Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024 (2024)

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See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024 (1)

Aries, you’re in the midst of a transition right now, one that’s leading you towards calmer shores. It’s natural to feel apprehensive about letting go of the past, especially if it’s something that’s been a big part of your life. But holding on too tightly will only prevent you from attracting new opportunities and moving in the direction of growth. Reflect on what’s no longer serving you—whether it’s old habits, past relationships, or lingering regrets. It’s time to acknowledge them, appreciate the lessons they’ve taught you, and gently let them go. Cancer, the cosmic weather is supporting you to explore your subconscious. Set aside some time to meditate and journey to your inner landscape. Pay attention to your dreams and intuitions as well as the subtle signs unfolding around you. These are all messages from your higher self, guiding you towards greater awareness. As you introspect, you might uncover old patterns, fears, or unresolved emotions as well. Instead of pushing them away, allow yourself to sit with these uncomfortable feelings and explore them with compassion. Aquarius, life is an evolving journey, and as you grow, so do your dreams and desires. Take a moment to reflect on the goals you once held dear. Are they still in sync with your current values and passions?

So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most!

Aries Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

Aries, you’re in the midst of a transition right now, one that’s leading you towards calmer shores. It’s natural to feel apprehensive about letting go of the past, especially if it’s something that’s been a big part of your life. But holding on too tightly will only prevent you from attracting new opportunities and moving in the direction of growth. Reflect on what’s no longer serving you—whether it’s old habits, past relationships, or lingering regrets. It’s time to acknowledge them, appreciate the lessons they’ve taught you, and gently let them go. That said, you’re also being reminded every journey starts with a single step. Trust in your strength and resilience. You’ve overcome a multitude of challenges before, and you have the inner power required to navigate whatever comes next.

Cosmic tip: It’s time to leave the past behind and step boldly into the future.

Taurus Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

There’s something about love, Taurus! There’s something about love that makes everything smell and taste and feel magical! But you know all about that, don’t you now? Today, the cards are bringing to your attention a certain somebody in your orbit that you may be feeling the feels for. Consider this soulscope as your cosmic green flag to express your needs, wants and desires in an open and honest manner. As such, you may find yourself standing at a crossroads this week—indecisive about which way to move forward. Just a reminder: change is the only constant, beautiful. Don’t be afraid to listen to the stirrings of your heart this time around!

Cosmic tip: If and when you find yourself standing at a crossroads, listen to your heart!

Gemini Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

Gemini, today’s guidance is all about moving from a space of indecision to clarity. If you’ve been feeling stuck, torn between choices, or unsure about your next steps, now is the time to turn your gaze inwards. Acknowledge where you are at and what your inner landscape is revealing to you. Then, do your research, ask for advice, and weigh the pros and cons carefully. The more informed you are, the easier it will be to make a decision that serves your highest and greatest good. ‘Course that doesn’t mean you are limited by facts and facts alone. Finding a balance between your logical and intuitive side is key.

Cosmic tip: It’s time to move from confusion to clarity!

Cancer Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

The cosmic weather is supporting you to explore your subconscious. Set aside some time to meditate and journey to your inner landscape. Pay attention to your dreams and intuitions as well as the subtle signs unfolding around you. These are all messages from your higher self, guiding you towards greater awareness. As you introspect, you might uncover old patterns, fears, or unresolved emotions as well. Instead of pushing them away, allow yourself to sit with these uncomfortable feelings and explore them with compassion. That said, you may also experience spontaneous awakenings—moments of sudden clarity and insight. Trust that these activations will not only be transformative, but will also offer new perspectives and a deeper connection to your spiritual path.

Cosmic tip: Be open to what your inner landscape is revealing to you at this moment.

Leo Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

Now is *not* the time to second guess yourself, Leo! It’s time to set those larger-than-life plans into action. It’s the time to jump right in knowing that Spirit has your back. That said, some of you may be feeling the urge to upskill in some way. Be honest with yourself: will higher education assist you in this process? There’s no right or wrong answer, beautiful. Trust what your higher self is revealing to you as you prepare to take inspired action. You’ll look back at this time with gratitude in your heart and pride in your eyes.

Cosmic tip: It’s time to jump right in!

