Mutual Funds vs Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) - Differences (2024)

Mutual funds are typically managed by professionals who make active decisions about what to invest in. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), similar to index funds, also track indexes or sectors but are traded like stocks.


Mutual Funds vs ETF


3 mins read


Typically, mutual funds are actively managed, although there has been a rise in the popularity of passively managed index funds. Conversely, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are generally passively managed, mirroring market indices or specific sector sub-indices. Unlike mutual funds, ETFs can be traded throughout the trading day, akin to stocks, offering greater flexibility in buying and selling.

Difference between Mutual Funds vs ETFs

In investment opportunities, Mutual Funds vs ETFs stand as two titans offering distinct yet appealing benefits. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds are two popular investment vehicles in India that allow investors to gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of securities. ETFs, as the name suggests, are passive investment funds designed to mirror an underlying index or asset. On the other hand, mutual funds are actively managed investments, wherefund managers aim to outperform the market through strategic decisions.

Both ETFs and mutual funds present investors with a low-cost pathway to enter the stock market, offering diversification and professional management. However, the distinction lies in their operational mechanisms. ETFs trade on exchanges like stocks, allowing investors to buy and sell throughout the trading day at market prices. Conversely, mutual funds are transacted through a fund house at the Net Asset Value (NAV) at the end of the trading day, a process that requires no direct involvement in market trading.

Knowing the difference between ETF and mutual funds, investors must also evaluate their investment objectives and risk tolerance levels. Each option carries its unique set of advantages and considerations, making informed decision-making crucial for optimising investment strategies. Whether it's the hands-off approach of ETFs or the active management of mutual funds, aligning investment choices with individual financial goals is paramount for long-term success. Investors can utilise tools like SIP calculators and lumpsum calculators available on the Bajaj Finserv Platform to accurately plan and assess their investment strategies, ensuring financial objectives are met effectively.

ETF vs Mutual Funds - A table comparison

When considering the differences between ETF and mutual funds, investors encounter distinct characteristics that shape their investment choices. ETFs trade on stock exchanges like any other stock, providing high liquidity, while mutual funds are transacted at the end of the day at the NAV price, impacting their liquidity. Additionally, ETFs generally feature lowerexpense ratios compared to the higher management fees associated with mutual funds.

Key difference between ETF and mutual fund


Mutual fund

Trading And Liquidity

ETFs are traded on the stock exchange like any other stock, making them more liquid.

Mutual funds can only be bought or sold at the end of the day at the NAV price.

Cost Structure

ETFs have lower expense ratios.

Mutual funds have higher management fees.

Investment Approach

ETFs are passively managed, mirroring a particular index, making them less risky and transparent.

Mutual funds are actively managed, with fund managers investing based on analysis and market outlook.

Minimum Investment

ETFs allow investors to start with smaller amounts.

Mutual funds typically require a higher minimum investment.


ETFs are more tax-efficient with lower capital gains tax.

Mutual funds are less tax-efficient.


ETFs offer more targeted investments mirroring specific indexes.

Mutual funds provide more diversification options and exposure to a broader range of securities.

Through these differences, investors can evaluate ETF vs mutual fund options to align with their investment goals andrisk tolerance levels. While ETFs offer advantages in liquidity, cost, and tax efficiency, mutual funds provide active management and diversification benefits. Hence, the choice between ETFs and mutual funds depends on individual preferences and financial objectives.

Similarities between ETFs and mutual funds

When comparing similarities between ETFs and mutual funds, several similarities emerge, making them both attractive investment options:

  • Diversified structure: Both mutual funds and ETFs offer investors access to a diversified portfolio of assets, which helps spread risk.
  • Professional management: Both investment vehicles are managed by experienced professionals who make investment decisions on behalf of investors.
  • Variety of choice: Investors can choose from a wide range of mutual funds and ETFs, allowing them to select options that align with their investment objectives and risk tolerance levels.

Types of ETFs and mutual funds

Understanding the various types of ETFs and mutual funds is crucial for investors to align their investment strategies with their financial goals and risk preferences. Here's an overview of the different types:

Types of ETFs

Type of ETF


Equity ETFs

These ETFs invest primarily in stocks of various companies, providing investors with exposure to specific sectors, regions, or market indices.

Bond ETFs

Bond ETFs invest in fixed-income securities such as government bonds, corporate bonds, or municipal bonds, offering investors income generation and diversification.

Sector ETFs

Sector ETFs focus on specific sectors of the economy, such as technology, healthcare, or energy, allowing investors to target industries they believe will outperform the broader market.

Commodity ETFs

Commodity ETFs invest in physical commodities like gold, silver, oil, or agricultural products, providing investors with exposure to commodity prices without the need for direct ownership.

