When Does Car Insurance Go Down? (2024)

If you're a young driver, you may be wondering, "At what age does car insurance go down?" Many people believe insurance rates drop when you reach 25, but age isn't the only thing that affects what you pay for car insurance each month.

Although you may notice a drop in your insurance premium once you hit a certain age, this happens for multiple reasons. Insurers calculate your insurance rate based on your assessed risk according to your demographics and where you fit statistically.

Insurance companies want to limit their financial risk, so they charge higher rates to drivers who fall into certain high-risk categories. However, just because you fall into one of these high-risk categories, doesn't mean there aren't still ways to save money.

Insurance rates are highest for new drivers just after they get their licenses, but these rates can go down over time for various reasons, including your increasing age. By looking into the age that insurance rates start to drop, you can plan for your future and learn where to save until you reach the ideal age for insurance.

At What Age Does Car Insurance Go Down?

Car insurance premiums go down yearly for drivers between the ages of 16 and 24. So contrary to popular belief, 25 isn't a magical insurance number where everyone automatically receives a cheaper rate from their insurance provider.

In fact, new drivers will see the biggest drops in their insurance premiums on their 19th and 21st birthdays, with rates continuing to decline until they're 30. After this, rates tend to plateau until drivers reach their 50s or 60s.

Of course, everyone's insurance rates will vary based on a range of factors, including the insurance company they use. Age is just one factor insurance companies consider when determining your insurance premium. Because most drivers get their licenses in their teenage years, they have at least five years of experience driving by age 25, which is one reason this age is often associated with lower insurance rates.

What Factors Affect Car Insurance Rates?

Insurers calculate insurance rates using the following information:


Younger drivers have less experience behind the wheel, which automatically puts them in a higher-risk category. This isn't necessarily because of their age—it's more that they simply don't have as much time on the road. Statistically, young drivers are involved in more accidents than other age groups, so insurance companies charge higher rates to help mitigate their losses.


Male and female drivers will receive different insurance rates. Men often pay higher rates because, statistically, they're involved in more accidents than women per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

This also means that male drivers under 25 will pay higher rates than female drivers of the same age with a similar insurance policy. However, men receive an average of 12% savings on insurance when they reach age 25, while women only receive average savings of 9%.

Vehicle Type

Regardless of your age, the type of car you drive can significantly affect your car insurance rate. Luxury vehicles and sports cars cost more to replace and repair, so you can expect higher insurance rates if you drive one of these vehicles. Driving a used vehicle that's considered safe by insurance companies can help you save on your insurance bill.

ZIP Code

Where you live is another factor that insurance companies use to determine your insurance premium. If you live in a large city, expect to pay more for your insurance.

This is because there are more cars on the road, which increases the likelihood of being involved in an accident. Additionally, if you live in an area with a high crime rate, you'll likely pay more for car insurance.

Driving History

Keeping your driving record clean is one of the best ways to keep your insurance rate low. Drivers with little-to-no violations against them will be eligible for much better insurance rates than those with moving violations or at-fault accidents on their driving records. When you avoid infractions, you stay out of insurance companies' high-risk category.

Credit Score

If your insurance company looks at your credit score to assess your risk, they will want to see that it's in the good-to-fair range.

If you have bad credit, you'll pay more for insurance. This is because your insurance provider will see you as a risk, as they may believe you won't pay your monthly bill on time.

Marital Status

Another factor that insurance companies look at is your marital status. Married couples are statistically lower risk for insurance companies because they tend to pay their bills on time and avoid making unnecessary claims on their car insurance policies. So if you're married, you could save on your insurance, even if you're under 25.

Can Young Drivers Get Lower Insurance Rates?

Although new drivers fall into the high-risk category for insurers, there are ways to save money on insurance premiums. Consider these tips:

Get Only the Coverage You Need

Your insurance provider may try to sell you additional coverage you don't need. While having more coverage can benefit you, paying only for the coverage you need can save you a lot of money.

For example, you may want to forgo collision coverage if you have an older car, as it probably won't pay to replace your vehicle. Liability coverage is usually the minimum insurance you need in each state.

Get Several Quotes

Before you get insurance coverage, you should get several quotes from various providers. Compare rates and coverages to determine which provides the best deal for you.

When you know what's on offer, you can adjust your numbers to create a policy that fits your budget and coverage needs.

Take a Defensive Driving Course

Taking a defensive driving course could qualify you for a discount through your insurance company.

