How to Increase Cash Flow for Your Small Business - (2024)

No business owner is free from worry about cash flow. According to a Skynova analysis of CB Insights data, 44 percent of startups fail because of cash flow problems. Additionally, according to an often-cited U.S. Bank study, a whopping 82 percent of small and medium-sized businesses fail for the same reason. Whatever line of business you’re in, you must ensure you sell enough of your products and services to make a profit and get your customers to pay you quickly.

We’ll highlight 12 ways to increase cash flow for your small business, allowing you to grow your venture, stay competitive and boost investor and supplier confidence.

How to increase cash flow

Increasing cash flow can be surprisingly straightforward. If you can find an extra 10 minutes in your working day to carry out the following steps, you’ll be able to address the cash flow issues that cause other businesses so many problems.

1. Incentivize customers to pay you promptly.

In a perfect world, customers pay you in cash on the spot. In the real world, getting paid can take a while, putting pressure on cash flow. However, small business owners don’t have to sit idly by waiting for payments. They can improve their accounts receivable (AR) process by offering customers early-payment discounts to incentivize them to pay their bills sooner. Offering easy payment options in your invoices is also helpful.

Before you choose this option, make sure you can afford it. You don’t want the discount to hurt your profit margin.

2. Send invoices immediately.

Small business owners wear many hats. One minute, they can be selling a product, the next, billing customers and the next, managing employees. Juggling everything is a challenge. Invoicing can fall by the wayside, depleting cash flow.

The bottom line is that the longer it takes to create an invoice and send it, the longer it will take for you to get paid. Avoid delayed payments by sending an invoice immediately after making a sale or completing a service. Many excellent accounting software solutions automate invoicing, helping you get paid faster and more reliably. For example, our FreshBooks review explains this platform’s instant invoicing feature that can help you get paid promptly.

Did You Know?

The best accounting software platforms let you add a "Pay Now By Card" option to invoices to encourage fast payments. They also let you set up recurring payments from customers on subscriptions.

3. Raise prices.

The cost of buying products, hiring workers, renting premises and more increases every year. If you keep your prices the same year after year, your profit margin will shrink and your cash flow will suffer.

While pricing services and products can be tricky, try not to get stuck in a race to the bottom. If possible, increase your prices reasonably to accommodate your rising costs while staying competitive. If you’re upfront and honest about why you’re raising prices and by how much, you should be able to keep your customers.

4. Streamline inventory management.

Proper inventory management is essential for preserving cash flow. Without it, you may order too much or too little. One way to streamline inventory management is to integrate it with your point-of-sale (POS) system. Many of the best POS software offers inventory features and integrations. You can often set alerts when inventory gets low and automatically reorder items.

You could also consider cashing in on your excess inventory to gain a capital infusion while freeing up space.

Check out our review of Lightspeed to learn about how this POS platform lets you track inventory across multiple locations, place orders and manage vendors.

5. Source additional suppliers.

Sourcing everything from one supplier or a restricted range of vendors can mean you get inventory faster, perhaps at a discount. However, the supplier might go bust, causing you significant disruption.

Investigate new suppliers periodically. You may come across more cost-effective options and a more comprehensive range of products. If you find a new supplier, tell your existing supplier and see if it will compete for your business.

6. Consolidate your debt.

Cash flow management can be particularly challenging when you’re servicing high levels of debt, such as high-interest credit cards. Consider business debt consolidation to improve cash flow while still paying down what you owe. You’ll have one monthly bill at a lower interest rate. Many of the best business loan and financing options offer term loans you can use to consolidate debt and get yourself on sounder financial footing.

7. Manage your accounts payable (AP) process.

Few things hurt cash flow more than not staying on top of yourAPand AR. We’ve already discussed invoicing immediately and incentivizing customers to pay you promptly. However, you must also be smart about paying what you owe.

First, get a clear understanding of how much money is coming in and going out. Track your invoices so you know what you owe and when it’s due — avoiding interest and late payments is crucial. When possible, negotiate better terms with your vendors and take advantage of early payment discounts to improve cash flow.


A systematic AP reporting process can help you monitor supplier payments and keep your financial records in order.

8. Try crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding platforms offer business owners a way to pitch their ideas to numerous small-dollar investors. If you need a capital infusion and have exciting ventures on the horizon, create a profile and build a campaign showcasing your concept to potential investors.

