Top Finance Manager Interview Questions with Example Answers [2020] (2024)

  • Question: Why do you think he should hire you?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have a clear understanding of why he or she should be hired. The applicant's answer to this question should help you determine if he or she is confident in his or her abilities and is able to communicate his or her strengths.

    Sample Answer: I am confident that I can help your company grow. I have a strong background in finance and have worked with similar companies in the past. I am very familiar with your company's products and services.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Confidence in one's abilities
    • - Strong communication skills
    • - Knowledge of the company

  • Question: How will you motivate your subordinates?
  • Question Overview: As a finance manager, you will need to motivate your subordinates. The ideal candidate will have experience motivating others and will be able to explain his or her methods for doing so. The applicant's answer should help you determine what motivates the candidate and if he or she is able to motivate others.

    Sample Answer: I will motivate my subordinates by giving them opportunities to grow within the company. I will also provide them with a comfortable work environment and a flexible schedule.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Interpersonal skills
    • - Ability to motivate others
    • - Team-building skills

  • Question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have a plan for his or her future. The applicant's answer to this question should help you determine if the candidate is a long-term planner or someone who is more interested in immediate gratification. The applicant's answer to this question should also help you determine if the candidate is interested in your company's future.

    Sample Answer: I see myself as a finance manager for a large corporation. I want to be able to work with a team of analysts and help them grow in their careers.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Long-term planning skills
    • - Interest in your company's future
    • - Confidence in oneself

  • Question: Why do you want to work with us?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have a positive attitude and a desire to work with the company. The applicant's answer to this question should help you determine if he or she is interested in the company's products and services. The applicant should be able to explain why he or she wants to work for the company.

    Sample Answer: I am interested in working for your company because I have used your products and services for years. I am familiar with your products and services and would like to be a part of the team that brings them to market.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Positive attitude
    • - Desire to work with the company
    • - Knowledge of the company's products and services

  • Question: What is the purpose of Diageo?
  • Question Overview: The applicant should be able to explain the purpose of the company. The ideal candidate will have a solid understanding of the company's mission statement and goals.

    Sample Answer: Diageo is a global spirits company that produces, markets, and sells alcoholic beverages worldwide. The company is headquartered in London and was founded in 1997.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of the company's mission statement
    • - Ability to explain the company's goals

  • Question: How do you resolve conflicts at work?
  • Question Overview: As a finance manager, you will be working with other employees and managers. The ideal candidate will have experience resolving conflicts at work. The applicant's answer should help you determine how the candidate deals with conflict and if he or she has any experience resolving conflicts.

    Sample Answer: I use a variety of methods to resolve conflicts at work. I try to understand the other person's point of view and then explain my own. If that does not work, I try to compromise. If that does not work, I try to find a solution that works for both parties.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to resolve conflicts
    • - Ability to work with others
    • - Ability to think on one's feet

  • Question: What is your management level?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have experience managing a team of employees. The applicant's answer should help you determine what level of management the candidate has achieved.

    Sample Answer: I am a level 4 manager. I have experience managing a team of 15 employees.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience managing a team
    • - Knowledge of management techniques
    • - Ability to work with a team

  • Question: What did you do to help the business?
  • Question Overview: As a finance manager, you are responsible for helping the business. The ideal candidate will have experience in helping the business in some way. The applicant's answer should help you determine how the candidate helped the business. Did the applicant improve efficiency? Did he or she increase revenue?

    Sample Answer: I helped the business by improving efficiency. I created a new system for processing invoices and it saved us $50,000 per year.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to help the business
    • - Creativity in helping the business
    • - Dedication to helping the business

  • Question: How would you plan in a zero based budget environment?
  • Question Overview: A zero based budget environment is a company that has no budget for the upcoming year. The ideal candidate will have experience planning in this type of environment. A zero based budget environment can be difficult to plan for as there is no previous year's budget to use as a guideline. The applicant's answer should help you determine how he or she would plan in this type of environment.

    Sample Answer: I would start with the previous year's budget and make adjustments based on the company's current financial situation. I would also take into account any changes in the company's goals and objectives.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to work in a zero based budget environment
    • - Creativity
    • - Ability to think outside the box

  • Question: Tell me about a time when you had an idea that saved the company money or made the company money.
  • Question Overview: As a finance manager, it is important to have a creative mind. The ideal candidate will have experience with saving or making money for the company. The applicant's answer to this question should help you gauge how creative the applicant is and how he or she goes about saving or making money.

