5 Companies With Huge Free Cash Flow (2024)

Many investors try to identify companies that they believe will be around for the long haul before making significant investments. They hope that, if the stock of any of these companies takes a nosedive, it will only be a matter of time before it rebounds.

One way to identify a company with these characteristics is to look for companies with major free cash flow (FCF). FCF is the cash flowthat is available to a company; it can be used to repay creditors or pay dividends and interest to investors. Some investors prefer to pay attention to this aspect of a company's financials, rather than earnings orearnings per share, as a measure of its profitability.

Key Takeaways

  • One way to identify a company that is likely to rebound in the long-run–even if its stock takes a nosedive–is to look for companies with major free cash flow (FCF).
  • Free cash flow (FCF) is the cash flowthat is available to a company; free cash flow can be used to repay creditors or pay dividends and interest to investors.
  • Some investors prefer to pay attention to this aspect of a company's financials, rather than earnings orearnings per share, as a measure of its profitability because unlike revenue or earnings, cash flow figures cannot be manipulated.
  • Apple (APPL), Verizon (VZ), Microsoft (MFST), Walmart (WMT), and Pfizer (PFE) are five companies that could be considered free cash flow (FCF) "monsters" as a result of their history of having a huge amount of free cash flow (FCF).

Why Is Free Cash Flow Important?

Revenue and earnings are both imperative metrics, but both can be manipulated. For example, retailers can manipulate revenue by opening more stores. Earnings numbers can be skewed by corporate buybacks, which reduces the share count and, ultimately, improves earnings per share (EPS).

Investors should never overlook the figures that indicate a company's FCF because, unlike revenue and earnings, cash flow can never be manipulated. In addition, a company with a good amount of free cash flow may also be more likely to make dividend payments, and engage in buybacks, acquisitions for inorganic growth, and innovation for organic growth. Not to mention that free cash flow also provides opportunities for debt reduction.

The bigger the FCF figure is, the more maneuverability the corporation is going to have. This can allow for positive growth during economic booms and flexibility during an economic downturn, regardless of if those bad times are related to the broader market, the industry, or the company itself.

All five of these companies with major FCF are also household names. This factor can play a big role in a company's staying power because of the level of consumer trust these brands have garnered.

While FCF is an important metric, it’s still only one of many metrics. It's also important to consider if a company has been growing its top line and is consistently profitable, as well as the company's debt-to-equity ratio,one-year stock performance, and dividend yield.

5 Companies With Major Free Cash Flow

Here are five examples of companies that have historically shown large free cash flow figures. These statistics represent data as of Dec. 27, 2022:


D/E Ratio

1-Year Stock Performance

Dividend Yield

Apple (APPL)

$111.44 billion




Verizon (VZ)

$10.88 billion




Microsoft (MSFT)

$63.33 billion




Walmart (WMT)

$7.009 billion


Pfizer (PFE)

$23.36 billion




All five of these companies have been consistently profitable, although not all of them have delivered consistent revenue growth in the same time frame. A high debt-to-equity ratio is usually a negative sign, but when a company has a strong cash flow generation, it can minimize the debt risk.

The Bottom Line

The five free cash flow monsters above should be considered for further research, but only if you’re a long-term investor. There are many questions in markets about the global economy right now and no stock is invincible. However, if history continues to repeat itself, then the five stocks above should be safer than most.

Dan Moskowitz does not have any positions in AAPL, VZ, MSFT, WMT, or PFE.

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5 Companies With Huge Free Cash Flow (2024)


5 Companies With Huge Free Cash Flow? ›

Apple (APPL), Verizon (VZ), Microsoft (MFST), Walmart (WMT), and Pfizer (PFE) are five companies that could be considered free cash flow (FCF) "monsters" as a result of their history of having a huge amount of free cash flow (FCF).

What companies have a large FCF? ›

Apple (APPL), Verizon (VZ), Microsoft (MFST), Walmart (WMT), and Pfizer (PFE) are five companies that could be considered free cash flow (FCF) "monsters" as a result of their history of having a huge amount of free cash flow (FCF).

What is Coca Cola's free cash flow? ›

Coca-Cola Consolidated free cash flow for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was , a year-over-year. Coca-Cola Consolidated annual free cash flow for 2023 was $0.529B, a 100.97% increase from 2022. Coca-Cola Consolidated annual free cash flow for 2022 was $0.263B, a 29.1% decline from 2021.

Does Warren Buffett use free cash flow? ›

First, he studies what he refers to as "owner's earnings." This is essentially the cash flow available to shareholders, technically known as free cash flow-to-equity (FCFE). Buffett defines this metric as net income plus depreciation, minus any capital expenditures (CAPX) and working capital (W/C) costs.

Where can I find a company's free cash flow? ›

Technically, a business's free cash flow can't be found on any of its financial statements. Plus, there are no regulatory standards mandating how to calculate it. In general, the formula involves calculating what's left after a company pays both its operating expenses and capital expenditures.

What industry has the most cash flow? ›

The most lucrative business ventures often involve industries like real estate, consulting services, or online businesses. They focus on maximizing revenue while effectively managing costs to ensure a healthy cash flow.

What is a good FCF? ›

To have a healthy free cash flow, you want to have enough free cash on hand to be able to pay all of your company's bills and costs for a month, and the more you surpass that number, the better. Some investors and analysts believe that a good free cash flow for a SaaS company is anywhere from about 20% to 25%.

What is Tesla free cash flow? ›

Tesla's Free Cash Flow per Share for the three months ended in Mar. 2024 was $-0.73. Its Free Cash Flow per Share for the trailing twelve months (TTM) ended in was $0.39. During the past 12 months, the average Free Cash Flow per Share Growth Rate of Tesla was -76.30% per year.

What is PepsiCo free cash flow? ›

PepsiCo (PepsiCo) Free Cash Flow : $7,242 Mil (TTM As of Mar. 2024)

How do you know if a company has free cash flow? ›

The simplest way to calculate free cash flow is by finding capital expenditures on the cash flow statement and subtracting it from the operating cash flow found in the cash flow statement.

Who uses free cash flow? ›

Management and investors use free cash flow as a measure of a company's financial health. FCF reconciles net income by adjusting for non-cash expenses, changes in working capital, and capital expenditures. Free cash flow can reveal problems in the fundamentals before they arise on the income statement.

What companies have the largest cash reserves? ›

Research by the professors at Kellogg School of Management found that reserves of Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Alphabet, Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG), and Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) accounted for 92% of cash reserves that they could document.

What is a good FCF for a company? ›

To have a healthy free cash flow, you want to have enough free cash on hand to be able to pay all of your company's bills and costs for a month, and the more you surpass that number, the better. Some investors and analysts believe that a good free cash flow for a SaaS company is anywhere from about 20% to 25%.

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