Your everyday life stories (2024)

Loud and proud!

By Alabamagirl2 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my sister told me the reason why she went with me to a gay pride parade a few months ago was because she thought it would inspire me to come out. FML

I agree, your life sucks 38 895

You deserved it 4 724


Alabamagirl2 tells us more.

Your everyday life stories (1)

Alabamagirl2 5

Anyway, yes I did go to a gay pride parade because I think they should have their right to love as much as straight people should. (I also have a gay uncle, I love him all the same)So the reason I posted this was because I hated the fact that my sister just assumed I was gay for not having a boyfriend yet because i'm 16 going on 17 already, like I need to rush myself or something or because I want to live a little first before diving into that whole fiasco instead of just giving it away early. Me wanting gay people to have rights too is apparently another assumption made by her that I'm "gay", because why would I be so passionate about it? It couldn't be because i care about other human beings, no. I also found out she'd been discussing my sexuality with my mother, my father and my brother, and all her friends; despite it being none of her ******* business.The saddest part I find in all this is that they all think a girl can't be independent or NOT focus all her attention on a guy instead of trying to make something of herself first, because if she isn't following some boy then she MUST be gay. Ugh, I'm just done you guys. I'm really done. But I can tell you with all honesty that I cannot find anything sexually attractive about a woman, while we're on the subject, lol. But hey, if that's the way your cookies crumble then that's ok too.Anyway, thanks for the nice comments, peace. xoxo


By heyadrian - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Gardena

Today, I went to a family reunion. I laughed at my uncle's Sylvester Stallone impression. Turns out he had a stroke a while back. FML

I agree, your life sucks 39 841

You deserved it 16 727


heyadrian tells us more.

heyadrian 2

OP here. we didn't know my uncle that well he was one of the family members that dropped off the face of the earth. I came in at the wrong time when people were laughing so I thought he was doing an impression this is both a FML and a YDI

High security

By Middle Age Divorced Dad - 22/01/2024 23:40 - Canada - Stittsville

Today, it's been two weeks since someone walked into a bank in another province and showing only an RV receipt had 40k wired from my account. I notified them immediately, and was told to call back later. Then I was told it wasn't fraud, it was done in person. I will get the money back but unfortunately that's only the start… FML

I agree, your life sucks 755

You deserved it 154


Middle Age Divorced Dad tells us more.

Middle Age Divorced Dad 16

So it turns out anyone with a Canadian's name, address, date of birth and the ability to make an educated guess can get that person's credit report. Using my credit report they found out I had a line of credit. I haven't used this line of credit in over 7 years and my bank card for it was deactivated. The bank however did have my current phone number and signature. I'm not sure how they didn't think to validate either.After spending an entire day dealing with the bank they admitted that they didn't follow their procedures, that it really was their fault and that they would launch an investigation.The next day the bank fraud department called me and asked me to identify myself by answering some questions. I might have gone to far at this point. I was not the most polite. I explained that they were calling me and that they shouldn't be asking me personal questions when they haven't proven they really are the bank. The lady on the phone was clueless as to why I would be asking here to prove she was from the bank. In the end she couldn't prove she was really from the bank and I hung up. I should point out that this bank regularly tells people they will not call customers and ask for personal information.It then took me 3 hours on hold to get back in touch with a person a the fraud department. The banks "investigation" involved asking me questions from a script. Other than where was I at the time of the incident all the questions were irrelevant to the what had happened.The Bank in question is CIBCThe credit bureau that leaked my credit report was EquifaxTransunion, the other credit bureau, in my opinion, has far better data but uses dark patterns to fraudulently get people to signup for services they don't need.

It's a holly, jolly Christmas

By KittyT - 06/01/2024 18:38 - Australia - Buderim

Today, Christmas got cancelled this Saturday because of my narcissistic sister being upset that the guest list has two of her old friends, who are now my friends. It's my first Christmas with my family or friends in 23 years, and my mum even offered her a separate dinner on the 25th, but nope. FML

I agree, your life sucks 786

You deserved it 219


KittyT tells us more.