Virgo Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

Virgo, your hard work, dedication, and meticulous attention to detail are paying off! In your professional life, expect to see tangible results from your efforts—whether it’s a project you’ve been diligently working on, a presentation you’ve nailed, or a goal you’ve been striving to achieve. What’s more, your personal ventures are also set to shine. If you’ve been working on a personal project, hobby, or passion, this is the time when your talents and efforts will be acknowledged. What a fantastic time to leverage your achievements and push forward with newfound fervour!

Cosmic tip: Use this momentum to set even higher goals and explore the possibility of all that you can be and all that you co-create.

Libra Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

But, change truly is the only constant, Libra. Why then are you resisting the process? Why then are you standing at the threshold waiting for somebody else to close the given door? Remembering that you are paving the way for new beginnings will render you with the courage you need at this time. ‘Course that doesn’t mean you should reject or diminish what your internal landscape is revealing to you. Allow yourself to grieve and process the emotions that may come at this time. It’s okay to feel sad, lonely, frustrated, or even lost. These feelings are valid and part of the healing process. That said, it's a good idea to lean on your soul family as you give yourself the permission to vocalise your needs.

Cosmic tip: You’re not alone in this. Lean on your soul family.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

You’ve put in the work, you’ve kept your eyes on the prize, and now the universe is rewarding you with the fulfilment of your desires. Whether it’s personal goals, professional accomplishments, or closest relationships, everything seems to be aligning perfectly for you. Take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come as you continue to affirm all that is blessed and beautiful in your reality. What’s more, you’ll find that your interpersonal relationships are blossoming with you. Honour the invitation to spread them good vibes and to remind those in your soul circle just how precious they are to you.

Cosmic tip: Your cup is about to runneth over!

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

Right now, it feels as if your past is weighing you down, making it difficult for you to move forward. While it’s uncomfortable to face these emotions, acknowledging them is the first step towards healing. Remember, you’re not alone in this storm. There are ways to navigate through it and come out stronger on the other side. Let yourself cry if you need to, journal your thoughts and talk to your therapist or friend you trust. Expressing your feelings can be incredibly cathartic on this journey. Oh, and one more thing! Remember to notice the things that are in fact working out for you. Challenge yourself to express your gratitude for at least three things, every single day, despite what’s transpiring in your external reality.

Cosmic tip: Give yourself the permission to feel all that there is to feel!

Capricorn Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

Capricorn, you’re being called to recognise the opportunities that are emerging around you. Whether it’s a new job offer or a promising project, know that it has major potential! So, say “yes” to that which resonates with the song of your soul as you continue to nurture the seeds you have already planted. This is the time to stay focused and committed with the inner knowing that your dedication to your craft will pay off big time! Oh, and one more thing! You don’t have to do it all alone. Turn to a mentor for guidance on how you can take things to the next level!

Cosmic tip: With your dedication and hard work, you’re poised to achieve remarkable success.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

Life is an evolving journey, and as you grow, so do your dreams and desires. Take a moment to reflect on the goals you once held dear. Are they still in sync with your current values and passions? If not, know that you have the permission to move differently, choose differently. Walking away from the old can be bittersweet, but it’s also empowering. It means you’re making space for new possibilities and opportunities that are more in tune with your present self. Trust your intuition as you navigate this transition. Ponder upon what it is that you really want *now*. Pay attention to what ignites your inner fire. Overheard at the cosmic conference: you are stoppable when you believe in your power!

Cosmic tip: Ponder upon what it is that you really want *now*.

Pisces Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024

Rumour has it that you’ve been limiting yourself, Pisces. Rumour has it that you’ve been letting your fears get the better of you! What the cards want you to remember: often, the biggest obstacles we face are the ones we create in our minds. Fear, doubt, and negative self-talk can trap us in a cycle of hesitation and inaction. The good thing is, you have the power to rewrite your narrative and embrace a full spectrum of possibilities. Golden words by author Clarissa Pinkola Estés to remember as you move through life, “Do not cringe and make yourself small if you are called the black sheep, the maverick, the lone wolf. Those with slow seeing say a non-conformist is a renegade. But it is not so. It is that he or she is cut from a different cloth. They stand outside the crowd because they have for a long time listened to a different drummer, a different beat.”

