How much data is available for Bar Replay? (2024)

The length of historical data in Bar Replay can vary depending on the selected symbol and chart timeframe. For daily and daily-based timeframes, we display all available data on the chart and the same data can be used in the Bar Replay mode. For intraday timeframes, TradingView keeps limited amount of data and the length in Bar Replay varies depending on the plan.

For Essential and Plus plan holders, the length of available intraday data is calculated as follows: from now to 6 weeks back multiplied by timeframe(in minutes), i.e. you can go 6 weeks back on the 1-minute chart, 12 weeks back on the 2-minute chart, 30 weeks back on the 5-minute chart, 90 weeks back on the 15-minute chart and so on. The higher timeframe is selected, the more intraday data is available.

While Premium plan holders have more historical intraday data for Bar Replay: from now to 6 months back multiplied by timeframe(in minutes), i.e. Premium users have access to 6 months of 1-minute data. For 2-minute timeframe, this limit is doubled and a year of 2-min data is available; for 3-minute it is tripled and 18 months of 3-min data is available and so on.

For all seconds-based timeframes, Premium users have access to 90 daysof data in Bar Replay.

Our Professional plans provide even more historical intraday data for Bar Replay. The limitations are as follows:

  • for Expert plans - from now to 270 days back multiplied by timeframe(in minutes)
  • for Elite plans - from now to 360 days back multiplied by timeframe(in minutes)
  • for Ultimate plans - from now to 450 days back multiplied by timeframe(in minutes)

For all seconds-based timeframes, Expert plans have access to 120 days of data, Elite plans have access to 150 days of data, and Ultimate plans can have the maximum length of seconds-based data in Bar Replay, which is 180 days.

Please note that the above-mentioned replay limits are not applied to continuous futures charts - 1! and 2! symbols(for example, ES1!, BANKNIFTY1!) as they have their own special intraday limitations and it's not possible to play more than 20K intraday bars in the replay mode.

Note: to access earlier intraday data, you need to select the starting point for Bar Replay on a higher timeframe and then switch to a lower timeframe. For example, if you want to play older 1-min bars, you can go back on the daily timeframe, turn on the Replay mode and select the starting point somewhere within your plan's limits, then switch to 1-min timeframe and press Play. Follow this link to see the video in our blog post.

If there is no data for the selected time period, the Replay will show the notification "The specified starting point for the chart replay is too far away. Please select another one."

How much data is available for Bar Replay? (1)

When you switch timeframes from higher to lower ones, there may be a situation when there is data available on the higher timeframe (e.g. 1 day) that is not available on the lower timeframe chart (e.g. 1 min) since the intraday limit has been reached. In this case, you will see the message "Data point unavailable" in the bottom left corner of the chart and the Bar Replay will bring you to the most recent bars, but you will still be in the Bar Replay mode and will be able to choose a new starting point for replay by clicking "Jump To..." button.

How much data is available for Bar Replay? (2)

When you switch timeframes from higher to lower ones, there may be a situation when there is data available on the higher timeframe (e.g. 1 day) that is not available on the lower timeframe chart (e.g. 1 min) since the intraday limit has been reached. In this case, you will see the message \"Data point unavailable\" in the bottom left corner of the chart and the Bar Replay will bring you to the most recent bars, but you will still be in the Bar Replay mode and will be able to choose a new starting point for replay by clicking \"Jump To...\" button.

How much data is available for Bar Replay? (3)

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How much data is available for Bar Replay? (2024)


How much data is available for bar replay? ›

For all seconds-based timeframes, Expert plans have access to 120 days of data, Elite plans have access to 150 days of data, and Ultimate plans can have the maximum length of seconds-based data in Bar Replay, which is 180 days.

What is the bar limit for Tradingview? ›

While Professional plans offer more historical intraday data: Expert plans have access to 25000 bars, Elite plans have access to 30000 bars, and Ultimate plans can have the maximum number of historical intraday bars, which is 40000.

Is TradingView Replay accurate? ›

As far as replay angle goes, there is not a problem with replay - it is simply showing the historical bars correctly as there is no trades during the missing bars.

What platform is better than TradingView? ›

Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to TradingView include price and features. The best overall TradingView alternative is eToro. Other similar apps like TradingView are MetaTrader 5, Binance Broker, E*Trade Web Platform, and Kite.

Is TradingView data not real-time? ›

Free Users: TradingView offers near-real-time data for select markets. However, some exchanges may have a delay, usually up to 15 minutes. Paid Users: A paid subscription is necessary to access real-time data across all markets. Plans like Pro, Pro+, and Premium provide this feature.

Is TradingView data reliable? ›

Yes, you can track RELIABLE DATA SERV financials in yearly and quarterly reports right on TradingView.

Is TradingView backtesting reliable? ›

In summary, TradingView provides powerful tools for both manual and automated backtesting. However, remember that backtesting is just one part of strategy development. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results, so always trade with caution and proper risk management.

Can you place trades on TradingView replay? ›

Trading on historical data is available immediately after selecting the starting point. Click on the Play button to start the replay. The replay started playing, and the Buy/Sell buttons for trading were activated. You can only open market orders with execution at the current price in the chart.

How much data does video playback use? ›

On average, streaming video data usage for SD quality is around 0.7 to 1 GB of data per hour, while HD streaming can use approximately 1.5 to 2.5 GB of data per hour. UHD or 4K streaming typically consumes even more data, with estimates ranging from 7 to 10 GB per hour.

How much data does streaming a show use? ›

According to Netflix, you use about 1GB of data per hour for streaming a TV show or movie in standard definition and up to 3GB of data per hour when streaming HD video.

How far back does TradingView go? ›

That's why we're always working to bring all of our members extensive price history for every asset. Our team has found ways to add hundreds of years of data. For example, you can now chart the price of gold going back 187 years. You can also chart companies like Coca-Cola and IBM going back more than 50 years.

How much data does audio call use? ›

The voice calls are made over your data connection and consume 6 kilobytes per second. Another way to look at it is 1MB for a 3-minute call. Therefore, if you are using your device on a cellular network, the call will consume some of the data allowance from your cellular data plan.

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