Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (2024)

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April 3, 2024 Kathy Jones

Emerging-market local-currency bonds have rallied sharply since last October, along with other risky segments of the global bond market. However, navigating the market can be challenging.

Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (1)

Emerging-market local-currency bonds have rallied sharply since last October, along with other risky segments of the global bond market. With global economic growth stable or improving, inflation pressures easing, and central banks cutting interest rates or approaching rate cuts, there is room for the trend to continue.

In a benign economic environment, investors are often willing to stretch into riskier segments of the bond market in search of higher yields. However, emerging-market (EM) local-currency bonds typically are more volatile and carry higher risks than developed market bonds. Navigating the market can be challenging, and many investors may prefer to use funds or other professional management strategies when investing.

What are local-currency EM bonds?

The EM local-currency bond universe is diverse and changes over time. It contains bonds issued by governments and government agencies, as well as corporations in their home currencies. There are two broad types: bonds denominated in U.S. dollars, euros, or currencies of other major developed countries—also known as "hard-currency" bonds—and "local-currency" bonds, which are denominated in the issuer's home currency. Yields on hard-currency EM bonds tend to be higher than on local-currency bonds because some lower-rated issuers aren't able to find buyers for their home-currency debt due to a history of depreciation and/or default. Local-currency bonds typically offer somewhat higher yields, offered by somewhat less-risky issuers. Yields reflect the rates set by the issuers' central banks. All else being equal, policy rates tend to be higher in emerging-market countries than in developed markets.

There are different indices that track these markets. If you are buying a fund or index-tracking exchange-traded fund (ETF), it's important to know what's in the underlying index because there can be large variations in yields, duration, and risks, and those differences can affect the return of the investment. In our view, the risk/reward in the hard-currency EM group doesn't look especially attractive. Yields are relatively low compared with developed market yields.

We see greater opportunity in the local-currency segment of the market. We are using the Bloomberg Emerging Markets Local Currency Liquid Government Index for this article. It represents government bonds issued by countries that are deemed EM by either the World Bank or International Monetary Fund. The index limits exposure to any one country to 10%. It does not include corporate debt, and is unhedged. The current makeup of the index represents bonds from 18 countries, with four countries near the 10% cap.

Note that we favor these types of indexes because they cap exposure to any one country's bonds. As the chart below illustrates, without those caps, it can be harder to get a diversified portfolio. For example, a country like China is a large issuer in this category and can end up dominating an index.

Without caps, China can dominate an index

Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (2)

Source: Bloomberg EM Local Currency Liquid Govt Index Total Return Index Unhedged USD (BECLTRUU Index) and Bloomberg EM Local Currency Government Statistics Index (I20344 Index). Data as of 4/1/2024.

Total return includes interest, capital gains, dividends, and distributions realized over a period.

The cumulative total return of the EM local-currency index has outperformed both the Global Aggregate Bond Index and the US Aggregate Index since last fall.

Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (3)

Source: Bloomberg EM Local Currency Liquid Govt Index Total Return Index (BELTRUU Index), Bloomberg Global-Aggregate Total Return Index (LEGATRUU Index), Bloomberg US Agg Total Return Index (LBUSTRUU Index). Daily data as of 4/1/2024.

Total return includes interest, capital gains, dividends, and distributions realized over a period. Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur fees or expenses, and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

As the chart illustrates, returns can be volatile due to fluctuations in interest rates, currency values, inflation expectations, and political developments. However, for investors with a higher risk tolerance, we believe local-currency EM bonds could deliver attractive returns over the next year. In the past, performance has been strongest during periods of positive global economic growth, easing monetary policies among major central banks, and falling inflation. Those conditions appear likely to materialize over the next year.

We expect most major central banks, led by the U.S. Federal Reserve, to begin cutting their policy rates later in the year as inflation pressures continue to ease. Meanwhile, global economic growth appears likely to improve from its relatively sluggish pace of the past year. EM countries, which are often major exporters that benefit most from an upturn in global economic activity and trade, have tended to benefit from those conditions in the past.

Moreover, several EM central banks have already started cutting interest rates, raising the prices of their bonds—which move inversely to yields—due to falling inflation after the supply-side shocks of the past few years. With a yield-to-worst of 6.2%, the index's average yield has fallen by about 60 basis points (or 0.6%) from its recent peak, but it's well above the 3.74% yield of the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond Index. Moreover, the average duration of the EM index is 5.4 years compared to the Global Agg's duration of 6.6 years, making it somewhat less sensitive to interest rate changes.

The spread between the EM local currency index and the global Agg has fallen

Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (4)

Source: Bloomberg.