KittyT 9

the 2 friends are our other sister(was adopted when we were her and I were 12 and we had a falling out as teenagers and made up recently), and her ex best friend who was clear that he had no interest in her and never would... but my sister was delusional.that would change... then our other sister and her ex best friend met and started flirting and she attacked them for it.


By Nolongeracriminal - 05/11/2023 06:11

Today, I was on a plane heading home from vacation with the family, when went to relieve my bladder and stepped on someone's sh*t. They seemingly decided the floor was a better then the toilet. I walked all the way back to my seat with sh*t on my sandal, my sister thought I'd shat myself. FML

I agree, your life sucks 576

You deserved it 154


Nolongeracriminal tells us more.

Nolongeracriminal 15

I didn't realize it until after I got back to my seat. I definitely wasn't going to touch that. Nothing like walking thru an airport with no shoes on.

**** equity investors

By Shenita House - 31/10/2023 05:48

Today, after I was gentrified out of my rent-controlled San Francisco apartment on June 1st by speculators, which I could only afford because of the rent control, I haven’t been able to find a new place yet. I've been living in hotels off a small settlement, but money ran out last week so now I’m on the streets. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 377

You deserved it 351


justme415 tells us more.

justme415 1

LOL Great advice. You are so wise. ooops, sorry, I meant you’re a miserable, unpleasant, hateful person. But yeah, if you must know, 1) the rent control started 30 years ago, way before and had nothing at all to do with COVID, 2) I am disabled and on a fixed, severely limited income and have been looking for another place I can afford the for 14 years (the entire time I’ve lived in this place), 3) even still, I spend the majority of every day job hunting, so far with no success. it literally take less than 3 minutes to post an FML, I assume from your comment that you never take any breaks at your job, and (4) the eviction was gentrification. the new owners of the building took it off the rental market so they can rent it out again after 4 years at a much higher rent (they specifically have a history of doing it to other buildings) and 5) there’s a government program that provides free cell phone and service, including data, to low-income people. So in the words of tRump who it’s apparent you’re a supporter of, suck it (my words) you nasty woman (tRumps words).

By Anonymous - 12/10/2023 02:06 - United States - Augusta

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because of a video game. Not that I was playing the game too much, but because she got addicted to it and decided that the game was more important than our relationship. FML

I agree, your life sucks 2 780

You deserved it 353


TheBigSneeze tells us more.

TheBigSneeze 22

Hello! Op here. I logged on to make this FML but I guess it didnt go through...The game was FFXIV, and the sad thing was that we brought the game together so that we could play together. While she pretty much played it constantly, I only played it in quick sessions because I had other games to play and overall did not enjoy the game. The next thing I know, shes bringing her laptop to group events to play FFXIV, not joining us in board game nights or drinking, and investing all her time to FFXIV. She even ignored my request to spend time with her on Christmas and New years. When she finally got off the game (cause of server maintenance), she decided that was the perfect time to just break up with me. I wish I was joking, but, one of the reasons was that I was taking time away from her game because I wanted to hang out and spend time with her. The sad thing was I wouldn't of mind just being around her while she played FFXIV, and would of been contempt with being in the same room doing something else in her presence.We're still on friendly(?) terms I guess. She stopped playing it after about 3 months and now I run a Tabletop game that shes part of, but it still hurts to see her and there's this air of awkwardness and tension when shes around.I wrote this about 2-3 weeks after the breakup cause I didn't know what to do and needed to vent out my emotions somehow. Didnt expect to see it when I was browsing today

So romantic

By D J's MOM - 11/10/2023 07:07 - United States - Glenview

Today, I came home to a complete asshole. I didn't remember it was the anniversary of his late wife's death. from like 2009, whom I never met. The same ass who got mad at me for being sad for too long because my dad died last July. BTW, after I finally fix my credit, I'm out. FML

I agree, your life sucks 898

You deserved it 284

D J's MOM tells us more.