Cosmic tip: This is your call to embrace the full spectrum of possibilities!

  • In this story
  • Aquarius
  • Aries
  • Cancer
  • Capricorn
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Pisces
  • Sagittarius
  • Scorpio
  • Taurus
  • Virgo

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Horoscope Today: May 20, 2024 (2024)


Is May 20th a Taurus or Gemini? ›

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

What is the Taurus Horoscope for May 20 2024? ›

Wealth will come and health will also be good today. New professional tasks will keep you busy. Devote more time to love today and ensure your lover is happy. Ensure you spend more time in love and also keep your partner happy.

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Positive Traits for May 20th Born

Deeply emotional, loving and understanding towards those they care for. Their mind is always sharp and ready to dive into curious research. Dedicated, strong, and charismatic, they can achieve anything they want to if they find powerful grounding.

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Be romantic today and the love life will see wonders. Your commitment to the office will bring good results. Financial prosperity also exists in your life today. You need to stay calm and patient in your love life today.

Who is Taurus compatible with? ›

Which signs are most compatible with Taurus? According to Thomas, Taureans generally work best with water signs (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio) and fellow earth signs (Virgo and Capricorn). “Earth signs share similar traits, such as stamina, practicality, work ethic, a focus on the material world and loyalty,” he says.

Who is Taurus Gemini Cusp compatible with? ›

A Taurus Gemini cusp is compatible with Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These fire signs are captivated by a Taurus Gemini cusp's boundless enthusiasm, zest for life, and entertaining stories. Plus, they love trying new things just as much as this cusp!

Is 2024 a lucky year for Taurus? ›

Taurus Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2024: Venus will bless you with success and prosperity in the beginning of this year. If you are in business, Mars will make you feel a sudden surge of energy and may also have many ideas to expand your business.

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The first quarter of the year 2024 is positive for finding your right match, and if you have a love interest to whom you would like to confess, you can do so during May October 2024, as per the positive influence of Jupiter and Venus in your horoscope.

Which year will be good for Taurus? ›

Taurus. Thomas says 2024 "will bring a lot of momentum consistently throughout the year" on a professional level. The beginning may feel like a true grind, but he notes you could see "karmic shifts of fate around your employment, day job, or work projects" — especially in the spring and autumn, he adds.

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May babies have positive attitudes.

Along with good fortune, being born in May seems to bring good spirits! Spring- and summer-born babies are more likely to have an excessively positive attitude than those who make their appearance during other seasons, according to European research.

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The new moon in Taurus arrives on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 11:22 p.m. EST. Last month was a storm of eclipses, retrogrades, and nonstop action.

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2024 Leo Predictions for those looking for Love or Marriage

Relationships will need your attention and adjustment after June 2024, where it will become essential to give importance to your partner's views, and accept their decision rather than imposing your own.

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2024 Leo: Predictions on Wealth & Business Prospects

You will receive better opportunities to reap good results from your investment. Your efforts appear to be recognized appropriately, which may encourage you to work harder and accumulate wealth.

Is May 20 the Taurus cusp? ›

Taurus season starts around April 20th and lasts through May 20th, which is when Gemini season begins. Those on the Taurus-Gemini cusp are born between May 16th and May 23rd. Having a birthday fall under this cusp shows someone determined, with a strong commanding presence, and extremely passionate.

Does Gemini start in May 20? ›

Gemini (♊︎) (/ˈdʒɛmɪnaɪ/ JEM-in-eye Greek: Δίδυμοι, romanized: Dídymoi, Latin for "twins") is the third astrological sign in the zodiac. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between about May 21 to June 21.

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She has a lyrical speaking voice that soothes and comforts you, and she could even have a talented singing voice (Barbara Streisand is a Taurus). Ruled by Venus, Taurus is a sign which adores the arts–from music to painting–and will enthusiastically go to any cultural event her lover suggests.

Is Taurus April 20th through May 20th? ›

Taurus is represented by the bull and is linked to the element of earth. People born from April 20th to May 20th are under this sign and enjoy being in calm, natural surroundings where they can relax and unwind. Taureans are known to be very sensual and enjoy indulging in luxury and comfort.

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.