TypeError: 'WebElement' object is not iterable: A step-by-step guide to fix this error (2024)

TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable

Have you ever encountered the error “TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable”? If so, you’re not alone. This error is a common one for web developers who are using the Selenium WebDriver API.

In this article, we’ll take a look at what this error means and how to fix it. We’ll also discuss some best practices for using the Selenium WebDriver API.

So if you’re ready to learn more about the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error, keep reading!

What is the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error?

The TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error occurs when you try to iterate over a WebElement object. This is because WebElement objects are not iterable, meaning you can’t use them in a for loop.

For example, the following code will generate an error:

for element in my_web_element:

This error occurs because the `my_web_element` variable is a WebElement object, and WebElement objects are not iterable.

How to fix the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error

There are a few ways to fix the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error.

One way is to use the `find_elements()` method to get a list of WebElement objects. Then, you can iterate over the list of WebElement objects.

For example, the following code will not generate an error:

web_elements = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, “a”)
for element in web_elements:

Another way to fix the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error is to use the `text()` method to get the text of a WebElement object.

For example, the following code will not generate an error:

element = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, “a”)

Best practices for using the Selenium WebDriver API

To avoid the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error, it’s important to use the Selenium WebDriver API correctly. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use the `find_elements()` method to get a list of WebElement objects.
  • Iterate over the list of WebElement objects using a for loop.
  • Use the `text()` method to get the text of a WebElement object.

By following these best practices, you can avoid the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error and successfully use the Selenium WebDriver API.

TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterableYou are trying to iterate over a WebElement object.Use the `.findElements()` method to get a list of WebElement objects, and then iterate over that list.

This article will discuss the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error. We will first explain what a TypeError is, then what a WebElement is, and finally how to fix the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error.

What is a TypeError?

A TypeError is a type of error that occurs when an operation is attempted on an object of an inappropriate type. For example, trying to add two strings together would result in a TypeError because strings cannot be added together.

In the case of the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error, the problem is that you are trying to iterate over a WebElement, which is not a collection type and therefore cannot be iterated over.

What is a WebElement?

A WebElement is an object that represents a single element on a web page. WebElements can be used to interact with the page by sending commands to the browser.

WebElements are created by the Selenium WebDriver API. The Selenium WebDriver API provides a number of methods for interacting with WebElements, including methods for finding WebElements, sending commands to WebElements, and getting information about WebElements.

How to fix the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error

To fix the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error, you need to stop trying to iterate over the WebElement. There are a few ways to do this.

  • You can use the `.text` property to get the text content of the WebElement.
  • You can use the `.get_attribute()` method to get the value of an attribute of the WebElement.
  • You can use the `.click()` method to click on the WebElement.

Here are some examples of how to fix the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error:

Get the text content of the WebElement

Get the value of the `innerHTML` attribute of the WebElement

Click on the WebElement

The TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error can be easily fixed by stopping trying to iterate over the WebElement. There are a number of ways to do this, including using the `.text` property, the `.get_attribute()` method, or the `.click()` method.

3. What causes the TypeError ‘WebElement object is not iterable’?

The TypeError ‘WebElement object is not iterable’ occurs when you try to iterate over a WebElement. This is because WebElements are not iterable objects.

An iterable object is an object that can be iterated over, meaning that you can use a for loop to loop over its items. For example, a list is an iterable object, because you can use a for loop to loop over its items:

for item in list:

However, a WebElement is not an iterable object, because you cannot use a for loop to loop over its items. If you try to do this, you will get the following error:

TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable

The reason for this is that WebElements are not objects that can be iterated over. They are objects that represent elements on a web page. You can use WebElements to interact with elements on a web page, but you cannot use them to iterate over their items.

4. How to fix the TypeError ‘WebElement object is not iterable’?

There are a few ways to fix the TypeError ‘WebElement object is not iterable’.

  • Use the .findElements() method to get a list of WebElements. This will return a list of all the WebElements that match the specified criteria. You can then iterate over this list of WebElements.
  • Use the .get() method to get the value of a WebElement. This will return the value of the WebElement as a string.
  • Use the .getAttribute() method to get the value of an attribute of a WebElement. This will return the value of the attribute as a string.

