F45 22 Workout [Everything You Need to Know] - Ectomorphing (2024)

F45 has taken the fitness world by storm these last couple of years since it managed to come up with a unique approach to what is considered the most boring activity: working out. Instead of going to a typical gym and creating your own workout from scratch, F45 does that for you and provides you with unique daily training routines that are fun and intense. With over 50 different workouts to choose from, you’ll never feel the boredom of performing the same thing over and over again. Every day, a different workout is selected and you get to join several other members for an amazing session. One of these workouts is called the F45 22, what is it about? How is it performed? And is it challenging?

The F45 22 Workout is a 45-minute cardio routine where you perform different exercises following a predefined pattern. Stations include “A” and “B” exercises that complement one another which makes this workout fun.

In this article, we’ll talk about what an F45 22 workout is all about, if it’s hard, and some examples of how it’s performed.

What is the F45 22 Workout?

F45 22 Workout [Everything You Need to Know] - Ectomorphing (1)

As I mentioned in the beginning, the best thing about F45 Training is the fact that it provides you with fun, intense, and custom workouts that change every single day.

What’s more unique about these workouts is that they’re often labeled using cool and eye-catching names.

And F45 does a good job at selecting these names, you have things like Varsity, Triple Threat, 3-Peat Empire, Pipeline, Quarterbacks, and of course, the 22 workout.

It’s true that sometimes, these names are selected randomly just because they appear cool to grab the attention and curiosity of members like the Moon Hopper, Tokyo Disco, or Miami Nights workout, but the majority of the time, the names themselves give a slight hint of what the workout is actually gonna be about. And 22 falls into the former category since there is no direct correlation between this number combination and the workout itself.

The F45 22 Workout is a 45-minute cardio routine that consists of 18 (9 combo stations) and where you perform the different exercises following a predefined pattern with longer sets and shorter rest.

Since it has more stations than most other F45 workouts, it’s a little bit fast-paced. Additionally, You have an “A” and “B” (exercises) per station that complement one another which does increase the speed even more. It’s pretty much a cardio version of the Wingman workout.

Here is everything you need to know about this workout:

  • Stations: 18 (9 combo stations)
  • Pods: 3
  • Laps: 1
  • Sets: 1 per letter and 2 in total
  • Timing: 45 seconds of work /15 seconds of work

F45 22 Workout Examples:

Here are two examples of what an F45 22 workout will look like (keep in mind that this may look different depending on your studio).

Workout Example 1:

  • Station 1: 10 Shoot-Throughs + 10 Heel Taps
  • Station 2: Pylo Lunge Shallow
  • Station 3: Reverse Bear Crawl
  • Station 4: Ab Crunch And Twist
  • Station 5: A-Steps
  • Station 6: Squat Jump 180
  • Station 7: 10 X Wide Foot Mountain Climbers + 10 Mountain Climbers
  • Station 8: Hollow Rock
  • Station 9: Push-Up Glute Pyramid
  • Station 10: Downward Dog Knee Touch
  • Station 11: Star Jumps
  • Station 12: Ice Skater Hop
  • Station 13: Moving Plank
  • Station 14: Lateral Tuck Jump
  • Station 15: Bicycle Ab Crunch
  • Station 16: Lateral Shoot Throughs
  • Station 17: Frog Squats
  • Station 18: Jump Squat + Burpee Pyramid

Workout Example 2:


ultimate timing:

  • Set 1 (a) 40 work / 15 rest
  • Set 2 (a) 40 work / 25 clean / move
  • Set 3 (b) 40 work / 15 rest
  • Set 4 (b) 40 work / 25 clean / move

normal timing:

  • 40/20, 45/15


  1. Ladder Deep Squat Jump In Jump Outs
  2. Ladder Med Ball Lateral Shuffle
  3. 10 X Dumbbell Punches + 2 X Forward Lunges
  4. Dumbbell Maneater
  5. Deadball Combo Curl + Press
  6. Deadball Lateral Movement Powerslam
  7. Suspension Trainer 2 X Jump Squat + 4 X Shuffle
  8. Kettlebell Single Arm Clean From Floor
  9. 10 X Frog Squats + 2 X Inchworms
  10. 10 X Bicycle Kicks + 2 X Hip Thrusters
  11. Kettlebell Single Arm Swing Into High Pulls
  12. Agility Box Midline Taps
  13. Cones Defensive Line Shuffle
  14. Soft Box Explosive Step Ups
  15. Revo 10 X Shuffle + 2 X Squat Press
  16. Revo Push Press
  17. Slides Plank Jack
  18. Plyo Lunge


If you’ve never done a 22 workout before and are not sure what to expect, then I hope this article made it more clear for you. Just remember that if you find it too difficult or too easy, you have full flexibility to go lighter or heavier depending on your physical ability. And if you’re not sure how an exercise is done, just ask the trainers there and they’ll be glad to help.

All that matters is that you have a solid workout and push your body to its fullest potential.

F45 22 Workout [Everything You Need to Know] - Ectomorphing (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.