International ETFs

International ETFs invest in stocks or bonds of companies located outside the investor's home country, offering diversification and potential growth opportunities in global markets.

Types of mutual funds

Here is a list of different types of mutual funds and some information about each type:

Type of Mutual Fund


Equity Funds

Equity funds primarily invest in stocks, aiming for capital appreciation over the long term. They can be further classified based on market capitalization (large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap) or investment style (growth, value, blend).

Debt Funds

Debt funds invest in fixed-income securities such as government bonds, corporate bonds, or money market instruments, providing regular income and capital preservation.

Hybrid Funds

Hybrid funds, also known as balanced funds, allocate investments across both stocks and bonds, offering a balanced approach to risk and return.

Index Funds

Index funds replicate the performance of a specific market index, such as the S&P 500, by investing in the same securities in the same proportion as the index components.

Tax-Saving Funds (ELSS)

Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) are tax-saving mutual funds that offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, along with the potential for long-term capital appreciation through equity investments.

By understanding the characteristics and objectives of each type of ETF and mutual fund, investors can make informed decisions to construct a well-diversified investment portfolio tailored to their needs.


During investing, ETFs and mutual funds stand out as popular choices, each offering unique advantages and considerations. While ETFs provide liquidity, lower expense ratios, and tax efficiency, mutual funds offer active management and broader diversification. Understanding the differences between ETFs vs mutual funds is crucial for investors to align their investment strategies with their financial goals and risk tolerance levels. Ultimately, the decision between the two investment vehicles depends on factors such as investment objectives, time horizon, and personal preferences. Investors can leverage the Bajaj Finserv Mutual Fund Platform to access a diverse range of investment options, with over 1000 mutual funds listed, also giving you the option to compare mutual funds empowering them to make informed decisions tailored to their unique financial aspirations. Fund managers too play an important role in determining the investment habits of an investor.

By carefully assessing the pros and cons of each option, investors can make informed decisions to build a diversified portfolio tailored to their individual needs and preferences.

Frequently asked questions

Is it better to invest in ETF or mutual fund?

Both ETFs and mutual funds offer distinct advantages. ETFs provide liquidity and lower expense ratios, while mutual funds offer active management. The choice depends on individual preferences, financial goals, and risk tolerance.

What is the difference between mutual fund NAV and ETF NAV?

The Net Asset Value (NAV) of mutual funds is calculated at the end of the trading day, while ETF NAV fluctuates throughout the trading day as ETFs are traded on exchanges like stocks.

What are the disadvantages of ETF?

ETFs may incur brokerage fees, bid-ask spreads, and tracking errors. Additionally, ETFs may not be suitable for frequent trading due to potential commission costs.

Why choose an ETF over mutual fund?

Investors may prefer ETFs for their intraday trading capability, lower expense ratios, tax efficiency, and transparency in holdings. They also offer diversification and access to specific sectors or asset classes.

Do ETFs grow faster than mutual funds?

The growth of ETFs vs. mutual funds depends on various factors such as market conditions, investment strategies, and fund performance. There's no inherent guarantee that ETFs will grow faster than mutual funds.

Why are mutual funds more expensive than ETFs?

Mutual funds often have higher management fees due to active management and higher administrative costs. ETFs, being passively managed and traded on exchanges, generally have lower expense ratios.

What are two advantages of an ETF over a mutual fund?

ETFs offer intraday trading flexibility and typically have lower expense ratios compared to mutual funds. Additionally, they are often more tax-efficient due to their unique structure.

Is ETF better than a mutual fund?

Both have distinct advantages; ETFs offer intraday trading and usually lower fees, while mutual funds may provide more active management and potentially higher returns over time.

Is an ETF riskier than a mutual fund?

Risk levels vary based on the underlying assets; ETFs' ability to trade intraday can expose investors to market volatility, while mutual funds might carry higher expense ratios or specific risks depending on their investment strategies.

Is ETF tax-free?

ETFs are subject to taxation on gains like capital gains tax, dividends, and interest income, similar to mutual funds, depending on the holding period and type of gains realised.

What is ETF in India?

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in India are investment funds listed and traded on stock exchanges, mirroring indices like Nifty, Sensex, or specific sectors, offering investors diversification and liquidity.

Which ETF is best in India?

The best ETF in India depends on individual investment goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions; popular choices include Nifty 50 ETFs, Sensex ETFs, or sector-specific ETFs like banking or technology.

Which ETF has the highest return?

ETF returns vary over time and depend on market conditions; historically, ETFs tracking high-performing indices or sectors during bull markets tend to yield higher returns.

