Q2 2024 Corporate Bond Market Outlook (2024)


  • The Bloomberg (BBG) U.S. Corporate Investment Grade (IG) Bond Index (the Index)[1] option-adjusted spread (OAS) narrowed by 9 basis points (bps) during the quarter, ending March at 90bps. Corporate credit valuations are approaching twenty-year tights.
  • Fixed-rate, gross investment grade bond supply was a record $658 billion in 1Q24, up from $508 billion in 1Q23.[2] EPFR Global reported that a net $73 billion flowed into IG bond funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in 1Q24.[3]
  • IG issuer credit fundamentals are still broadly stable. IG mean earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) margins, on a Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) basis, were 28 percent at 4Q23, up 300bps since bottoming in 4Q20, per Bloomberg. Margins are hovering near their highest level in 10 years.[4]
  • Commercial real estate (CRE) is an area of increased focus as interest rates have risen, occupancy rates remain low and valuations have declined, particularly in the Office sector. U.S. Bank CRE non-performing loan rates are rising.[5]

Investment Review and Outlook

Economic growth remains above trend, which may make the road to 2 percent inflation bumpy.

Incoming data over the quarter reaffirmed that growth remains strong, the path to 2 percent inflation will likely be bumpy, and supply side factors, including elevated immigration levels, are helping to absorb still healthy demand.

Key macroeconomic data during March included a strong employment report that showed an increase in non-farm payrolls of 275,000, higher inflation readings,6 and an upward revision in the fourth quarter of 2023 (4Q23) gross domestic product (GDP) to 3.4 percent from an earlier estimate of 3.2 percent.7

In March, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) held the federal funds rate steady at 5.25 percent to 5.50 percent. The decision appeared to be interpreted as dovish by the markets, as the Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) the FOMC continued to expect three rate cuts of 0.25 percent each in 2024.

Operating trends have improved. For 1Q24, the estimated increase in operating earnings for the S&P 500 Index is 3.6 percent, per FactSet.8 Steadier profit growth has supported credit and U.S. IG Agency rating upgrades slightly exceeded rating downgrades in 1Q24 and for fiscal year 2023 (FY23).9

Corporate event risk has returned and partially drove the big bump in 1Q24 corporate debt supply. U.S. mergers and acquisitions (M&A) were forty-seven percent higher in 1Q24 year-over-year (Y/Y) and debt-funded deals are re-emerging.10 Financial leverage is up slightly but within normal ranges.

The Breckinridge Investment Committee’s (IC’s) base case is for slowing economic growth in the second half of 2024 (2H24), based on the drag from tighter monetary policy on small businesses and lower income households who are most impacted. We expect the Fed will reduce its fed funds target rate to 4.75 percent by year-end 2024, as core inflation moves back towards target, the economy slows, and unemployment rises.

With nominal bond yields still relatively high, we view IG fixed income as attractive. However, our risk posture is defensive in credit, with spreads/valuations rich.


Spreads moved tighter in 1Q24 and valuations are tight.

Spreads tightened by 9bps to an average OAS of 90bps in 1Q24. The corporate spread compressed to 17 percent of the Index yield at 1Q24 from 20 percent at the end of 2023.

Spreads are still wide to mid-2021 tights. But spreads and the spread as a percent of Index yield have been more compressed than they were at the end of the first quarter only less than 10 percent of the time over the last 20 years.

Q2 2024 Corporate Bond Market Outlook (1)

While spread compensation is low, the IG Index yield at over 5 percent continues to drive demand and fund inflows. The IG spread and yield dynamic is reminiscent of 2005 to 2006, based on our research.


The market saw record IG bond supply in 1Q24 and strong fund inflows

Fixed-rate, gross investment grade bond supply was a record $658 billion in 1Q24, up from $508 billion in 1Q23. Net supply for 1Q24 was $356 billion up from $254 billion in 1Q23.

Q2 2024 Corporate Bond Market Outlook (2)

Annualizing 1Q24 supply would eclipse fiscal year 2020 (FY20). But we think FY24 is unlikely to surpass 2020, which was unique given very low-cost financing and issuers’ acute demand for term debt.

EPFR Global reported that a net $73 billion flowed into IG bond funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in 1Q24. The strong quarterly tally compares to a reported $114 billion of net inflows for all of 2023.


