Calculating average cash flow on a rental property (2024)

Calculating cash flow is an essential part of owning a rental property - in fact, this calculation should ideally be made before purchasing the property to ensure it’s a viable investment. Cash flow relates to the amount of money coming into and out of a business. So, in terms of a rental property, this refers to received rent and fees set against maintenance fees, taxes, and other expenses.

How to Calculate the Cash Flow on a Rental Property

The cash flow rental property calculation is different from calculations regarding the rent ledger or working out your capital gains figure for tax purposes. It’s a relatively quick and easy one to make. It should include the gross rental income and any additional rental income you expect to receive on the property as incomings.

On the expenses side, things should be included, such as mortgage and insurance costs, maintenance and repairs expenses, property tax, capital expenditure reserve contributions, property management charges, leasing fees, and other service expenses like landscaping and cleaning costs.

After subtracting the expenses from the income, the remaining amount is the average cash flow on a rental property. A typical cash flow calculation could look like this:

Gross Rental Income$1050
- Mortgage payment-$280
- Property taxes-$210
- Maintenance costs-$75
- Property management fees-$80
- Insurance-$110
- Capital expenditure reserve-$90
Average Cash Flow$205

What is a Good Cash Flow on a Rental Property?

In general, a good average cash flow on a rental property is one that generates a positive net income after all expenses have been deducted. A common benchmark used by real estate investors is to aim for a cash flow of at least 10% of the property's purchase price per year. For example, if a property is purchased for $200,000, the annual cash flow should be at least $20,000 ($1,667 per month).Many landlords also use either the 2% or 50% rule to determine what is and isn’t a good average cash flow.

The 50% Rule

This rule is quite simple and can be used if you just need a very quick estimate of an average cash flow: you divide the gross rental income by two and subtract the mortgage payment. In the example above, this would be:

$1050/2 - $280 = $245

The 2% Rule

According to this rule, if the rental property can generate an income equal to or above 2% of the property’s purchase price, this is considered a good average cash flow.Sticking with our example above, and supposing that the purchase price was $60,000. The calculation would be as follows:

$60,000 x 2% = $1,200

This property, therefore, does not pass the 2% rule. However, it is worth noting that such ‘2%’ properties are rare: they are most likely to be found in the midwest or rural areas, or even as far as south of the U.S real estate market. If you're investing in Los Angeles or New York, the 2% rule is quite an unrealistic benchmark.

Ways to boost your property's cash flow

One of the most obvious ways to increase cash flow is to raise the rent on the property. While it's always important to check the rent you’re charging against average rental prices in your area to make sure that your fees are in line with the market, raising the rent is not the only way to increase your net income on the property.

Save on Insurance

There can be a surprisingly significant difference in the premiums you’ll be charged by different companies for landlord insurance. An easy way to boost your property’s cash flow is to spend some time looking at the options available to get the most competitive price for an insurance package that provides all the cover you need - a saving of just $25 a month would equal $300 yearly. Honeycomb specializes in rental property insurance - check how much you can save on your insurance here.

Get Plenty of Quotes for Property Management Services

As with insurance, it can serve you very well to get as many quotes as possible from different companies for property management services. Given that the average charge for property management services is between 7% and 10% of the monthly rent, this could equal a difference of up to $342 regarding your yearly average cash flow.

Reduce Maintenance Costs

While it’s vital to keep providing maintenance services to your tenants as detailed in the rental agreements, there may be ways to save on this, too. For example, could you undertake some of the simpler tasks, such as lawn cutting, yourself to increase your property’s cash flow? You could also try negotiating with the maintenance services company you currently use - would they be able to offer you a 10% discount, for example, if you made an annual, rather than monthly, payment?

Replace Appliances

If, as the landlord, you’re responsible for paying the utilities, it’s worth considering replacing old or inefficient appliances within the property to reduce this expense. A furnace, for example, could be switched out for a heat pump, while newer, efficient shower heads and toilets are available that can significantly reduce water/energy costs. Installing eco-friendly solutions can also boost the property value.

Appeal Your Property’s Taxes

If similar properties in your area have recently sold for significantly less than the value put on the property that determines its rate of tax, you may be able to lodge an appeal. If successful, this could substantially lower the property tax you’ll be liable for. However, it’s vital to bear in mind that a reconsideration could go either way - therefore, meaning there’s a chance your property’s tax rate could actually increase, so proceed with caution!

Keep vacancies at a minimum

Reducing your property’s vacancy rate is another important factor in keeping your cash flow positive. To this end, ensure you have a thorough process of screening for prospective tenants (this helps decrease the likelihood of getting stuck with problem tenants) and think about introducing a longer minimum rental period.

Compare your rental price to the rest of the market

It’s also important to check the rent you’re charging against average rental prices in your area annually to make sure that your fees are in line with the market. And if you don’t currently charge pet fees, this is something you could think about introducing to increase your property’s cash flow further.

The Bottom Line

Calculating your rental property’s cash flow is an important factor in determining the average income from your rental property and ensuring your property is both profitable and continues to be so. Checking that a property you’re considering purchasing is a viable investment by undertaking this simple calculation means you can see, at a glance, the income you can expect it to generate.