Bloomberg EM Local Currency Liquid Government Index (I26751 Index) and Bloomberg Global Aggregate Yield to Worst (LEGAYW Index). Weekly data as of 3/29/2024. Yield to worst is a measure of the lowest possible yield that can be received on a bond with an early retirement provision. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The EM local-currency index yields more than the global Agg

Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (5)

Source: Bloomberg.

Bloomberg EM Local Currency Liquid Government Index (I26751 Index) and Bloomberg Global Aggregate Yield to Worst (LEGAYW Index). Weekly data as of 3/29/2024. Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur fees or expenses, and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

EM local-currency debt can be a good source of diversification within a fixed income portfolio. Returns tend to have a low correlation with U.S. Treasuries. However, they do have somewhat higher correlations with developed market bonds, corporate bonds, and U.S. equities. Default is also a risk and something that should be considered when investing in EM bonds. Consequently, it makes sense to limit exposure to a relatively small portion of a portfolio.

Correlations vary

Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (6)

Source: Bloomberg, 3/31/2014 to 3/29/2024.

Indexes representing the investment types are, Bloomberg Global Aggregate ex-USD Total Return Index Value Unhedged USD (LG38TRUU Index) = Int. developed (x-USD), Bloomberg VLI: High Yield Total Return Index Value Unhedged USD (LHVLTRUU Index) = HY corporates, Bloomberg US Corporate Total Return Value Unhedged USD (LUACTRUU Index) = IG corporates, ICE BofA Fixed Rate Preferred Securities Index (P0P1 Index) = Preferreds, S&P 500 Total Return Index (SPXT Index) = S&P 500, Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index Total Return Index Value Unhedged USD (LMBITR Index) = Munis, Bloomberg US Agg Total Return Value Unhedged USD (LBUSTRUU Index) = US Aggregate, Bloomberg U.S. Securitized: MBS/ABS/CMBS and Covered TR Index Value Unh (LD19TRUU Index) = Securitized, Bloomberg US Agg Agency Total Return Value Unhedged USD (LUAATRUU Index) = Agencies, Bloomberg US Treasury Total Return Unhedged USD (LUATTRUU Index) = Treasuries. Diversification strategies do not ensure a profit and do not protect against losses in declining markets.

Correlation is a statistical measure of how two investments have historically moved in relation to each other, and ranges from -1 to +1. A correlation of 1 indicates a perfect positive correlation, while a correlation of -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation. A correlation of zero means the assets are not correlated. Correlations shown represent the 10-year correlation of each asset class with the Bloomberg EM Local Currency Government TR Index (EMLCTRUU Index), using weekly data, between 3/31/2014 to 3/29/2024.

The role of currencies

One of the biggest drivers and risks for EM local-currency bonds is the movement in the dollar. After more than a decade of appreciation, the U.S. dollar's strength has entered a more stable phase. Ever since the Federal Reserve indicated its rate-hiking cycle has ended, the dollar has shown limited movement against most EM currencies. The prospect of a stable-to-weaker dollar makes holding EM currency bonds more attractive, as it reduces the potential for currency losses to offset the yield advantage. A strong dollar, especially if it's driven by a negative shock that causes a flight to safety, such as during the pandemic in 2020, would be a major negative factor for these bonds.

The dollar has been relatively stable in recent years

Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (7)

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Nominal Emerging Market Economies U.S. Dollar Index, Jan 2006=100, Daily, Not Seasonally Adjusted (DTWEXEMEGS). Daily data as of 3/29/2024.

The Nominal Emerging Market Economies U.S. Dollar Index is a weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar against a subset of the broad index currencies that are emerging market economies. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur fees or expenses, and cannot be invested in directly.

Consider EM bonds carefully

Among the opportunities in the fixed income markets in 2024, local-currency EM bonds may be one to consider for investors with a higher risk tolerance. The relatively high yields and likelihood of rate cuts by global central banks have created a tactical investment opportunity. In addition to high yields, EM local-currency bonds can provide diversification and the potential for capital gains. However, the risks in this asset class tend to be high, so the amount of money allocated should be limited.

Find bonds that are right for you.

Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (8)

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Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (9)

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Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (10)

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The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice in reaction to shifting market conditions. Data contained herein from third-party providers is obtained from what are considered reliable sources. However, its accuracy, completeness, or reliability cannot be guaranteed. Examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and not intended to be reflective of results you can expect to achieve.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and the opinions presented cannot be viewed as an indicator of future performance.

Investing involves risk, including loss of principal.

Fixed income securities are subject to increased loss of principal during periods of rising interest rates. Fixed income investments are subject to various other risks including changes in credit quality, market valuations, liquidity, prepayments, early redemption, corporate events, tax ramifications, and other factors. Lower rated securities are subject to greater credit risk, default risk, and liquidity risk.