These classes teach you safe driving techniques and how to react to other drivers on the road. Completing one of these classes demonstrates to an insurance company that you're dedicated to being a good driver.

Consider a Pay-Per-Mile Policy

Some insurance providers, such as Metromile, Allstate, Nationwide, and others, offer a pay-per-mile policy. With a pay-per-mile policy, you only pay insurance for the miles you drive.

Typically, these policies charge you a specified amount per mile, and some companies also limit how many miles you can drive to be eligible for this type of policy. If you don't drive much, this policy can save you a lot of money.

Bundle Multiple Policies

Drivers with multiple types of insurance could save money by purchasing all their insurance policies through the same provider. If you have homeowner's or renter's insurance, you could save if you use the same provider for your auto insurance. Life insurance is another type you could bundle with your car insurance for possible savings.

Drive a Safe Vehicle

Many insurance companies offer discounts if you drive a vehicle with modern safety features. When you're shopping for a vehicle, try to get one with features that can help you avoid an accident.

Newer vehicles offer features such as blind-spot detection, lane-keep assist, and rearview cameras, all of which might look good to insurance companies, depending on your provider.

Allow Your Provider to Use Telematics

Some insurance companies use telematics to track your driving habits. If you allow them to track how you drive, you could qualify for a lower insurance rate. Drivers who demonstrate responsible driving habits through the telematics system will enjoy better rates than those with aggressive and unsafe driving habits. An insurer will often look at your braking and accelerating habits, as well as how far you drive and how often.

Insurance companies like drivers who stick close to home and don't put too many miles on their vehicles. If you accelerate and brake at a moderate rate, this also looks good to insurance providers. Being a responsible driver is one of the best ways to lower your insurance rate.

What Are the Top Rated Insurance Companies for Young Drivers?

As a driver under 25, you can get insurance from any provider that sells insurance in your state. One of the cheapest insurance companies for new drivers is GEICO—a national chain available in every state and Washington D.C. The insurance companies that offer the best discounts when you turn 25 are:

  • Progressive: 13%.
  • Nationwide: 11%.
  • State Farm: 10%.
  • GEICO: 7%.
  • Allstate: 6%.

Shopping around can help you find a good deal based on your unique circ*mstances. Where you live, work, and drive most often all affect your insurance premium. Your age is just one factor insurance companies look at when calculating your rate.

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FAQs about What Age Car Insurance Goes Down

When your car insurance goes down isn't determined by your age alone. For example, a driver with several tickets or accidents on their driving record may not notice any significant savings just because they turn 25.

Here are answers to some other common questions people have about the age at which car insurance rates go down:

At What Age Is Car Insurance the Cheapest?

Car insurance is most expensive for drivers 18 and under, but the price of your insurance is likely to decrease yearly once you reach 19. Progressive provides a steady decline in insurance rates to drivers over the age of 19.

This decline lasts until drivers reach the age of 75. Seniors will begin to see an increase in premiums, as they move back into a high-risk category.

Why Did My Car Insurance Go Up?

Young drivers who notice their insurance rate go up, or even those over age 30 who see an increase in their rate, may wonder why this happens. Your insurance rate could go up if you get a ticket or if you're in an accident. You become more of a liability the more infractions you have.

If the area where you live becomes a higher crime area, you may also see an increase in your insurance rate. Your credit score, how much you drive, and a change in discounts are a few of the other factors that could cause your insurance premium to go up.

Will My Car Insurance Continue to Get Cheaper?

According to Progressive, your insurance rate should continue to decrease until you reach 75. It peaks at 18 because this is the highest-risk age group based on statistics. You should see at least a slight decrease each year until you're a senior, provided you consistently maintain a clean driving record and pay your bills on time.

At what age car insurance goes down depends on several factors, but you should see your insurance premium start to decline by the time you reach 19, with the decrease becoming less noticeable after you reach 35. In your senior years, you may see your rate begin to increase again.

When Does Car Insurance Go Down? (1)

Steven Glass

Insurance Editor

Steve Glass is a retired insurance professional with over 34 years of experience in the Property & Casualty insurance industry. Over the course of his career he led teams that handled Homeowners and Commercial property and casualty claims, Auto Medical claims, Auto Bodily Injury Claims, Catastrophe claims and Insurance Subrogation recovery efforts. He also has experience as an Insurance Subrogation Arbitrator.

When Does Car Insurance Go Down? (2024)


When Does Car Insurance Go Down? ›

Experienced drivers are less likely to have accident claims, which means they cost less to insure. At Progressive, the average premium per driver tends to decrease significantly from 19-34 and then stabilize or decrease slightly from 34-75.

