15 Finance Jobs Safe from AI & Automation [2024] (2024)

Financial institutions and banks began implementing new AI-enabled technologies to automate their financial processes as technology advanced and artificial intelligence (AI) was introduced. People formerly performed these duties; however, monotonous tasks are increasingly mechanized today. Most people believe that as technology advances, most vocations will become obsolete, but this is not the case. Because firms implement automation, the simplest tasks are mechanized, allowing people to focus on more vital areas of their professions. Any firm must embrace new technologies to improve business operations and remain competitive in today’s market.

15 Finance Jobs That Are Safe from AI & Automation [2024]

1. Finance Advisor

A finance advisor assists clients in managing their finances by providing tailored advice on areas like investments, insurance, budgeting, and retirement planning. They interpret market trends and leverage their understanding of the client’s monetary goals and risk tolerance, guaranteeing efficient financial planning.

2. Risk Managers

Risk managers identify, analyze, and mitigate potential financial risks within an organization. Their core responsibility is to establish protocols that minimize exposure to risk, whether in investments, operations, or compliance. It involves understanding industry trends, market dynamics, and organizational strategies to create robust risk management frameworks.

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3. Compliance Officers

Compliance officers ensure that an enterprise adheres to applicable regulatory laws and internal policies within the financial sector. Their role includes monitoring and reporting on regulatory compliance, interpreting new legislation, and providing guidance on best practices. Their roles protect the organization from legal liabilities and strengthen its prominence in the market.

4. Financial Research Analysts

Financial research analysts gather, interpret, and analyze financial data to assist in investment decisions. They provide insights into market trends, company financials, and economic indicators, translating complex data into actionable investment strategies. Their work supports investors, portfolio managers, and financial planners in making informed decisions.

5. Investment Bankers

Investment bankers assist corporations in raising funds by issuing stocks and bonds or counseling on M&A. They need a profound understanding of financial markets, valuation practices, and strong negotiation capabilities. Working at the intersection of financial areas and strategies, they play an essential role in financial dealings and business growth.

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6. Portfolio Managers

Portfolio managers construct and manage investment portfolios to meet specific investor goals and risk tolerance. They continuously analyze market trends, economic conditions, and individual investment performance to optimize portfolio returns. They blend quantitative skills with a nuanced understanding of client needs, providing tailored investment solutions.

7. Tax Advisors

Tax advisors provide specialized advice on tax laws and planning. They help individuals and businesses understand their tax obligations, identify opportunities for deductions, and ensure compliance with complex, ever-changing tax laws. Their expertise saves clients money while navigating the intricate landscape of taxation.

8. Financial Auditors

Financial auditors examine an organization’s financial reports to ensure accurateness and compliance with accounting standards and principles. They play a critical role in enhancing transparency, identifying potential fraud or mismanagement, and assuring stakeholders about the company’s financial health.

Related: Will Finance Jobs Be Automated?

9. Financial Lawyers

Financial lawyers specialize in laws related to finance and banking. They counsel clients on the legal facets of financial dealings, regulatory obedience, conflict resolution, and risk management. Their understanding of legal complexities within the financial sphere is vital for protecting and advancing clients’ interests.

10. Sustainable Finance Specialists

Sustainable finance specialists focus on aligning financial practices with sustainability goals. They analyze investments for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors and promote responsible investment strategies. Their work helps integrate ethical considerations into financial decision-making, reflecting a growing emphasis on corporate social responsibility.

11. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Advisers

M&A advisers guide companies through the complex process of mergers or acquisitions. They assess valuation, negotiate terms, facilitate due diligence, and navigate regulatory landscapes. Their expertise lies in strategic alignment, cultural integration, and achieving desired business outcomes through these major transactions.

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12. Insolvency Practitioners

Insolvency practitioners work with distressed individuals or businesses facing bankruptcy or financial difficulties. They negotiate with creditors, manage asset liquidations, and create recovery plans. Their role requires empathy, legal knowledge, and financial expertise to navigate sensitive and challenging situations.

13. Fraud Investigators

Fraud investigators specialize in detecting and analyzing fraudulent financial activities. They employ forensic accounting techniques, legal knowledge, and investigative skills to uncover deception, embezzlement, or misrepresentation. Their work is essential in maintaining trust and integrity within the financial system.

14. Behavioral Economists

Behavioral economists study how psychological factors influence financial decisions. They explore biases, emotions, and social influences that shape economic behavior, providing insights into consumer patterns, market dynamics, and policy design. Their work bridges economics and human behavior, adding depth to traditional economic models.