D J's MOM 17

OP here. didn't have space to give enough details. he's the one using me. he's on retirement from a 5 way bypass. after we got together (he was super nice for a year n a half) he had a stroke, now he had motor control issues in one side, so he does need some help. he has a really short fuse with a hot temper. he's emotionally abusive and narcissistic. He's the one who messed up my credit when he and his family girded me to take a 6 month sabbatical from work and he wouldn't pay my 2 credit card payments (less than $1k on each). his 2 daughters are irresponsible and unreliable heron addicts on methadone, so they are no help to him. he only allows me to work part time. if I have to go in gro an extra day to help at work he gets really pissy. his 69 yr old bro comes over every weekend, really sweet, but eats a LOT, so it's really hard to save money (i have buy all groceries). idiot needs me way more than I need him. I've tried leaving before, but if you're not prepared it's difficult and he begs me to stay. he knows I'm unhappy. I also have no outside help. I don't want pity. I just wanted to clarify my situation because they do not give enough room in the initial post.

Out of the frying pan, into the fire

By Anonymous - 11/09/2023 15:01

Today, I've been home from prison for over a week, I still don't have a job or a vehicle, and my mom keeps checking my phone. FML

I agree, your life sucks 483

You deserved it 1 589


Nolongeracriminal tells us more.

Nolongeracriminal 15

OP here. I have since received an offer, took it, then had multiple offers at other places. Things are working out on this end. Been working all my hours plus some and got a truck. Making a come up after spending 7 years in the clink. Thanks for all the support guys/gals!!! 🙏

Friends indeed

By Anonymous - 11/09/2023 13:41 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my best friend of 18 years decided she'd rather continue sleeping with her brother-in-law/my ex fiance against her husband's wishes, than continue our friendship. All I asked is that she back away from him before she ruined her marriage. FML

I agree, your life sucks 931

You deserved it 171


KittyT tells us more.

KittyT 9

the marriage will be ruined when everyone else realises she is a *****, the husband is standing beside her despite being broken that she wants his brother... the friendship is ending both because she knows what my ex did to me and because she kept trying to force me to hang out with them so they could hook up as well as her trying to hook up with any of my guy friends. not to mention getting mad at me for refusing to lie to everyone who asked if they were hooking up and if that's what ended our relationship... it's only part of it, I certainly didn't enjoy seeing the man I was going to marry try **** my best friend, in my bed... with me in it while we were supposed to be watching a movie... all cause at my house she could do what she wanted out of her husband's view.

Missed opportunities

By ThatLove - 09/08/2023 11:04

Today, after two failed long-distance relationships, I was so happy to finally meet a local guy I really liked. After an amazing date, he shared that he'll be moving to the exact opposite side of the country in two weeks. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 102

You deserved it 181


ThisIsYourDoc tells us more.

ThisIsYourDoc 7

Hello, OP here. Haha yes, i posted the one where my boyfriend wanted my emotional support for getting mistreated by the girl he cheated on me with. That was why one of these long distance relationships that failed. :/It has actually been longer ago than when I posted, but I didn't feel like posting anything back then. By now I find the situation so bizarre, I can laugh about it :D


By Valet Guy - 03/07/2023 06:34

Today, it marks the 24th day of being on this site, as nothing else will load at my work, and it takes me 30 minutes to watch a 3 minute-long video. I'm going to die in this place. FML

I agree, your life sucks 791

You deserved it 433


Valetguy tells us more.

Valetguy 3

OP here, yeah actually. I sit at a gate all day in a parking garage and watch people pay and get tickets, I get up everytime someone needs assistance, so yes please explain cause I'm very interested in how the **** I can do my job more than I am. 😂 And other guy, what does IT have to do with no signal in a parking garage? Absof*ckinglutely nothing 😀

A new skate of mind

By Middle Age Divorced Dad - 28/04/2023 00:52 - Canada - Stittsville

Your everyday life stories (13) Your everyday life stories (14)

Today, at 3 a.m., I was woken by my teenage daughter and friends skateboarding in front of the house in their bikinis. After last year's early morning adventures ended with the police calling me, I'd convinced her the rules are different for girls and boys. This morning the best I could do was get them to wear helmets. FML

I agree, your life sucks 698

You deserved it 878


Middle Age Divorced Dad tells us more.