IG issuer credit fundamentals are still broadly stable.

IG mean EBITDA margins, on a GAAP basis, were 28 percent at 4Q23, up 300bps since bottoming in 4Q20, per Bloomberg. Margins are hovering near their highest level in 10 years.

Q2 2024 Corporate Bond Market Outlook (3)

IG mean total debt-to-EBITDA was 3.2 times at 4Q23, up from 3.0 times at 4Q22. Since 2014, leverage has remained in a tight band, ranging from 3.0 times to 3.5 times.

IG mean cash-to-debt was 15.1 percent at 4Q23, mostly unchanged from 15.3 percent at 4Q22. Cash-to-debt has moderated from its 2020 high during the Pandemic.

CRE Bears Monitoring as NPLs Increase.

CRE emerged as an area of increased focus as interest rates have risen and remained elevated. Occupancy rates remain low and valuations have declined, particularly in the Office sector.

Non-performing loans (NPLs) in CRE have risen across U.S. banks. Banks larger than $250 billion in assets have seen NPLs rise to 4 percent vs about 2 percent for all banks.

However, large banks with over $250 billion in assets, are diversified by loan type and have a lower percentage of CRE loans (6-percent) versus all U.S. banks (13-percent).

Sustainable Spotlight

On March 6, 2024, after two years of development, including extensive public comment, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released new disclosure requirements related to climate change; specifically, financially material risks posed to corporate operations by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The new rule’s reporting standards advance efforts to achieve more consistent, coordinated regulatory reporting across jurisdictions on a range of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks. Breckinridge participated in the development process through its own comments submitted to the SEC (See: SEC Proposes Climate-Related Reporting Requirements).

Final rule requirements are softer than originally proposed in March 2022 but solidified a step towards addressing standardized climate-related disclosure. For more details on the new rule, see SEC Releases Financial Climate Disclosure Rule, Marking Progress Amid Opposition.

Q2 2024 Corporate Bond Market Outlook (5)
Q2 2024 Corporate Bond Market Outlook (6)

[1] The Bloomberg U.S. Corporate IG Bond Index is an unmanaged market-value-weighted index of investment-grade corporate fixed-rate debt issues with maturities of one year or more. You cannot invest directly in an index.

[2] Barclays US Investment Grade Corporate Update, March 31, 2024.

[3] EPFR Global, Citi Research, US Corporate Mutual Fund Flow Report, March 31, 2024.

[4] Bloomberg Intelligence. Note: IG issuer mean financial data as of December 31, 2023.

[5] FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile, Fourth Quarter, 2023.

[6] On March 12, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the core Consumer Price Index (CPI) was up 0.4 percent M/M in February, as the core goods category showed an increase while services inflation moderated. On March 29, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) index was higher February, led by increases in spending on services. The report showed core PCE at 2.9 percent on a six-month, seasonally adjusted annual rate basis, up from 1.9 percent in December 2023.

[7] “Gross Domestic Product, Fourth Quarter and Year 2023 (Third Estimate), GDP by Industry, and Corporate Profits,” Bureau of Economic Analysis, March 28, 2024.

[8] FactSet Earnings Insight, March 28, 2024.

[9] Corporate Ratings Trends, Bloomberg, March 31, 2024.

[10] Mergers & Acquisitions, North America, Bloomberg, March 31, 2024.

BCAI-04022024-tuiahqxf (4/4/24)


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Q2 2024 Corporate Bond Market Outlook (2024)


What is the market forecast for 2024? ›

The market sees a greater than 80% chance of at least five rate cuts from current levels by the end of 2024. Investor optimism about the economic outlook has improved dramatically from a year ago, but there's still a risk that Fed policy tightening could tip the economy into a recession in 2024.

What is the bond yield forecast for 2024? ›

The firm's 10- to 15-year forecast for high-yield bonds is 6.5% for 2024, down from 6.8% for 2023, and its forecast for emerging-markets sovereign bonds dropped to 6.8% from 7.1%.

What is the financial market outlook for 2024? ›

We expect monetary policy to become increasingly restrictive in real terms in 2024 as inflation falls and offsetting forces wane. The economy will experience a mild downturn as a result. This is necessary to finish the job of returning inflation to target.

