-window access to transact and manage investments across multiple mutual fund companies.
  • Collaborating closely with regulatory bodies and industry participants to establish and enforce industry best practices and guidelines, ensuring transparency, fairness, and ethical conduct within the mutual fund industry.

What is AMFI NAV?

AMFI NAV, short for Association of Mutual Funds in India Net Asset Value, represents the unit price of an open-ended mutual fund scheme. The AMFI full form explains very little about the actual role of this association. This value is determined by dividing the total assets of the scheme by the number of units outstanding.

Published on a daily basis, the AMFI NAV is made available by the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) on their website as well as on the websites of individual mutual fund companies.

The AMFI NAV holds significance for investors as it reflects the present value of their investment and serves as a tool to monitor the scheme’s performance over time. By tracking changes in the NAV, investors can assess the growth or decline of their investment in the organization of a mutual fund scheme.

The formula for calculating AMFI NAV is:

AMFI NAV = Total value of the scheme’s assets / Number of units outstanding

Note: The AMFI website offers the latest AMFI NAV for various mutual funds in India. It serves as a reliable source to access information about the performance of different mutual funds, along with the associated risks involved in investing in them.

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Functions and Responsibilities of AMFI India

AMFI, the Association of Mutual Funds in India, has a wide range of responsibilities and functions of AMFI in the mutual fund industry. These include:

Regulation and Self-Regulation of Mutual Funds

AMFI is responsible for formulating industry standards, codes of conduct, and best practices for mutual fund companies. It ensures compliance with regulatory guidelines and promotes self-regulation within the industry. AMFI conducts audits and inspections to maintain transparency and integrity in mutual fund operations.

Investor Education and Awareness Initiatives

AMFI plays a crucial role in enhancing investor education and awareness about mutual fund in India. Investing in mutual funds has become so much more approachable because of this. It conducts various programs, seminars, and workshops to improve financial literacy and empower investors to make informed investment decisions. Through online platforms, publications, and media campaigns, AMFI disseminates valuable information and educational materials to educate and guide investors.

Policy Advocacy and Industry Representation

AMFI acts as a representative for the mutual fund industry, advocating for its interests with regulatory bodies, government agencies, and other stakeholders. It actively engages in policy advocacy, providing recommendations and inputs on regulatory and market-related issues.

By collaborating with industry participants, AMFI contributes to the development and implementation of policies that support the growth and sustainability of the mutual fund industry.

Collaboration with Regulatory Bodies

AMFI India maintains a close working relationship with regulatory bodies, particularly the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). It collaborates with regulatory bodies on matters such as product innovation, market regulations, and investor protection. AMFI’s active involvement in the formulation of regulations and guidelines helps create a conducive regulatory environment for the mutual fund industry.

What is the Role of AMFI in India?

AMFI serves as the custodian of industry standards in the Mutual Fund organization sector, with a range of responsibilities:

  • Ethical and Professional Standards: AMFI upholds and defines ethical and professional standards across the industry.
  • Code of Conduct: It recommends codes of conduct and best practices for all members, including those engaged with Mutual Funds and related agencies.
  • Representation: The Association of Mutual Funds of India represents Mutual Fund companies in India as a collective entity, advocating on their behalf to regulatory bodies like SEBI, the Government, RBI, and others.
  • Training and Certification: The association establishes training and certification programs for intermediaries and industry participants.
  • Investor Awareness: AMFI actively promotes investor awareness programs for Mutual Funds.
  • Research and Dissemination: It conducts and shares research and studies related to the Mutual Fund industry.

AMFI achieves its objectives through various committees, including those focused on valuation, operations, compliance, registration of certified distributors, and financial literacy.

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Benefits of AMFI for Investors

AMFI (Mutual Fund Association in India) offers several benefits to investors, which include:

  • Ensuring Transparency and Investor Protection: AMFI ensures transparency and protects the interests of investors by setting standards for mutual fund companies, monitoring compliance, and providing a platform for complaint resolution.
  • Promoting Industry Best Practices and Ethical Standards: AMFI promotes best practices and ethical conduct in the mutual fund industry through the development of codes of conduct and training programs for professionals.
  • Providing a Platform for Grievance Redressal: AMFI provides a platform for investors to file complaints and grievances, investigates them, and takes necessary actions for their resolution.
  • Facilitating Access to a Wide Range of Mutual Funds: AMFI facilitates access to diverse mutual fund options by providing information, organizing educational events, and working with mutual funds companies in India to offer a broad range of products.

Moreover, signing up on AMFI would offer many other personalized benefits to you. So, to access AMFI login, visit the AMFI website and enjoy the benefits.

AMFI’s Contribution to the Mutual Fund India Industry

AMFI, the Association of Mutual Funds in India, has played a crucial role in the growth and development of the mutual fund industry in the country. Its contributions include:

Promoting Growth and Development of Mutual Funds in India

  • AMFI India advocates for the interests of mutual fund companies and investors, creating a favourable environment for industry growth.
  • Initiates collaboration with regulators and government bodies and helps formulate policies and regulations that support the expansion of mutual funds.
  • Investor awareness campaigns conducted by the all India Mutual Fund association educate individuals about the benefits of mutual fund investments, expanding the investor base.