Middle Age Divorced Dad 16

OP here replying to Nikki - The world is different for sons and daughters. Last summer, when she was 13, she snuck out in the middle of the night and walked 5km to make out with her boyfriend on lawn of a toys'r us. The police called me at 3 in the morning to come pick her up. (my previous FML) As much as I try and treat my sons and daughters the same, it really isn't safe for a young girl to be walking alone in the middle of the night. That's also why I couldn't really demand her and her friends come in, since her older brothers would go skate boarding in the middle of the night. At least she was out right outside our house so I knew she was safe.

Nice try, dumbasses

By ILoveYouDad! - 08/04/2023 13:47

Today, I got a call from my Dad's number. Turns out, a scammer was spoofing him. Also, my dad's been dead since July this year from esophageal cancer. Way to rub it in. FML

I agree, your life sucks 2 062

You deserved it 156


FullMetalJackass99 tells us more.

FullMetalJackass99 6

Here's the Follow Up:After my father died, I had forgotten to delete his number (As many have) and the scammers tend to use fake numbers made up of similar numbers to my own.Dad and I had the same first 5 numbers.It was only a matter of time.Oh, it gets better: It happened again TO MY MOTHER whose number is separated by only a single digit.

Don't be my Valentine

By CRD1995 - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Dallas

Today, I received my Valentine's gift from my fiancée in the mail. We broke up yesterday. FML

I agree, your life sucks 22 015

You deserved it 2 119


CRD1995 tells us more.

CRD1995 19

The gift that she sent me holds no monetary value. She lives in Japan, and I live in America. She sent a journal consisting of entries that she wrote everyday while I was in basic training for two months. There was also a poster board with our pictures on it. It's really hard to look at all of the things she sent, but it honestly makes me feel a little better that this FML got published. And also I did go see Deadpool already! Thanks for the advice.

Boss man

By Anonymous - 28/01/2023 08:31

Today, after I'd spent all summer creating lesson plans for the fall, I'm finally ready for new students. I'd tested all my lessons with summer school students, who loved them because it taught them to think differently about how to use a computer. My boss told me I can't use it because students won't like it, even though they already did. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 901

You deserved it 201


Billsonhamsen tells us more.

Billsonhamsen 17

OP here. OP here. My coworker and I quit. I have gone back a few times since and it is always somber there now. The people in charge have a way of killing everyone's spirits even the students. They were always/usually happy when I was there That section of the school lost half the employees in less than 18 months. I was the most recent one to quit. I don't know about the other areas because I don't go there. Anyway we started our own buisness so hopefully in a few years things will be going well. I will probably post again then.

The Terminator

By jobekka - 15/11/2022 10:06

Today, I called my mother to hear how my dog was doing, because she had been taking care of her while I was moving. My mom told me she had put her down a couple of days ago, cause she was sick. FML

I agree, your life sucks 2 699

You deserved it 205


jobekka tells us more.

jobekka 20

follow up a few years later. i was so hurt the day I wrote this, and i still haven't forgiven my mom for this. I've tried to talk to her about it, but ive never even got an apology. She put my dog down, because she found a autoimmune condition that caused my dog not to have any blood left. and the vet knew my mom, plus on paper my mom owned her, even though she had been living with me since I moved out 7 years earlier. it wasn't the wrong decision, i just wish I knew so I could say goodbye to the pet i loved above everything in my life.

Whatcha hiding?

By Anonymous - 21/09/2022 09:50

Your everyday life stories (20) Your everyday life stories (21)

Today, I was sent to the counsellor, who had already informed the cops, because I refused to take off my wristbands. They thought I had cut my wrists. I was trying to hide handcuff marks from kinky sex, and had to explain it to the cops, counsellor, college professors and two of my classmates. FML

I agree, your life sucks 2 205

You deserved it 588


MiraR tells us more.

MiraR 15

Hey everyone! OP here. Just registered my account.Thank you so much for your comments.. Yes I know it's good that they care... but it also was quite embarassing... As to better handcuffs, I've learnt my lesson.. No more cheap deals from ebay!