9. Use invoice factoring or short-term loans.

By selling your AR to an invoice factoring company, you could be paid up to 90 percent of the value of an invoice within 24 hours of issuing it. You won’t have to wait 30, 60 or 90 days to receive a customer’s payment. Remember that factoring companies base their funding decisions on your customers’ creditworthiness. The better your credit score, the lower the interest rate you’ll pay.

Keep the following information in mind if you’re considering using invoice factoring:

  1. The work you’re invoicing for must be complete.
  2. There must be no dispute or disagreement around the invoice.
  3. You can only sell business-to-business invoices.
  4. Invoice factoring companies take a small fee, similar to a credit card processing fee.
  5. You get the balance of your invoice when the customer pays.

Did You Know?

Credit card receivables financing, sometimes known as a merchant cash advance, is another way to boost cash flow. You essentially borrow against future expected credit and debit card sales and pay a daily percentage until the balance is paid.

10. Ask for a deposit or upfront payment.

The idea of asking for a deposit or upfront payment makes many business owners and freelancers uncomfortable. However, it shouldn’t. You’re a professional who is providing something of value and committing time and resources to a client.

If you must buy inventory or expertise to fulfill a contract, determine the cost and ask for a deposit close to that amount to protect your cash flow. Consider spelling out your payment terms and project completion dates to reassure the customer.

11. Charge interest on late invoices.

Some states have laws that allow you to charge interest and late fees on overdue invoices, subject to a maximum. While this is far from an ideal or especially profitable solution, it may deter some customers who regularly pay you late.

12. Understand your cash flow statements.

Cash flow statements can help you understand how well you’re doing at collecting money from clients and paying your bills and can help you identify ways to reduce expenses.

When preparing a cash flow statement, you’ll monitor several cash flow entries carefully, including the following:

  • Opening balance
  • Receipts from customers
  • Payments to suppliers
  • Operational income
  • Taxes paid
  • Interests earned
  • Salaries and wages

Why it’s important to increase and maintain business cash flow

Managing cash flow is a vital component of running a successful company. When you increase your cash flow, you bring your business the following benefits:

  • Gives you money to grow: An improved cash flow situation can help you open a new location or expand your business to a new area. A healthy cushion may mean you don’t need bank funding or can get by with a smaller loan. A cash flow cushion also gives you room to experiment and make mistakes because — as many investors will tell you — expansion always costs more and takes longer than you budget for.
  • Gives you better supplier relationships: Your suppliers dislike late payers as much as you do. With increased cash flow, you can settle your accounts with suppliers on time and keep supply chain disruptions at bay.
  • Makes you more competitive: Companies with strong cash flows have the available funds for bigger marketing campaigns and more in-depth research and development, giving them an edge over their competitors.
  • Boosts investor and lender confidence: A healthy cash flow is helpful if you want to apply for a business loan or persuade investors to back you. Banks and investors will see that your business is well-managed and has the systems and cash flow in place to repay their investment.

Donna Fuscaldo contributed to this article.

How to Increase Cash Flow for Your Small Business - (2024)


How to Increase Cash Flow for Your Small Business - ›

Focus on Cutting Your Costs

Sell off any underperforming assets or liabilities. Consider leasing equipment, vehicles, or machinery rather than buying them outright. Evaluate your inventory and liquidate any goods that aren't moving quickly, even if you must price them at a discount.

How can a small business improve cash flow? ›

6 ways to improve cash flow in your business
  1. Use software to track your inflows and outflows. ...
  2. Send invoices out immediately. ...
  3. Offer various payment options for customers. ...
  4. Reduce operating costs. ...
  5. Encourage early payments, while discouraging late payments. ...
  6. Experiment with your prices.

What are two actions a business might take to improve its cash flow position? ›

Focus on Cutting Your Costs

Sell off any underperforming assets or liabilities. Consider leasing equipment, vehicles, or machinery rather than buying them outright. Evaluate your inventory and liquidate any goods that aren't moving quickly, even if you must price them at a discount.

Which strategy is a way to improve cash flow? ›

6 Strategies for Accelerating Cash Flow in Your Business
  1. Reduce your spending. Decreasing your spending is one of the more obvious ways to increase your cash flow. ...
  2. Create additional revenue streams. ...
  3. Offer discounts for fast payments. ...
  4. Watch your inventory. ...
  5. Consider raising your prices. ...
  6. Offer prepayment rewards.

What is one action a business owner would take to improve their cash flow? ›

There are a number of ways that a business can improve their cash flow, these include: increase revenue – a business can try to sell more products. reduce costs – a business may negotiate better deals with suppliers or cut back on non-essential spending.

