What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (2024)

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Financial information can be complex and intimidating for non-financial stakeholders, such as customers, partners, investors, or employees. However, as a budgeting and forecasting professional, you need to communicate your insights and recommendations clearly and persuasively to gain their trust and support. How can you present financial information to non-financial stakeholders in a way that is engaging, understandable, and relevant? Here are some best practices to follow:

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What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (1)

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  • Paul Urubusi Africa Head of Delivery Operational Analysis -Strategic Finance Leader | Operational Analysis Expert | Driving…

    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (3) 6

  • Steven Zenker VP, Investor Relations, Medifast, Inc.

    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (5) 9

  • What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (7) 6

What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (8) What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (9) What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (10)

1 Know your audience

Before you prepare your presentation, you need to know who your audience is, what their goals and challenges are, and how they prefer to receive information. For example, if you are presenting to a potential customer, you may want to focus on how your product or service can help them save money, increase revenue, or reduce risk. If you are presenting to an investor, you may want to highlight your financial performance, growth potential, and competitive advantage. If you are presenting to an employee, you may want to explain how your budget and forecast align with the company's vision, mission, and values. Knowing your audience will help you tailor your message, tone, and format to their needs and expectations.

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  • 1. Never miss a chance to apply the right color combinations to keep the audience's interest2. Too many icons create a panic so minimize use.3. Depending on the group size and level of connectedness, you could apply familiar themes, terms, and cliches in your storytelling. For example, 3 consecutive periods of above-target performance for the same business unit or team is a "hattrick" for sports fans.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (19) 6

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  • Steven Zenker VP, Investor Relations, Medifast, Inc.

    Having been a volunteer Treasurer for a non-profit, I often had to present financial information to the Board of Directors, many of whom were not analytical. I found that using bullets and graphs worked best, as the visual aspect was easier for them to see trends and comparisons than spreadsheets. Verbal commentary could go deeper for those that were more prone to wanting a greater level of detail.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (28) 9

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  • Nabiel Rahman Operations Manager | Business Process Analyst | Product Manager

    The use of visual aids such as graphs or charts. Provision of background information and above all, you have to keep it simple and entertaining.

  • Here are a few tips:*Round off the numbers as it helps to read out.*Common size the key figures.*Use charts and graphs.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (46) 4

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2 Simplify your data

One of the biggest challenges of presenting financial information to non-financial stakeholders is to avoid overwhelming them with too much data, jargon, or technical details. Instead, you should simplify your data by selecting the most relevant and meaningful metrics, using clear and consistent terminology, and providing context and explanation for your numbers. For example, you can use ratios, percentages, or benchmarks to compare your data with industry standards, historical trends, or targets. You can also use charts, graphs, or infographics to visualize your data and highlight key patterns, insights, or recommendations. However, you should avoid using too many or too complex visuals that may confuse or distract your audience.

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  • 1. Understand the story you want to tell and decide the key messages to be communicated. Strip out the rest. 2. Don’t just state the stats, show trends and relationships using visually appealing graphs. 3. Be concise and always put yourself in the viewers shoes who doesn’t have the detailed context you do. 4. Anticipate the follow up questions they might ask and refine your presentation to accommodate this.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (55) 6

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  • Jessica Jones, MBA

    The goal is to help them understand your point of view. Comparable data, such as prior year financials, can help when explaining changes in financial information.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (64) 1

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  • Give them enough information so you can your point across. No more/no less. Be ready to back up your data with "back pocket" slides, but they should rarely be used.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (73) 1

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3 Tell a story

Another way to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders is to tell a story that connects your data with their emotions, values, or interests. A story can help you capture your audience's attention, create a memorable impression, and persuade them to take action. For example, you can use a case study, a testimonial, or a scenario to illustrate how your budget and forecast can help solve a problem, create an opportunity, or achieve a goal. You can also use a narrative structure, such as a challenge-solution-outcome, to organize your presentation and guide your audience through your logic and reasoning. However, you should make sure that your story is relevant, credible, and concise.