International investments involve additional risks, which include differences in financial accounting standards, currency fluctuations, geopolitical risk, foreign taxes and regulations, and the potential for illiquid markets. Investing in emerging markets may accentuate these risks.

Diversification and asset allocation strategies do not ensure a profit and cannot protect against losses in declining market.

Currencies are speculative, very volatile and are not suitable for all investors.

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Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur management fees, costs, and expenses and cannot be invested in directly. For more information on indexes, please see schwab.com/indexdefinitions.

The Schwab Center for Financial Research is a division of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

Source: Bloomberg Index Services Limited. BLOOMBERG® is a trademark and service mark of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates (collectively "Bloomberg"). Bloomberg or 'Bloomberg's licensors own all proprietary rights in the Bloomberg Indices. Neither Bloomberg nor Bloomberg's licensors approves or endorses this material, or guarantees the accuracy or completeness of any information herein, or makes any warranty, express or implied, as to the results to be obtained therefrom and, to the maximum extent allowed by law, neither shall have any liability or responsibility for injury or damages arising in connection therewith.

Emerging-Market Bonds: Are Returns Worth the Risk? (2024)


Are emerging market bond funds a good investment? ›

However, emerging-market (EM) local-currency bonds typically are more volatile and carry higher risks than developed market bonds. Navigating the market can be challenging, and many investors may prefer to use funds or other professional management strategies when investing.

Is emerging market a good investment? ›

Emerging markets, as defined by MSCI, are 24 developing countries with volatile, fast-growing economies. Emerging market investments can provide diversification and potentially rapid growth to a portfolio, but they can also be risky.

Why are emerging markets riskier? ›

Economic risk.

These markets may often suffer from insufficient labor and raw materials, high inflation or deflation, unregulated markets and unsound monetary policies. All of these factors can present challenges to investors.

What is the outlook for emerging market bonds in 2024? ›

Emerging markets had a strong start to 2024, posting positive total returns despite significant headwinds from the move higher in US interest rates. Emerging market countries and corporates with lower ratings performed particularly well with spread compression occurring across regions and market segments.

Are emerging markets a good investment in 2024? ›

Expecting another strong year in 2024

Following large front-loaded new issue supply, EM IG spreads are now at attractive levels versus U.S. credit, setting up EM debt for outperformance. Our 2024 macroeconomic base case features slowing inflation and growth cushioned by Fed rate cuts.

What is the most risky type of bond to invest in? ›

High-yield bonds face higher default rates and more volatility than investment-grade bonds, and they have more interest rate risk than stocks. Emerging market debt and convertible bonds are the main alternatives to high-yield bonds in the high-risk debt category.

Do emerging markets do well in recession? ›

If a US recession is on the way would only make more of a case for greater diversification in global portfolios – a positive for emerging markets. A recession would entail lower inflation and, as a result, lower US interest rates.

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Risks of Emerging Markets

This risk can include political instability, domestic infrastructure problems, currency volatility, and illiquid equity, as many large companies may still be state-run or private. Also, local stock exchanges may not offer liquid markets to outside investors.

What is the biggest challenge in the emerging market? ›

However, investing in emerging markets also comes with its own set of challenges: Political and Regulatory Risks: Emerging markets can be subject to political instability, regulatory changes, and corruption, which can impact investment performance and create uncertainty.

Is now a good time to buy bonds in 2024? ›

There are indications that interest rates may start to fall in the near future, with widespread anticipation for multiple interest rate cuts in 2024. Falling rates offer the potential for capital appreciation and increased diversification benefits for bond investors.

What are the best income bonds for 2024? ›

The top picks for 2024, chosen for their stability, income potential and expert management, include Dodge & Cox Income Fund (DODIX), iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG), Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND), Pimco Long Duration Total Return (PLRIX), and American Funds Bond Fund of America (ABNFX).

What percent of portfolio should be in emerging markets? ›

In short, a review of the three standard approaches to EM allocation suggest global equity investors should allocate somewhere in the range of 13% to 39% to EM. Source: FactSet, MSCI, MSIM calculations.

Are bond funds a good investment now? ›

Fed rate policy's impact on your investing

Answer: Now may be the perfect time to invest in bonds. Yields are at levels you could only dream of 15 years ago, so you'd be locking in substantial, regular income. And, of course, bonds act as a diversifier to your stock portfolio.

What is the downside of bond funds? ›

The downside to owning bond funds is: The management fee: Management fees for the more actively traded bond funds can be higher, which may lead to lower returns.

Are bond funds good in a rising interest rate environment? ›

In the short run, rising interest rates may negatively affect the value of a bond portfolio. However, over the long run, rising interest rates can actually increase a bond portfolio's overall return. This is because money from maturing bonds can be reinvested into new bonds with higher yields.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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