By Miren - 09/09/2022 08:59

Today, I thought I was suddenly having insulin problems due to my medical conditions. Turns out, every 4 weeks, your ovaries can just decide to make your blood sugar drop, even if you're transitioning. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 501

You deserved it 1 226


IHaveThePower tells us more.

IHaveThePower 16

So since this was mine, quick question: I'm hormonally intersex. So was I born male or female?(Let us all mock the misogynist for not knowing about intersex people, sexual variation in nature, or biology)

Shut-in for the win

By Laura - 14/03/2022 05:36 - United Kingdom - Leicester

Today, a woman tried to break into my home, assaulted my housemate and carer, because our nasty neighbour is spreading rumors that we are reporting the whole street to the council. We are both shut-ins, we don't know anyone, all cause we own dogs but they sleep a lot due to ill health, so WTF? FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 371

You deserved it 193


Laura-Marie Catmom tells us more.

Laura-Marie Catmom 8

Op here we did report her but the police are useless.


By SirEnigM0nk - 07/03/2022 23:22 - United States - Riderwood

Today, during a Zoom meeting to discuss genetic disorders, my mom chose to share my challenges and experiences. I might have approved, had she acknowledged my presence and asked my permission instead of speaking before me. Thanks Mom. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 287

You deserved it 191


SirEnigM0nk tells us more.

SirEnigM0nk 22

Hello everyone, OP here. So to give a bit of background: our 14 month old was diagnosed with a relatively rare genetic defect which has contributed to her delayed development. My wife and I met with other parents whose kids have similar conditions to share our experiences and learn about treatment efforts. My mom was present, and though she has a right to speak her piece, she tends to speak off the cuff. She launched into my story without asking first. Further, she did so before my wife and I had a chance to share our daughter's story. So yeah, I felt thrown under the bus. Just a bit.

Valentine's Day confession

By Mister_Triangle - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Your everyday life stories (26) Your everyday life stories (27)

Today, I learned that all of the anonymous Valentine's gifts I received throughout high school were sent out of pity by my sister. FML

I agree, your life sucks 35 428

You deserved it 3 233


Mister_Triangle tells us more.

Your everyday life stories (28)

Mister_Triangle 21

Well I've been out of high school for over a year now and my other sister (who knew for some reason) let it slip while we were discussing valentines day. I played it off like I already knew, but I secretly died a little inside.

Bad hair day

By Anonymous - 30/10/2021 13:21 - Germany - Ebersbach

Today, my 3-year-old said she wanted “hair like the dog”, so I cut it to about the same length as our pooch’s fur. Now she's crying because she didn’t realize her hair would regardlessly be less fluffy than the dog’s and she therefore ended up with “hair like a boy,” which of course she hates. FML

I agree, your life sucks 583

You deserved it 1 988


You just don't get it, dad

By Thatonecosplayer - 28/09/2021 07:04

Today, my father grilled me a little bit for making a print for a cosplay on my $600 FDM printer. Why? Because he "bought the printer for me to make money and not for cosplay" I’m a professional cosplayer who runs a cosplay prop shop. This was for work purposes. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 692

You deserved it 233


Etweens96 tells us more.

Etweens96 25

OP here. I can't even believe this got published. When I published this, I went with a different name because I forgot about my old account, but I managed to recover it. For those wondering about what happened, yes I did explain to my dad how it works. He comes from a much older generation and isn't into cosplay like I am, but he's also never run a business before, so he didn't understand the process of how it goes.To those who claim Cosplay isn't a real profession. Go to a convention sometime. You'll meet a lot of people who model, make their own costumes, and make a fortune on this. It's a newer market and better than working in a cramped cubicle, selling your soul to a minimum wage pension that doesn't even give you good health benefits at the end of the day, let alone having a boss who either constantly yells at you or steals your hours for their own selfish gain.

Boxed in

By cuz803 - 06/08/2021 09:48

Today, I've recently been able to enjoy my life after a long depressing quarantine. I've been able to go to the gym and train in my favorite activity, boxing. Now I can't train for 2 weeks after having surgery on both my Achilles heel and PRP therapy. Hello again, misery. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 030

You deserved it 179


cuz803 tells us more.

cuz803 44

OP here. Most of y'all know me. This is my 3rd FML posted this year so I got a little streak going. Update: the doctor who performed surgery on me has been hospitalized. I'm not sure why yet. I need a follow-up appointment to get my stitches removed. That being said, my delay may be longer than expected before I can lace the gloves again.