What is the difference between exchange-traded and mutual fund?

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) trade on stock exchanges throughout the day, while mutual funds are bought or sold at the net asset value (NAV) at the end of the trading day, and ETFs often have lower expense ratios than mutual funds.

Which is an advantage exchange-traded funds have over mutual funds?

ETFs offer intraday trading, potentially lower fees, and tax advantages through in-kind creations and redemptions, providing investors with greater flexibility and liquidity compared to mutual funds.

Does ETF have exit load?

Unlike mutual funds, ETFs typically do not have exit loads, which are fees charged when investors redeem their investment, contributing to their appeal for short-term traders and investors.

How to choose a mutual fund?

Consider factors like investment goals, risk tolerance, fund performance, expense ratios, and fund manager track record when choosing a mutual fund, ensuring alignment with your financial objectives and preferences.

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Bajaj Finance Limited (“BFL”) is a Non-Banking Financial Company carrying the business of acceptance of deposits, providing lending solutions to Retail & Corporate customers, and is a Corporate agent of various insurance Companies. BFL is also registeredwith the Association of Mutual Funds in India (“AMFI”) as a distributor of third party Mutual Funds (shortly referred as ‘Mutual Funds’).

BFL does NOT:

(i)provide investment advisory services in any manner or form;

(ii)perform risk profiling of the investor;

(iii)carry customized/personalized suitability assessment;

(iv)carry independent research or analysis, including on any Mutual Fund schemes or other investments; and provide any guarantee of return on investment.

In addition to displaying the Mutual fund products of Asset Management Companies, some general information is sourced from third parties, is also displayed on ‘As-is’ basis, which should NOT be construed as any solicitation or attempt to effect transactions in securities or the rendering any investment advice. Mutual Funds are subject to market risks, including loss of principal amount and Investor should read all Scheme /Offer related documents carefully. The NAV of units issued under the Schemes of mutual funds can go up or down depending on the factors and forces affecting capital markets and may also be affected by changes in the general level of interest rates. The NAV of the units issued under the scheme may be affected, inter-alia by changes in the interest rates, trading volumes, settlement periods, transfer procedures and performance of individual securities. The NAV will inter-alia be exposed to Price / Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk. Past performance of any scheme of the Mutual fund do not indicate the future performance of the Schemes of the Mutual Fund. BFL shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or shortfall incurred by the investors. There may be other / better alternatives to the investment avenues displayed by BFL. Hence, the final investment decision shall at all times exclusively remain with the investor alone and BFL shall not be liable or responsible for any consequences thereof.

Bajaj Finserv Direct Limited, (“BFDL”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Bajaj Finserv Limited (is a Registered with SEBI as an Investment Advisor with Registration no. INA000016083). BFDL enables resident Indian customers to directly invest in third party mutual funds through its online platform. BFDL entered into a referral arrangement with BFL, whereunder, BFL may, without risk or responsibility on its part, refer the resident Indian customers who are interested in placing their investments in Direct Mutual Funds through BFDL online platform. Investment by a person residing outside the territorial jurisdiction of India is not acceptable nor permitted.

Disclaimer on Risk-O-Meter:
Investors are advised before investing to evaluate a scheme not only on the basis of the Product labeling (including the Riskometer) but also on other quantitative and qualitative factors such as performance, portfolio, fund managers, asset manager, etc. and shall also consult their financial advisers, if they are unsure about the suitability of the scheme before investing

Mutual Funds vs Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) - Differences (3)

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Mutual Funds vs Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) - Differences (2024)


Mutual Funds vs Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) - Differences? ›

Mutual funds are usually actively managed, although passively-managed index funds have become more popular. ETFs are usually passively managed and track a market index or sector sub-index. ETFs can be bought and sold just like stocks, while mutual funds can only be purchased at the end of each trading day.

What is the main difference between an ETF exchange traded fund and a mutual fund? ›

With a mutual fund, you buy and sell based on dollars, not market price or shares. And you can specify any dollar amount you want—down to the penny or as a nice round figure, like $3,000. With an ETF, you buy and sell based on market price—and you can only trade full shares.

What is one advantage of exchange traded funds ETFs over mutual funds? ›

ETFs have several advantages for investors considering this vehicle. The 4 most prominent advantages are trading flexibility, portfolio diversification and risk management, lower costs versus like mutual funds, and potential tax benefits.

Why would I choose a mutual fund over an ETF? ›

As we covered earlier, infrequently traded ETFs could have wide bid/ask spreads, meaning the cost of trading shares of the ETF could be high. Mutual funds, by contrast, always trade without any bid-ask spreads.