Let’s take a look at each of these solutions in more detail.

Using the .findElements() method

The .findElements() method is a method that returns a list of WebElements that match the specified criteria. For example, the following code will return a list of all the links on a web page:

links = driver.findElements(By.tagName(“a”))

Once you have a list of WebElements, you can iterate over them using a for loop. For example:

for link in links:

This code will print the text of each link on the web page.

Using the .get() method

The .get() method is a method that returns the value of a WebElement. For example, the following code will return the text of the first link on a web page:

link = driver.findElement(By.tagName(“a”))
text = link.get()

The .get() method can also be used to get the value of other attributes of a WebElement, such as the href attribute, which contains the URL of the link.

Using the .getAttribute() method

The .getAttribute() method is a method that returns the value of an attribute of a WebElement. For example, the following code will return the href attribute of the first link on a web page:

link = driver.findElement(By.tagName(“a”))
href = link.getAttribute(“href”)

The .getAttribute() method can be used to get the value of any attribute of a WebElement.

The TypeError ‘WebElement object is not iterable’ can be a frustrating error to encounter. However, there are a few simple solutions to fix this error. By using the .findElements() method, the .get() method, or the .getAttribute() method, you can easily iterate over WebElements and get the data that you need.

Q: What does it mean when I get a TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable?

A: This error occurs when you try to iterate over a WebElement object. WebElement objects are not iterable, so you cannot use them in a for loop or other iterable function.

Q: How can I fix this error?

A: There are a few ways to fix this error.

  • Use a different data type. If you need to iterate over a list of WebElement objects, you can convert the list to a different data type, such as a list of strings or a list of numbers.
  • Use the .get_attribute() method. The .get_attribute() method allows you to access the value of an attribute of a WebElement object. You can use this method to get the value of an attribute that is iterable, such as the text content of a WebElement.
  • Use the .find_elements() method. The .find_elements() method allows you to find all of the WebElement objects that match a certain criteria. You can then iterate over the list of WebElement objects that are returned by the .find_elements() method.

Q: What are some common examples of this error?

A: Some common examples of this error include:

  • Trying to iterate over a list of WebElement objects in a for loop.
  • Trying to use the .each() method on a WebElement object.
  • Trying to use the .map() method on a WebElement object.

Q: What are some resources that I can use to learn more about this error?

A: Here are some resources that you can use to learn more about this error:

  • [The official documentation for the WebElement object](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebElement)
  • [The official documentation for the .get_attribute() method](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/get_attribute)
  • [The official documentation for the .find_elements() method](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/find_elements)

Q: I’m still having trouble fixing this error. Can you help me?

A: If you’re still having trouble fixing this error, you can post a question on a forum or chat room dedicated to web development. You can also contact a technical support specialist for help.

the TypeError: ‘WebElement’ object is not iterable error can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Trying to iterate over a WebElement that is not iterable, such as a button or a text input.
  • Using the wrong method to iterate over a WebElement.
  • Passing an invalid argument to a method that iterates over a WebElement.

To avoid this error, make sure that you are only iterating over WebElements that are iterable, and that you are using the correct method to iterate over them. You should also check the documentation for the method you are using to make sure that you are passing the correct arguments.

If you are still getting the error, you can try using a different browser or a different version of the browser. You can also try disabling any extensions that you have installed that may be interfering with the browser.

Finally, if you are still unable to resolve the error, you can contact the support team for the browser or the software that you are using.

Author Profile

TypeError: 'WebElement' object is not iterable: A step-by-step guide to fix this error (1)

Marcus Greenwood
Hatch, established in 2011 by Marcus Greenwood, has evolved significantly over the years. Marcus, a seasoned developer, brought a rich background in developing both B2B and consumer software for a diverse range of organizations, including hedge funds and web agencies.

Originally, Hatch was designed to seamlessly merge content management with social networking. We observed that social functionalities were often an afterthought in CMS-driven websites and set out to change that. Hatch was built to be inherently social, ensuring a fully integrated experience for users.