Does insurance really go down at 25? ›

Although 25-year-olds tend to pay higher premiums than 40- and 50-year-old drivers, you can usually expect lower average premiums than teens and younger adults. Generally, you'll see a drop in premium at the first renewal after you turn 25.

Does car insurance go down at $30? ›

If you're below the age of 25, rest assured that your car insurance rates will probably go down as you age into your 30s. You get more driving experience as you age. Younger drivers are more likely to get into car accidents and commit traffic violations than older drivers, so they pay higher rates.

At what age is car insurance most expensive? ›

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into a car crash than drivers 20 and older. As a result, car insurance companies view young drivers as the most risky to insure. Drivers ages 16 to 24 tend to face the highest premiums compared to other age groups.

Will insurance rates go down in 2024? ›

Car insurance rates increased 24% on average in 2023 and are projected to rise another 7% in 2024. These increases are largely the result of increased costs for insurers: As they pay more to settle claims, they pass on the costs to customers. The good news is that there are some things you can do to save money.

Why is insurance so expensive under 25? ›

Insurance companies often see young drivers as a greater risk because they are more prone to accidents and poor decision-making — both of which raise the potential cost of claims that need to be paid out by insurers. As a result, these added risks lead to higher premiums when insuring teen drivers.

How much does car insurance go down after 1 year no claims? ›

In many cases, your insurance will go down by 5-20% in the first year of no claim, depending on your insurer. After the first year, this discount increases each year, usually by 5%, if you don't make a claim. But it only increases up to a maximum discount, usually 50-60%, and a number of years — usually 5-6 years.

What is the cheapest time to insurance a car? ›

So, your birthday can be a good time of the year to buy car insurance as young drivers can see lower rates as they get older. A month or so before your auto policy renew: Thirty or 60 days before your car insurance renewal date is a good time of the year to review your current coverages.

Does insurance drop when you turn 24? ›

On average, the premium for a new auto insurance policy is cheaper for a 25-year-old than for a 24-year-old—at Progressive, for instance, rates on new policies drop by a whopping 9%. That's because drivers under the age of 25 are statistically more likely to cause an accident and file an insurance claim.

Are older cars cheaper to insure? ›

In general, auto insurance for older cars may be cheaper than insuring newer vehicles of the same make and model if the used car is cheaper to repair or replace.

Which gender pays more car insurance? ›

In general, car insurance companies charge male drivers more for coverage because they're more likely to get into accidents. But while most states allow insurers to consider gender when setting rates, your age, location, insurance provider and driving record usually make a bigger difference.

Should I insure my 10 year old car? ›

Between 10 and 15 years after a vehicle's model year, full coverage is a poor investment. While the cost of full coverage by itself likely won't be more than what a car is worth, the cost of insurance is more likely to be higher than the value of the car after an accident.

What age group has the cheapest car insurance? ›

Age and car insurance

As a general rule of thumb, you can expect to pay the most for your car insurance when you're under 25. Once people are over 25, they tend to find that the cost of their car insurance starts to fall. The price usually declines gradually between the ages of 25 and 60.

Why has car insurance gotten so expensive? ›

As vehicles become more expensive to repair and replace, car insurance rates climb as well. The price of both new and used cars has soared over the past few years.

Does car insurance go down when a car is paid off? ›

Is car insurance cheaper if you own your car? Car insurance premiums don't automatically go down when you pay off your car, but you can probably lower your premium by dropping coverage that's no longer required. Banks and financing companies who loan you money for your car are called lienholders.

Why did my insurance go up 25 dollars? ›

Reasons that might make car insurance rates go up

Common among them are speeding tickets, DUIs, credit and moving violations. But beyond that, insurers also consider specific risks like the rates of accidents, vandalism and theft in your area, which result in higher claim rates.

Why do you think that 16-18-year-old drivers pay so much more for auto insurance? ›

Young Drivers and Accident Rates

The primary reason automobile coverage for teenagers is so expensive is that young people get into more car accidents than older drivers. As drivers mature and get used to handling vehicles, they become far less likely to get into a wreck.

How much is car insurance in Texas for a 25-year-old? ›

Car insurance in Texas for a 25-year-old costs $997 per year, on average. Drivers who are 25 years old pay less for car insurance coverage than the average driver in Texas because they have a few years of driving experience in order to prove they are not risky drivers.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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