Which one is better, ETF or mutual fund? ›

ETFs can be more tax-efficient than actively managed funds due to their lower turnover and fewer transactions that produce capital gains. ETFs are bought and sold on an exchange throughout the day while mutual funds can be bought or sold only once a day at the latest closing price.

What are three main differences between ETFs and mutual funds? ›

Mutual funds are priced once a day at the net asset value and they're traded after market hours. ETFs are traded throughout the day on stock exchanges just as individual stocks are. ETFs often have lower expense ratios and are generally more tax-efficient due to their more passive nature.

What are three disadvantages to owning an ETF over a mutual fund? ›

Disadvantages of ETFs
  • Trading fees. Although ETFs are generally cheaper than other lower-risk investment options (such as mutual funds) they are not free. ...
  • Operating expenses. ...
  • Low trading volume. ...
  • Tracking errors. ...
  • The possibility of less diversification. ...
  • Hidden risks. ...
  • Lack of liquidity. ...
  • Capital gains distributions.

Which is safer, ETF or mutual fund? ›

In terms of safety, neither the mutual fund nor the ETF is safer than the other due to its structure. Safety is determined by what the fund itself owns. Stocks are usually riskier than bonds, and corporate bonds come with somewhat more risk than U.S. government bonds.

What are the disadvantages of ETFs compared to mutual funds? ›

Although ETFs usually have lower expense ratios compared to traditional mutual funds, their costs are slightly higher than those of index funds due to additional trading expenses.

Is S&P 500 a mutual fund or ETF? ›

An index fund is a type of mutual fund that tracks a particular market index: the S&P 500, Russell 2000, or MSCI EAFE (hence the name). Because there's no original strategy, not much active management is required and so index funds have a lower cost structure than typical mutual funds.

Why are ETFs so much cheaper than mutual funds? ›

The administrative costs of managing ETFs are commonly lower than those for mutual funds. ETFs keep their administrative and operational expenses down through market-based trading. Because ETFs are bought and sold on the open market, the sale of shares from one investor to another does not affect the fund.

Should I switch my mutual funds to ETFs? ›

If you're paying fees for a fund with a high expense ratio or paying too much in taxes each year because of undesired capital gains distributions, switching to ETFs is likely the right choice. If your current investment is in an indexed mutual fund, you can usually find an ETF that accomplishes the same thing.

What is one downside of a mutual fund? ›

Cost: A mutual fund may incur sales charges either up-front or on the back end that are passed on to the investors. In addition, some mutual funds can have high management fees. Tax implications: Dividends and interest payments are generally considered taxable income by the IRS even if you reinvest the money.

Are ETFs good for retirement accounts? ›

One of the key advantages of ETFs is their diversified structure, which provide exposure to a wide range of assets such as stocks, bonds, and commodities. This diversification helps to mitigate risk, ensuring that your retirement plan is not overly reliant on any single investment.

What happens if an ETF closes? ›

ETFs may close due to lack of investor interest or poor returns. For investors, the easiest way to exit an ETF investment is to sell it on the open market. Liquidation of ETFs is strictly regulated; when an ETF closes, any remaining shareholders will receive a payout based on what they had invested in the ETF.

Which ETF has the highest return? ›

100 Highest 5 Year ETF Returns
SymbolName5-Year Return
FNGOMicroSectors FANG+ Index 2X Leveraged ETNs50.00%
TECLDirexion Daily Technology Bull 3X Shares42.20%
GBTCGrayscale Bitcoin Trust40.63%
SOXLDirexion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3x Shares36.15%
93 more rows

What is the advantage of exchange traded funds (ETFs) over mutual funds (Quizlet)? ›

What are the advantages and disadvantages of exchange-traded funds versus mutual funds? Exchange-traded funds can be traded during the day, just as the stocks they represent. They are most tax effective, in that they do not have as many distributions. They have much lower transaction costs.

Which is an advantage exchange traded funds (ETFs) have over mutual funds (Quizlet)? ›

*Generally, most ETFs have a lower expense ratio than do comparable mutual funds. ETFs have other advantages over mutual funds in that they can be bought or sold at any time during the trading day (as opposed to end of day pricing), they can be bought on margin, and they can be sold short.

What is the advantage of an ETF over a mutual fund quizlet? ›

*ETFs typically have higher daily liquidity and lower fees than mutual fund shares, making them an attractive alternative for individual investors.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ETFs over mutual funds? ›

ETFs can be more tax-efficient than mutual funds. As passively managed portfolios, ETFs (and index mutual funds) tend to realize fewer capital gains than actively managed mutual funds. Mutual funds, on the other hand, are required to distribute capital gains to shareholders if the manager sells securities for a profit.

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