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  • Arth Shah, MBA 🎯 Senior Financial Analyst 🎯 | Excel, SQL, Syntellis, Oracle BI, NetSuite ERP | I Help Drive Business Success by Leveraging My Financial Modeling Skills To Improve Accuracy In Financial Reporting By 25%

    Creative tips for telling a story to non-financial stakeholders could be to:* Use analogies and metaphors to make complex information more relatable.* Use humor to engage your audience and make your presentation more memorable.* Use storytelling techniques to make financial information more interesting and engaging.* Use visuals to illustrate your points and make your presentation more visually appealing.* Be passionate about the financial information you are presenting.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (82) What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (83) 4

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  • You should *always* be telling a story whether to financial or non-financial audiences. Stories are more memorable and easier to get people to understand a call to action.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (92) 1

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4 Invite feedback

Finally, you should present financial information to non-financial stakeholders as a dialogue, not a monologue. You should invite feedback from your audience by asking open-ended questions, encouraging comments, or soliciting suggestions. Feedback can help you gauge your audience's understanding, interest, and satisfaction with your presentation. It can also help you address any concerns, objections, or gaps in your information. Moreover, feedback can help you build rapport, trust, and collaboration with your audience and foster a positive and productive relationship.

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  • 1. Be straightforward; avoid complexity.2. Use graphs and charts to visualize data.3. Emphasize important measures and their importance.4. Tell a compelling tale that connects data to corporate strategy.5. Make use of benchmarks and comparison data.6. Give the financial figures some context.7. Add projections and scenarios.8. Be ready to participate in conversations and field inquiries.9. Use technology to your reporting advantage.10. Communicate with audience in mind.11. Promote involvement and answer queries.12. Provide supplementary materials to stakeholders who value specifics.13. Conduct follow-up and give frequent updates.14. Foster trust by being open.15. Take into account offering financial literacy instruction.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (101) 3

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  • Bhekimpilo Mangena Governance | Legal | Tax | Accounting | Compliance | Global Trade Finance | Risk | ESG

    Provide adequate time for questions and comments especially on key performance indicators, your revenues, operating costs, new projects - how well they are doing, for new markets or exiting a particular market - give reasons and due diligence report. Take note of suggestions and report back on these in future - adopted or not.

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5 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Daniele Martins Finance internacional leader helping people to transform their careers through developing programs. Strategic Business Partner. FPA Brasil Founder. Thought leader.

    Make sure you come out of the presentation with identifed actions points and oweres, so the result of such meeting is effective.


    What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (118) 1

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  • Alberto Cesaratto Financial Control manager @ Jacuzzi Group

    A budget contains economic and financial data, and it is mainly for executives with a Finance background.Anyway, it is a plan for the whole company so all of the team members have to know the targets and numbers (the ones that the company decides to share).Therefore I think Finance guys have to do efforts to make numbers understandable for the different stakeholders, also giving same basic tools to read basic Finance numbers



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What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (127)

Budgeting & Forecasting

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What are the best ways to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders? (2024)


How to present financial information to non-financial people? ›

The following are some recommendations:
  1. Use less jargon. Stolow advised CFOs to banish jargon, saying, “Accounting and finance have a jargon that's extremely intimidating and off-putting for people not experienced with it. ...
  2. Build trust. ...
  3. Use images and words instead of numbers where possible. ...
  4. Use consistent metrics.

What methods do you use to communicate financial information effectively to non-financial stakeholders? ›

What are the most effective ways to communicate financial information to non-financial stakeholders?
  1. Know your audience. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  2. Use visuals and stories. ...
  3. Focus on the key messages. ...
  4. Provide context and comparison. ...
  5. Invite feedback and questions. ...
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Aug 31, 2023

What tools and strategies do you use to present financial data to non-financial stakeholders? ›

Top 10 Best Practices for Explaining Financial Data to Non-Finance Personnel
  • Use Clear and Simple Language. ...
  • Focus on Key Metrics and Trends. ...
  • Visualise Data Effectively. ...
  • Tell a Story with the Data. ...
  • Provide Benchmarks for Comparison. ...
  • Encourage Questions and Interaction. ...
  • Offer Contextual Explanations. ...
  • Create Summary Highlights.

How to communicate financial information to stakeholders? ›

Summary narratives, graphs, charts, and reports can be very effective as they will enable the stakeholder to better interpret the financials of the business, as opposed to allowing them to develop their own conclusions. At the same time, you do not want to show too much or too little financial information.