Enhancing Professionalism and Expertise in the Industry

  • AMFI sets high professional and ethical standards through its code of conduct and guidelines for mutual fund companies, distributors, and intermediaries.
  • Training programs and certifications offered by AMFI equip industry professionals with the knowledge and skills to serve investors effectively.
  • Continuous learning and development initiatives promoted by AMFI enhance professionalism and expertise in the mutual fund sector.

Improving Market Infrastructure and Distribution Channels

  • Collaboration with stock exchanges, depositories, and other entities improves the market infrastructure for mutual funds.
  • The development of robust distribution channels enables investors to access a wide range of mutual funds through various platforms.
  • AMFI prioritizes transparency, efficiency, and investor protection in the distribution process, fostering investor confidence and trust.

Committees Under AMFI

AMFI Mutual Funds India has been actively engaged in creating programs to enhance investor awareness regarding Mutual Funds in India. To effectively fulfil its objectives, AMFI has established multiple committees dedicated to various aspects of the mutual fund industry. These committees include:

  • Committee on Operations and Compliance
  • Committee on Valuation
  • Committee on Financial Literacy
  • Committee on Registration of Certified Distributors

Who Regulates Mutual Fund Distributors in India?

An AMFI Distributor refers to an individual or entity registered with the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) for the purpose of distributing mutual funds to investors. These distributors serve as intermediaries between mutual fund companies and investors, facilitating the buying and selling of mutual fund units.

AMFI Distributors can include various entities such as individual agents, financial advisors, banks, brokerage firms, or other authorized intermediaries. Their role is crucial in providing guidance, educating investors, processing transactions, and offering support related to mutual fund investments.

What is the AMFI Registration Number?

The AMFI Registration Number (ARN) is a unique identifier issued by the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFIINDIA) to individual mutual fund distributors, agents, or intermediaries. It serves as a recognition code that distinguishes registered professionals within the mutual fund industry.

Why Should Investors Know About ARN?

Investors should be aware of the AMFI ARN registration for the following reasons:

  • Identification of Registered Distributors: Knowing about AMFI ARN registration enables investors to verify whether they are dealing with authorized and registered distributors who have met the necessary qualifications and regulatory requirements.
  • Trust and Credibility: ARN signifies that the distributor operates in accordance with AMFI’s code of conduct and ethical guidelines, ensuring trustworthiness, transparency, and accountability in their interactions with investors.
  • Expert Advice: Distributors with an ARN have undergone requisite training and certification, enabling them to provide knowledgeable guidance and recommendations to investors regarding mutual fund investments.
  • Investor Protection: Collaborating with an ARN-registered distributor provides investors with access to appropriate grievance redressal mechanisms, ensuring that they have recourse in case of any issues or concerns.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Being aware of the distributor’s ARN helps investors ensure adherence to regulatory requirements, protecting their investments and ensuring a compliant investment process.

Other Services Offered by AMFI

In addition to the aforementioned advantages, AMFI India extends a range of services to investors, including:

  • Investor Education: AMFI means to provide a diverse array of educational resources, including articles, videos, and infographics, to help investors comprehend mutual funds and make well-informed investment choices.
  • Research: AMFI conducts in-depth research on the mutual fund industry, publishing its findings on its website. This research aids investors in evaluating the performance of various mutual funds and making informed investment decisions.
  • Standardization: AMFI (Mutual Fund Association in India) establishes comprehensive standards for mutual fund companies to adhere to. Subsequently, these standards encompass aspects such as disclosure practices, marketing guidelines, and governance principles. By enforcing these standards, AMFI ensures responsible and transparent management of mutual funds.
  • Self-Regulation: AMFI functions as a self-regulatory organization (SRO) entrusted with regulating the mutual fund industry. As an SRO, AMFI possesses the authority to investigate complaints and take appropriate action against mutual fund companies that violate the established standards.

To Wrap It Up…

The Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFIINDIA) has played a crucial role in advancing and nurturing the mutual fund industry in the country. AMFI’s commitment to transparency, investor protection, and industry best practices has instilled trust and confidence in investors.

As investors, it is important to understand and leverage the benefits offered by AMFI. The investor education resources, research publications, and standardized practices promoted by AMFI can help you make well-informed investment decisions. Consequently, by being aware of AMFI’s initiatives and utilizing its services, you can navigate the mutual fund landscape more effectively and optimize your investment outcomes.


1. What is AMFI?

AMFI stands for the Association of Mutual Funds in India. It is an industry organization that represents mutual fund companies. Additionally, it works towards the growth and development of the mutual fund industry in India.

2. What is the role of AMFI?

AMFI plays a vital role in various aspects of the mutual fund industry. It sets industry standards, promotes investor awareness and education. Furthermore, it advocates for regulatory reforms, conducts research and analysis, and fosters collaboration among industry participants. AMFI’s focus is on ensuring transparency, professionalism, and investor protection.