Cash flow on a rental property should be viewed as a dynamic element of your business: check this calculation regularly to see where savings could be made or charges increased to keep your rental business’s bottom line as healthy as possible.

Calculating average cash flow on a rental property (2024)


Calculating average cash flow on a rental property? ›

Following the 10% rule is another way to calculate the rate of average cash flow. Divide the yearly net cash flow by the amount of money that was invested in the property. If the result is over 10%. Then this is a sign of positive and a good amount of average cash flow".

How to calculate cash flow for rental property? ›

  1. In simple terms, cash flow = total income - total expenses. ...
  2. Gross Potential Rent.
  3. Additional Sources of Income.
  4. Vacancy Rate.
  5. NOI = Gross income - Gross Expenses.
  6. Capital Expenses and Adjusted NOI.
  7. The last step in calculating the annual cash flow for a property is to subtract your annual debt from the NOI.
Nov 29, 2019

What is the formula for average cash flow? ›

Free Cash Flow = Net income + Depreciation/Amortization – Change in Working Capital – Capital Expenditure. Operating Cash Flow = Operating Income + Depreciation – Taxes + Change in Working Capital. Cash Flow Forecast = Beginning Cash + Projected Inflows – Projected Outflows = Ending Cash.

What is the average cash on cash return for rental property? ›

What Is A Good Cash On Cash Return? There is no specific rule of thumb for those wondering what constitutes a good return rate. There seems to be a consensus amongst investors that a projected cash on cash return between 8 to 12 percent indicates a worthwhile investment.

How do you analyze rental properties for maximum cash flow? ›

To determine cash flow, subtract the total operating costs and mortgage payment from the total rental income value. Internal rate of return (IRR) is the annual rate of growth that an investment is expected to generate. IRR is determined using the following formula: Capitalization Rate.

What is the 2% rule in real estate? ›

Applied to real estate, the 2% rule advises that for an investment property to have a positive cash flow, the monthly rent should be equal to or greater than two percent of the purchase price.

What is a good ROI on rental property? ›

In general, a good ROI on rental properties is between 5-10% which compares to the average investment return from stocks. However, there are plenty of factors that affect ROI. A higher ROI often also comes with higher risks, so it's important to compare the reward with the risks.

What is the formula for monthly cash flow? ›

All types of cash flow formulas explained
Monthly cash flow balance= Monthly inflows - Monthly outflows
Operating cash flow= Net income + depreciation and amortisation + accounts receivables + inventory + accounts payables
Investing cash flow= Incoming investment cash flows - outgoing investment cash flows
4 more rows
Oct 4, 2022

What is a What is the formula for calculating free cash flow? ›

What is the Free Cash Flow (FCF) Formula? The generic Free Cash Flow (FCF) Formula is equal to Cash from Operations minus Capital Expenditures. FCF represents the amount of cash generated by a business, after accounting for reinvestment in non-current capital assets by the company.

What is a good cash return on a rental property? ›

Q: What is a good cash-on-cash return? A: It depends on the investor, the local market, and your expectations of future value appreciation. Some real estate investors are happy with a safe and predictable CoC return of 7% – 10%, while others will only consider a property with a cash-on-cash return of at least 15%.

What is a good cap rate for a rental property? ›

That said, many analysts consider a "good" cap rate to be around 5% to 10%, while a 4% cap rate indicates lower risk but a longer timeline to recoup an investment.1 There are also other factors to consider, like the features of a local property market, and it is important not to rely on cap rate or any other single ...

What is a good IRR for rental property? ›

What is a good IRR in Real Estate? A good IRR in real estate investing could be somewhere between 15% to 20%. However, it varies based on the cost basis, the market, the particular class, the investment strategy, and many other variables.

What is a good cash flow on a rental property? ›

We can give you a rough answer. The average cash flow on a rental property for most investors is an 8% return on investment, or ROI. Others will strive for an ROI of 15%.

What is the rule for rental cash flow? ›

The 50% rule says a rental property's net cash flow should be 50% or more of the gross rent less the mortgage payment (P&I). Here is the formula you can use for that: Net cash flow = (gross rent x 50 %) - mortgage P&I.

How much profit should a rental property make? ›

Investors and experts alike regard return on investment (ROI) as the most important aspect of evaluating the profitability of a real estate investment. It is generally recommended to aim for an ROI of 10-15%.

How to calculate if a rental property is profitable? ›

The simplest way to calculate ROI on a rental property is to subtract annual operating costs from annual rental income and divide the total by the mortgage value.

How to generate cash flow with real estate? ›

16 Ways To Create Cash Flow In Real Estate
  1. 1) Buy positive cash flow rentals. ...
  2. 2) Flip properties. ...
  3. 3) Charge a finder's fee on JV deals. ...
  4. 4) Offer a mortgage. ...
  5. 5) Become a mortgage agent. ...
  6. 6) Find deals for investors (aka Bird-Dogging) ...
  7. 7) Assigning deals to investors. ...
  8. 8) Become a licensed realtor.

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