How do you communicate and share your information to non-financial individual? ›

Turn it into a story

Instead, try to take your audience on a journey and tell a story. Think about what the key themes and conclusions are and use these as the basis of your narrative. Break complex information and data down into manageable chunks so people can easily understand what this means for them.

How do you present financial information effectively? ›

8 Tips to Make Financial Presentations (Without Being Boring)
  1. Know Your Audience.
  2. Go Heavy On Simple Visuals.
  3. Let Your Audience Know What To Expect Up Front.
  4. Find The Story Your Numbers Tell.
  5. Only Dive Deep Where It's Necessary.
  6. Keep A Narrative Thread Between Slides.
  7. Use Your Slides To Support Your Points, Not Repeat Them.
Apr 10, 2023

How do you communicate your findings to non technical stakeholders? ›

Let's get started.
  1. Know your audience. ...
  2. Be attentive to your audience throughout your presentation. ...
  3. Incorporate storytelling when sharing technical information. ...
  4. Use visuals to explain technical information and processes. ...
  5. Avoid technical jargon when possible. ...
  6. Focus on impact when explaining technical concepts.

How to speak to a nonfinance audience? ›

How to speak to a nonfinance audience
  1. Avoid technical language and data minutiae. ...
  2. Make effective use of charts and graphs. ...
  3. Keep it concise and focus on the key numbers. ...
  4. Slow down! ...
  5. Stop periodically and ask for questions. ...
  6. Give them something to take away.
Nov 25, 2019

What are the three methods of communication that can be used with different stakeholders? ›

By holding regular meetings, such as short daily team meetings and weekly client meetings, stakeholders can hold each other accountable for their work. Establishing the best way to communicate with stakeholders, such as via email or by phone, can make accountability easier.

What is an example of a non-financial information? ›

Non-financial data, such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, social impact, environmental footprint, and innovation, can provide additional insights and context to the financial analysis.

How to explain accounting to a non-accountant? ›

Accounting is defined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) as "the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof."

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20 Ways To Effectively Communicate Financial Reports To...
  1. Focus On KPIs. Identify your key performance indicators (KPIs). ...
  2. Analyze Needs. ...
  3. Stick To What Is Important. ...
  4. Translate Data. ...
  5. Contextualize Information. ...
  6. Develop An Internal Communication Strategy. ...
  7. Create A Clear And Easy To Understand Report. ...
  8. Be Transparent.
Aug 4, 2023

How do you communicate financial information to non-financial stakeholders? ›

Creative tips for telling a story to non-financial stakeholders could be to: * Use analogies and metaphors to make complex information more relatable. * Use humor to engage your audience and make your presentation more memorable. * Use storytelling techniques to make financial information more interesting and engaging.

How do you present information to stakeholders? ›

Comprehensive Guide: How to Communicate Data Insights to Business Stakeholders
  1. Know Your Audience: Tailoring Your Message.
  2. Choose the Right Format for Communication.
  3. Use Clear and Simple Language.
  4. Visualize Your Data for Impact.
  5. Tell a Compelling Story with Your Data.
  6. Keep the Business Question Center of All Data Analyses.

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7 ways to effectively communicate with your stakeholders
  1. Identify key stakeholders and plan communications. ...
  2. Email and e-newsletters. ...
  3. Communication automation. ...
  4. Presentations. ...
  5. Project Summary Reports. ...
  6. Group video call or 'screen to screen' meetings. ...
  7. Leverage informal stakeholder communications.
Aug 13, 2021

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Be clear and concise in your language, and avoid using technical terms and jargon when talking to people who are not trained in finance. Use real life examples to bring to life the story told by financial data. Listening is an essential part of communication, so always be receptive and prepared to learn from others.

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The financial statements and accompanying notes (certified by the auditor's opinion) have historically been the primary mode of communicating financial information to external users.

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General-purpose financial statements provide much of the information needed by external users of financial accounting. These financial statements are formal reports providing information on a company's financial position, cash inflows and outflows, and the results of operations.

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Present financial information in a logical sequence. Rather than jumping from one topic to another when explaining a complex idea, start with the basics. Build a base understanding level of what you are talking about. Ask your audience questions to determine their understanding of the information.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.