How to grow cash flows? ›

9 ways to improve cash flow
  1. Start with accurate cash flow forecasting.
  2. Plan for different scenarios and understand the challenges of your industry.
  3. Consider your one-day cash flow value.
  4. Provide cash flow training for your team.
  5. Communicate effectively within your business.
  6. Make sure you get paid promptly.
Jun 2, 2023

How can you boost cash flow? ›

Offer staged monthly or quarterly payments rather than paying at the end of a contract. Set aside disputed debts with suppliers but keep current payments up to date.

What are the three 3 major activities in creating a cash flow? ›

The main components of the CFS are cash from three areas: Operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.

How to get extra cash flow? ›

Whether you want to make a financial investment or start a business, here are 11 ideas to consider for your passive income strategy:
  1. Make financial investments. ...
  2. Own a rental property. ...
  3. Start a print-on-demand shop. ...
  4. Self-publish. ...
  5. Sell worksheets. ...
  6. Sell templates. ...
  7. Create content. ...
  8. Create an online course.
Mar 18, 2024

How to create positive cash flow? ›

How to keep your business cash flow positive
  1. Efficient expense management.
  2. Effective credit control.
  3. Create a realistic budget.
  4. Monitor and reduce overhead costs.
  5. Boost revenue streams.
  6. Diversify your products or services.
  7. Increase sales and marketing efforts.
  8. Manage your accounts receivables effectively.
Nov 23, 2023

How to create a cash flow? ›

Four Steps to Prepare a Cash Flow Statement
  1. Start with the Opening Balance. ...
  2. Calculate the Cash Coming in (Sources of Cash) ...
  3. Determine the Cash Going Out (Uses of Cash) ...
  4. Subtract Uses of Cash (Step 3) from your Cash Balance (sum of Steps 1 and 2)

How can we maximize cash flow? ›

10 Tips to Help Improve Your Company's Cash Flow
  1. Anticipate and Plan for Future Cash Needs.
  2. Improve your Accounts Receivable.
  3. Manage your Accounts Payable Process.
  4. Put Idle Cash to Work.
  5. Utilize a Sweep Account.
  6. Utilize Cheap and/or Free Financing Options.
  7. Control Access to Bank Accounts.
  8. Outsource Certain Business Functions.

How to fix cash flow problems in your business? ›

How to solve common cash flow problems
  1. Revisit your business plan. ...
  2. Create better business visibility. ...
  3. Get better at forecasting. ...
  4. Manage your profit expectations. ...
  5. Minimise expenses. ...
  6. Get good accounting software. ...
  7. Try not to overextend. ...
  8. Try to get paid quicker.
Dec 23, 2022

What are 3 ways to increase cash flow in a business? ›

8 ways to improve cash flow:
  1. Negotiate quick payment terms.
  2. Give customers incentives and penalties.
  3. Check your accounts payable terms.
  4. Cut unnecessary spending.
  5. Consider leasing instead of buying.
  6. Study your cash flow patterns.
  7. Maintain a cash flow forecast.
  8. Consider invoice factoring.
Apr 29, 2021

How can a small business manage its cash flow? ›

A general cash flow management best practice is to always aim to increase sales, not expenses. Staying as lean as possible and being careful with credit can help businesses go beyond their break-even point to turn a profit.

How do you manage poor cash flow? ›

Below, we discuss some of the best ways to improve your cash flow.
  1. Maintain a separate bank account. ...
  2. Expedite late supplier payments. ...
  3. Increase your revenue. ...
  4. Lease or finance assets in place of downright purchases. ...
  5. Create a cash buffer. ...
  6. Eliminate unnecessary expenses. ...
  7. Invest and grow your cash.
May 15, 2023

How do small businesses deal with cash flow problems? ›

Strategies for managing cash flow include using a business budget, boosting sales by upselling and cross-selling, reducing expenses, managing promptly, and exploring financing options such as business credit cards. This blog is for small business owners looking for tips on managing their cash flow.

What approaches might a small business use to preserve cash flow? ›

Keep a cash reserve, ideally three months' worth of expenses on hand, for unforeseen expenses and emergencies. Consider establishing a line of credit, particularly if your industry is impacted by seasonality. If a loan is not an option, consider a business credit card for any short-term expenses.

How can cash flow be improved in a level business? ›

Methods of improving cash flow
  1. Getting products to the market quickly,
  2. Debt factoring,
  3. Trying to get paid as soon as possible,
  4. Trying to keep raw material stock to a minimum,
  5. Leasing equipment instead of buying it.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.