3. What is the difference between AMFI and SEBI?

AMFI and SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) are distinct entities in the Indian financial market. AMFI is an industry association representing mutual fund companies and working towards industry development. Conversely, SEBI is the overall regulator of the securities market, including mutual funds. SEBI formulates regulations, monitors compliance, and safeguards investor interests.

4. What is AMFI code in mutual fund?

The AMFI code is also known as the ARN (AMFI Registration Number). It is a unique identification number issued to individual mutual fund distributors. Distributors are required to obtain an ARN to sell mutual fund products. The code ensures that distributors meet the necessary standards and adhere to the industry’s code of conduct.

5. Who regulates Mutual Fund Industry in India?

In India, mutual funds are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

6. How does AMFI work?

AMFI represents the RBI, SEBI, the finance ministry, and other bodies related to money market investments. One of AMFI’s key roles in Mutual Funds is disseminating investment information and organizing workshops on various funds.

AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India) - Role, Objectives, Committee (8)

Shrishti Bhardwaj

A Content Marketer by profession and a memer by heart!

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AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India) - Role, Objectives, Committee (2024)


What are the objectives of AMFI Association of Mutual Funds in India? ›

AMFI is dedicated to developing the Indian Mutual Fund industry on professional, healthy and ethical lines, and to enhance and maintain standards in all areas in the best interest of investors and other stake holders.

What of the following is a function of AMFI? ›

AMFI is a representative of the RBI, SEBI, finance ministry and other bodies related to money market investments. An important role of AMFI in Mutual Funds is to distribute information about these investments and also conduct various workshops about different funds.

What is the main objective of mutual fund? ›

Mutual funds aim to offer professional management of investments to both individual and institutional investors. Fund managers utilise their expertise to select and manage investments across various asset classes like equity, debt, and money market instruments.

Who is the CEO of AMFI? ›

Director at State Bank of India • New Chief Executive to focus on MF industry's growth aspects and AMFI 2.0 strategy. Mumbai, 8 Nov 2023: Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) announced the appointment of its new Chief Executive, Mr. Venkat Nageswar Chalasani.

What is the role of mutual funds in India? ›

The primary function of a mutual fund is to pool money from multiple investors and invest it in a diversified portfolio of securities, aiming to generate returns and spread risk across various assets.

What are the three basic investment objectives of mutual funds? ›

Analyzing a fund's investment objective

There are three basic investing objectives: growth, income, and capital preservation. Growth investments are typically expected to appreciate in value over the long term.

What are the powers of AMFI? ›

The sole purpose of AMFI is to work for the benefit of investors by offering them transparency in mutual fund practices. AMFI plays a key role in restoring the faith of the investors in case they face any issues in the Indian Mutual Fund Industry, including key disputes. AMFI works under the guidance of SEBI.

Who regulates the mutual funds in India? ›

The correct answer is SEBI. Securities and Exchange Board of India is the regulatory authority of Mutual Funds in India. It has introduced several measures and policies to protect the interest of investors. SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 have been issued to set uniform standards for mutual funds in India.

What is the AMFI Code of Ethics? ›

The AMFI Code of Ethics, “The ACE” for short, sets out the standards of good practices to be followed by the Asset Management Companies in their operations and in their dealings with investors, intermediaries and the public.

What are fund objectives? ›

The main objective of an investment fund is to meet the expectations of profitability for its unit holders, always in line with the investment policy previously defined in the fund and with the investor profile with which it identifies: Conservative, dynamic or aggressive.

What are the objectives of a mutual organization? ›

They help to strengthen economic resilience, contribute to growth and increase consumer choice, whilst also delivering value to their members, rather than external shareholders.

What is the main objective of an actively managed mutual fund? ›

Typically, an actively managed fund will seek to outperform a designated index or benchmark that aligns with its investment mandate—for example, the S&P 500 Index, is used for a large-cap stock fund.

What is the difference between Sebi and AMFI? ›

AMFI and SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) are distinct entities in the Indian financial market. AMFI is an industry association representing mutual fund companies and working towards industry development. Conversely, SEBI is the overall regulator of the securities market, including mutual funds.

What does AMFI stand for? ›

Affordable housing describes housing that is affordable to residents relative to their area's median family income (AMFI). Area Median Family Income (AMFI) is defined as the middle family income for each region.

How many AMFI distributors are there in India? ›

The MF industry welcomes over 23,000 new individual MFDs in FY 2023. AMFI data shows that 23,300 individuals have become mutual fund distributors last financial year.

What is the objective of growth mutual fund? ›

Growth funds

Primarily invest in the stocks of companies that have the potential for above-average gains. The most volatile type of fund. Growth funds tend to rise faster in bull (rising) markets and drop more sharply in bear (falling) markets than other types of funds.

What are the objectives of Nippon India mutual fund? ›

NIMF was formed to launch various schemes under which units are issued to the public with a view to contribute to the capital market and to provide investors the opportunities to make investments in diversified securities.

What is the objective of balanced mutual fund? ›

The investment objective for a balanced mutual fund tends to be a mixture of growth and income, which leads to the balanced nature of the fund. Balanced mutual funds are geared toward investors who are looking for a mixture of safety, income, and modest capital appreciation.

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