So compassionate

By Charlie Given - 26/07/2021 01:53 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I found out that yet another woman I was interested in is nothing but a addict. All the women I've tried to date for 3 years now have turned out to be f*cked up in some major way. Why can't I just find a non-loser for a girlfriend? FML

I agree, your life sucks 705

You deserved it 908


Charlie Given tells us more.

Charlie Given 26

Holy sh*t I can't believe my FML got published thank you. I've been actively dating for about 3 years now, but it has been over 8 years since I've been intimate with a woman. Not that I haven't been trying but health issues with my child and I have have made it difficult sometimes to date. But some of the biggest issues have been finding someone who can look pass the fact that I'm a single dad with two kids and health issues. But afew ladies on occasion seemed like good possibilities. And we did start to get to know each other better only for me to realize that they were drunks, heavy drug addicts, abusive to their kids, trying to use me for weed or just leading me on for kicks and being ghosted alot. so all I can really do is keep looking and hoping. and for anyone wondering I live in the upper peninsula of Michigan if you're interested LOL don't know why it says Ottawa.

First step

By It_gets_better - 16/07/2021 08:11

Today, I finally got my first job offer in my desired career field at the city animal shelter. I have a bachelor's degree in Animal Science, two minors, and I graduated with honors. The job I was offered? Cleaning kennels, part-time, on weekends. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 573

You deserved it 287


It_gets_better tells us more.

Your everyday life stories (32)

It_gets_better 19

OP here.I realize no matter where I go I'd start at an entry-level job; but even most entry level jobs that require a degree would pay the bills for my family. My biggest disappointment is that I was only offered a barely above minimum wage, part-time job, after a three-month application process. I spent hours watching recorded meetings and looking over the shelter's statistics and brainstorming improvements to present at my interview (because I applied for an entry-level desk job) so it felt like a slap in the face to spend so much time and energy on this only to be hit with, as kfchicken correctly pointed out, a job any able-bodied person could do- and only part time! (I know they had full time positions available, so I'm wracking my brain about who could possibly have been chosen over me.)

By Jennifer Sara Harms - 03/07/2021 07:25

Today, I made a 6-hour trip just to go to the wrong art festival. I have to go back and make the same trip again tomorrow. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 617

You deserved it 1 448


Jennifer Sara Harms tells us more.

Jennifer Sara Harms 11

To all who don’t understand, I literally went to the wrong art festival. I was given the wrong address and then realized when I got home that it was not the right festival just a similar name.

Free Britney!

By SirTalkaton - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Vacaville

Today, I had to give a video presentation. My video was on animal abuse, but I somehow played a video of myself singing Britney Spears in my room. FML

I agree, your life sucks 44 209

You deserved it 17 457


SirTalkaton tells us more.

Your everyday life stories (34)

SirTalkaton 22

Ok OP here, here's the deal. I have no problem singing Britney. I like music that's that. But my brother thought it would be hilarious to overwrite my presentation with that. As far as why I was recording, well I lost a bet and keep my word. However, it was not Oops I did It Again it was Man Eater. Class got a good kick out of it for sure.

Domestic bliss

By penguinwaddle - 18/06/2021 12:47

Today, I’ve been depressed lately and can’t get motivation to clean. My husband helped me clean, while he continued to complain how I should've done this while I was off work. My depression is from his meth use, dating websites, p*rn, and lying to me about it for 7 months. FML

I agree, your life sucks 1 384

You deserved it 310


Never Let Go tells us more.

Your everyday life stories (35)

Never Let Go 15

Hi, OP here. This was back in 2021 and at the end of 2023 my husband went to rehab and he is working his steps and becoming a functioning member of society again. Along with back to being the husband I married❤️ things are great now. I did get involved in an ALANON group that has been insightful and very supportive along with friends and family.

Your everyday life stories (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.