Now, Hatch embarks on a new chapter. While our past was rooted in bridging technical gaps and fostering open-source collaboration, our present and future are focused on unraveling mysteries and answering a myriad of questions. We have expanded our horizons to cover an extensive array of topics and inquiries, delving into the unknown and the unexplored.

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TypeError: 'WebElement' object is not iterable: A step-by-step guide to fix this error (2024)


Why is my object not iterable in Python? ›

The Python TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable is a common error that occurs when you try to iterate over an integer object in Python. This error occurs because the int type in Python is not iterable, and you cannot use a for loop to iterate over it.

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If an object is not iterable, it doesn't define an iter() method or a getitem() method that can return an iterator. This is often encountered when trying to loop over an object that does not support iteration, such as an integer or a custom object without the iterable methods.

What does it mean when int is not iterable? ›

The Python TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable is an exception that occurs when trying to loop through an integer value. In Python, looping through an object requires the object to be “iterable”.

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Common Selenium WebDriver Commands for Web Elements
  1. Clear Command. The clear() command in Selenium is used to clear the text from a text box or text area. ...
  2. Sendkeys Command. ...
  3. Click Command. ...
  4. IsDisplayed Command. ...
  5. IsEnabled Command. ...
  6. IsSelected Command. ...
  7. Submit Command. ...
  8. GetText Command.
Aug 16, 2023

How to make an object iterable in Python? ›

In order to create as an iterator, you must implement the methods __iter__() and __next__(). To initialize the class/object in python, _init_() can be used. The above-mentioned _iter_() method acts similar to _init_() but always returns the iterator object itself.

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Checking an object's iterability in Python

We use the hasattr() function to test whether the string object name has __iter__ attribute for checking iterability.

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Lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets are all iterable objects. They are iterable containers which you can get an iterator from.

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If an object is capable of returning its member value one by one its iterable; if it is not capable, it is non-iterable. For non-iterable objects, we have to treat the content as a single unit only; however, an iterable object's content is like a collection of elements that can be individually traversed.

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To check if some particular data are iterable, you can use the dir() method. If you can see the magic method __iter__ , then the data are iterable. If not, then the data are not iterable and you shouldn't bother looping through them.

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Based on the error message you provided, it seems like the issue is related to the stream_output function. The error 'TypeError: 'function' object is not iterable' typically occurs when you try to iterate over a function object instead of calling it.

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To work around this issue, you can use the built-in len() function to get the number of items in the input iterable. If len() returns 0 , then you can skip calling all() to process the empty input iterable.

What does iterate mean in Python? ›

Repeating identical or similar tasks without making errors is something that computers do well and people do poorly. Repeated execution of a set of statements is called iteration. Because iteration is so common, Python provides several language features to make it easier.

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isEnabled() in Selenium

isEnabled() method is a built-in method provided by Selenium's WebElement interface to determine whether the web element is enabled or disabled on a web page. It returns a boolean value true if the element is enabled or false in either case.

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On Selenium WebDriver, you can use the sendKeys() method to simulate pressing keyboard keys, including the F5 key, to refresh the current web page. To send the F5 key using sendKeys(), you must first locate an element on the page, such as the element.

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  1. //Clear Element // Clear field to empty it from any previous data emailInput. clear(); ...
  2. # Navigate to url driver. ...
  3. //Clear Element // Clear field to empty it from any previous data emailInput. ...
  4. # Navigate to URL driver. ...
  5. await inputField. ...
  6. // Navigate to Url driver.

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In Python you can iterate over all elements of an iterable using a for loop. Sequences like lists, tuples and strings are iterables. The general form is: 'for element in iterable:'. It is also possible to obtain the sequence index as well using: 'for index,element in enumerate(iterable):'.

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Iterable is an object which can be looped over or iterated over with the help of a for loop. Objects like lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries, strings, etc. are called iterables.

What does non-iterable mean in Python? ›

If an object is capable of returning its member value one by one its iterable; if it is not capable, it is non-iterable. For non-iterable objects, we have to treat the content as a single unit only; however, an iterable object's content is like a collection of elements that can be individually traversed.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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