Should I buy bonds when interest rates are high? ›

Should I only buy bonds when interest rates are high? There are advantages to purchasing bonds after interest rates have risen. Along with generating a larger income stream, such bonds may be subject to less interest rate risk, as there may be a reduced chance of rates moving significantly higher from current levels.

What is the market outlook for q1 2024? ›

Market & Economic Outlook. A key reason the market is off to a strong start in 2024 is that “positives” currently outweigh “negatives.” The positives include a resilient labor market, strong consumer spending, above-average economic growth, improving profit expectations, and the likelihood of rate cuts later this year.

How high will rates go in 2024? ›

NAR: Rates Will Decline to 6.5% The National Association of Realtors expects mortgage rates will average 6.8% in the first quarter of 2024, rising to 7.1% in the second quarter, according to its latest Quarterly U.S. Economic Forecast.

What will my bond rate be in May 2024? ›

May 1, 2024. Series EE savings bonds issued May 2024 through October 2024 will earn an annual fixed rate of 2.70% and Series I savings bonds will earn a composite rate of 4.28%, a portion of which is indexed to inflation every six months. The EE bond fixed rate applies to a bond's 20-year original maturity.

What is the outlook for emerging market bonds in 2024? ›

Emerging markets had a strong start to 2024, posting positive total returns despite significant headwinds from the move higher in US interest rates. Emerging market countries and corporates with lower ratings performed particularly well with spread compression occurring across regions and market segments.

What is the long term bond yield forecast? ›

The US 10 Year Treasury Bond Note Yield is expected to trade at 4.30 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate it to trade at 4.17 in 12 months time.

Will 2024 be a good year for the stock market? ›

While there could be a growth slowdown in the first half of 2024, experts believe growth should resume in the second half of the year. Americans faced many financial challenges this year, from persistent inflation to increasingly expensive debt.

What will 2024 look like financially? ›

In calendar year 2023, the U.S. economy grew faster than it did in 2022, even as inflation slowed. Economic growth is projected to slow in 2024 amid increased unemployment and lower inflation. CBO expects the Federal Reserve to respond by reducing interest rates, starting in the middle of the year.

What is the emerging market outlook for 2024? ›

A slight acceleration for advanced economies—where growth is expected to rise from 1.6 percent in 2023 to 1.7 percent in 2024 and 1.8 percent in 2025—will be offset by a modest slowdown in emerging market and developing economies from 4.3 percent in 2023 to 4.2 percent in both 2024 and 2025.

What are bonds expected to do in 2024? ›

Vanguard's active fixed income team believes emerging markets (EM) bonds could outperform much of the rest of the fixed income market in 2024 because of the likelihood of declining global interest rates, the current yield premium over U.S. investment-grade bonds, and a longer duration profile than U.S. high yield.

Is it a good or bad time to buy bonds? ›

Answer: Now may be the perfect time to invest in bonds. Yields are at levels you could only dream of 15 years ago, so you'd be locking in substantial, regular income. And, of course, bonds act as a diversifier to your stock portfolio.

Can you lose money on bonds if held to maturity? ›

After bonds are initially issued, their worth will fluctuate like a stock's would. If you're holding the bond to maturity, the fluctuations won't matter—your interest payments and face value won't change.

Will the stock market go up in 2024? ›

Anthony Denier, CEO of the trading platform Webull, says he believes the stock market will ultimately post a positive return in 2024 as investors anticipate interest rate cuts by the Fed.

What is the prediction of the US economy in 2024? ›

Economic growth is projected to slow in 2024 amid increased unemployment and lower inflation. CBO expects the Federal Reserve to respond by reducing interest rates, starting in the middle of the year. In CBO's projections, economic growth rebounds in 2025 and then moderates in later years.

What is the target stock price forecast for 2024? ›

Target Stock Price Forecast 2024-2025

The forecasted Target price at the end of 2024 is $207 - and the year to year change +45%. The rise from today to year-end: +29%. In the middle of 2024, we expect to see $168.

Will 2024 be a better year to buy? ›

"2024 is bound to be a better year for homebuyers, if only because of how terrible 2023 was," says John Graff, CEO at Ashby & Graff Real Estate. Graff anticipates falling interest rates and increasing inventory could result in more opportunities for homebuyers in the months ahead.

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