    Sample Answer: I was able to save the company $10,000 by negotiating with vendors and suppliers. I was able to negotiate a lower price for our office supplies and equipment.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Creativity
    • - Ability to think outside the box
    • - Initiative

  • Question: What is the biggest budget you have handled in your past projects?
  • Question Overview: As a finance manager, the applicant will be responsible for handling budgets. The ideal candidate will have experience with budgets in the past. The applicant's answer should help you determine how much money he or she has handled in the past.

    Sample Answer: I have handled budgets of up to $1 million in my past projects. I have experience with budgeting techniques and can handle large budgets.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience with budgets
    • - Knowledge of budgeting techniques
    • - Ability to handle large budgets

  • Question: Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult assignment.
  • Question Overview: As a finance manager, you will be required to complete a variety of tasks. The ideal candidate will have experience dealing with difficult assignments. The applicant's answer should help you determine what the most difficult assignment was and how he or she dealt with it.

    Sample Answer: I had to create a new budget for the entire company. I had to deal with the fact that my budget was not approved by upper management. I was able to use my creativity and initiative to create a new budget that was approved by all parties involved.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to handle a difficult assignment
    • - Confidence in oneself
    • - Creativity

  • Question: What motivates you?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have a strong work ethic and be driven by the desire to succeed. The applicant's answer to this question should help you determine if he or she is motivated by money, recognition, or a sense of accomplishment.

    Sample Answer: I am motivated by the desire to succeed. I want to be the best at what I do.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A strong work ethic
    • - Desire to succeed
    • - Ability to work independently

  • Question: Why do you think we should hire you?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have confidence in his or her abilities. The applicant's answer should help you determine how confident the candidate is in his or her abilities and what makes him or her stand out from the rest of the candidates.

    Sample Answer: I am a hard worker who is always looking for ways to improve my skills. I have a strong work ethic and I am always looking for ways to improve my skills.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Confidence in one's abilities
    • - High level of initiative and creativity
    • - Knowledge of motivational techniques

  • Question: How have you influenced a business partner to change there decision in light of new or conflicting financial information?
  • Question Overview: As a finance manager, you will be working with business partners on a daily basis. The ideal candidate will have experience influencing business partners to change their decisions. The applicant's answer should help you determine how the applicant handled the situation and if he or she was successful.

    Sample Answer: I was able to influence a business partner to change his decision by explaining the new financial information and how it would affect his company.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to influence others
    • - Ability to work with others
    • - Ability to work under pressure

  • Question: Please explain this item from your resume in more detail, and how it relates to the job.
  • Question Overview: The applicant should be prepared to explain any item on his or her resume in more detail. This question will help you determine the applicant's ability to explain his or her resume in a clear and concise manner.

    Sample Answer: I was in charge of the company's accounting department. I was responsible for all financial documents and reports.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Ability to explain items on resume
    • - Communication skills

  • Question: How long have you been working as a software engineer?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have experience working as a software engineer for at least three years. The applicant's answer should help you determine how long the candidate has been working in the field. The amount of time may vary significantly among candidates. How did the applicant divide his or her time while working as a software engineer?

    Sample Answer: I have been working as a software engineer for three years. I spend most of my time writing code and testing my programs.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of software engineering
    • - Ability to translate data from software engineering
    • - Confidence in oneself

  • Question: Can you provide an example of a project that you worked on and how it would be beneficial to this role?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have experience working on projects that are similar to the job you are hiring for. The applicant's answer should help you determine if he or she has the skills and experience to do the job. The applicant's answer should also provide you with an example of how he or she would be able to contribute to your company.

    Sample Answer: I worked on a project that was similar to this position. I was in charge of creating a new budget for the company. I was able to create a budget that was more efficient and saved the company $10,000.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Experience with projects similar to this role
    • - Ability to explain how a project would be beneficial to the company
    • - Ability to work well with others

  • Question: What value will you add to our organization?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have a clear understanding of what he or she can bring to the company. The applicant's answer to this question should help you determine how the candidate views his or her own value. The applicant should be able to explain how his or her skills and experience will benefit the company.

    Sample Answer: I will be able to provide you with a strong financial plan and help you reach your goals. I am a hard worker and will do whatever it takes to make sure your company is successful.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - Knowledge of company's needs
    • - Ability to communicate with upper management
    • - Creativity

  • Question: What do you mean by hard work?
  • Question Overview: The ideal candidate will have a strong work ethic and be willing to work hard. The applicant's answer should help you determine what the candidate considers hard work. Does the applicant consider working long hours to be hard work? Does the applicant consider working with little sleep to be hard work?

    Sample Answer: Hard work is putting in extra effort when needed. I am willing to stay late or come in early if it means getting a project done.

      What the interviewer is looking for:
    • - A strong work ethic
    • - Ability to work long hours
    • - Ability to work with little sleep
Top Finance Manager Interview Questions with Example Answers [2020] (2024)


What questions are asked in a finance manager interview? ›

Role-specific questions

What kind of financial reports does upper management need and why? What methods/metrics do you use to evaluate the organization's progress? What are key elements to look at when evaluating the company's investments? Is a cash flow statement enough to tell whether a company is doing well?

What are the basic questions financial managers must answer? ›

What are the three basic questions Financial Managers must answer? What long-term investments should the firm choose? How should the firm raise funds for the selected investments? How should current assets be managed and financed?

How should a finance manager prepare for an interview? ›

Have a clear understanding of your career aspirations and be able to articulate them to the interviewer. Prepare answers to common finance manager interview questions, such as those related to your experience working with financial data, forecasting, and budgeting.

What is your weakness for a finance manager interview? ›

1. Lack of self-confidence. A lack of self-confidence can make you hesitate to make important decisions. If you lack confidence, explain how you are working to overcome this, such as setting achievable goals, constantly training yourself and surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people.

What are the 3 key decision areas for a finance manager? ›

There are three primary types of financial decisions that financial managers must make: investment decisions, financing decisions, and dividend decisions. In this article, we will discuss the different types of financial decisions that are taken in order to manage a business's finances.

How do you ace a finance interview? ›

Six expert tips for your next finance interview
  1. Get to the point. ...
  2. Know your finances. ...
  3. Make yourself the added value. ...
  4. Talk confidently about the industry. ...
  5. Engage with the interviewer. ...
  6. Keep learning.

What are the three 3 key activities of financial managers? ›

Financial managers create financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop plans for the long-term financial goals of their organization.

What is your strength as a finance manager? ›

A good finance manager is one who knows how to break down complex financial jargon into a language that clients can easily understand. Finally, it is important to remember that being a good communicator means being equally skilled at listening, understanding, and empathizing.

What is the most important decision a financial manager makes? ›

The correct answer is a. The financial manager's most important job is to make the firm's investment decisions. This, also known as capital budgeting, is the most important job for this type of manager. This individual has to look at and prioritize investment alternatives.

What is the best answer to why finance in an interview? ›

Here's an example of how to highlight your educational background in your answer:"I chose to study finance because I realized I was passionate about investing and excellent at investment strategies. I took capital markets, financial accounting, corporate finance, financial modelling, and portfolio management courses.

What motivates you as a finance manager? ›

Example: "I became a finance manager because I've always loved the idea of using financial data and reports to make financial decisions. I've always been good with numbers and leading others to reach goals.

How do you introduce yourself in an interview for finance manager? ›

A: Start your introduction by stating your name and a brief overview of your background, such as your education or current position. Then, highlight one or two key skills or experiences that are relevant to the context of the introduction.

What is the biggest strength of a finance interview? ›

Thorough interview practice and preparation, a confident and calm demeanor and concrete examples of how candidates have handled stressful situations in finance are solid interview strengths.

What is the biggest challenge as a financial manager? ›

Managing cash flow

This is one of the biggest challenges faced by finance managers. The inflow and outflow of the company money need to be precisely tracked to get the right insight.

Why should we hire you for a finance manager role? ›

The applicant should be able to explain how his or her skills and experience will benefit the company. Sample Answer: I will be able to provide you with a strong financial plan and help you reach your goals. I am a hard worker and will do whatever it takes to make sure your company is successful.

What are the important questions in financial management? ›

Financial Management-Important Questions
  • Explain the term financial management?
  • List any 5 factors determining the capital structure?
  • Distinguish between over – capitalisation and under capitalisation?
  • “One of the effects of under – capitalisation is that the market value of shares goes up.

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