15. Venture Capitalists

Venture capitalists invest in early-stage businesses with high growth potential. They evaluate business models, market opportunities, and entrepreneurial teams, providing capital and strategic guidance to startups. Their ability to recognize innovation and navigate the uncertain terrain of emerging businesses is crucial to fostering entrepreneurship and economic growth.

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Will Finance Be Automated?

The prospect of automation in finance is a topic of considerable debate and interest, particularly as advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning continue revolutionizing various industries. To address whether finance will be automated, it is essential to explore the nuances of the finance sector, the capabilities of current and emerging technologies, and the implications of automation on the workforce and industry practices.

1.Current State of Automation in Finance

In the finance sector, the current state of automation is marked by significant strides in managing routine tasks and enhancing customer service through advanced technologies. A notable shift has been observed in the automation of routine tasks such as data entry, basic data analysis, and report generation, which are now increasingly managed by sophisticated algorithms. These algorithms, known for their proficiency in handling large volumes of data, are being extensively utilized for critical functions like market analysis, risk assessment, and portfolio management. Parallel to these developments, the customer service domain within finance has also undergone a digital transformation. AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants have emerged as standard instruments for customer service and fundamental financial guidance. This integration of AI in customer interaction points not only streamlines processes but also ensures consistency and accessibility in customer service operations. Collectively, these advancements in automation reflect a significant shift toward efficiency, accuracy, and scalability in the financial services industry.

2.Emerging Trends in Financial Automation

The landscape of financial automation is witnessing transformative changes with the advent of advanced technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is leading the charge in advancing complex predictive modeling and risk assessment within the finance sector. These AI-driven tools are venturing into complex decision-making areas traditionally dominated by human expertise. Additionally, the emergence of blockchain technology and smart contracts is revolutionizing key processes like loan processing, claims management in insurance, and contract validation. Blockchain ensures secure and efficient transactions, significantly reducing fraud risks and operational errors. Smart contracts automate and streamline complex processes, enhancing transparency and speed in execution. These innovations reshape finance, introduce unprecedented efficiency, security, and precision, and pave the way for a more dynamic, responsive, and technologically advanced financial ecosystem.

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3.The Future of Automation in Finance: A Hybrid Model

a)Complementary Roles of AI and Human Expertise

The future of finance is shaping into an integrated landscape where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human expertise work in tandem, each playing a crucial role. AI is poised to significantly boost efficiency and provide profound insights by analyzing large data sets. It is also expected to take over routine and repetitive tasks, allowing human professionals to concentrate on more complex aspects of finance, such as nuanced problem-solving, managing client relationships, and strategic decision-making. This synergy promises to enhance the overall effectiveness and precision of financial services.

b)Upskilling and Reskilling of the Workforce

With the increasing prevalence of automation, the skill set demanded in the finance industry is undergoing a significant evolution. There will be a growing demand for professionals adept in AI management, capable of interpreting and leveraging the insights from data analysis, and skilled in strategic decision-making. Upskilling and reskilling will become essential, enabling finance professionals to stay relevant and excel in an increasingly AI-integrated environment. This transition highlights the critical need for ongoing learning and adaptability in the fast-evolving landscape of the finance sector.

c)Ethical AI and Regulatory Compliance

In the sphere of finance, where AI is increasingly taking center stage, the emphasis on ethical AI and regulatory compliance cannot be overstated. The deployment of AI systems in this sector must adhere to stringent ethical standards and transparency to foster trust and reliability. It necessitates a concerted effort involving continuous collaboration among technologists, regulators, and finance professionals. It is crucial to ensure that AI systems in finance adhere to existing regulations and maintain the highest ethical standards. This collaborative approach will help in navigating the complex regulatory landscape while fostering an environment where AI can be used responsibly and effectively in financial services.

d)Personalization and Enhanced Services

Integrating automation and AI in finance is about efficiency and personalization. AI’s ability to process and analyze extensive client data facilitates delivering highly personalized financial services. It includes offering tailored financial advice and crafting bespoke products that cater to individual client needs. Such personalization enhances the customer experience and allows financial institutions to deliver more targeted, relevant, and value-added services. This shift towards personalization, driven by AI, signifies a new era in finance where services are more closely aligned with each client’s unique preferences and requirements.

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Key Areas Where Automation is Hardest

1. Analytical Abilities

These are the core abilities that automation is most challenging to achieve, and finance occupations frequently demand companies evaluate data and make decisions based on it. Technology will require a lot of effort to be efficient in these sectors, where they can think critically and analyze market swings in real time.

2. Creativity

Most financial positions today involve innovation to create new goods or deliver additional services. Finance specialists are better at proposing options to cut costs in places where it is necessary, which most robots cannot accomplish. Robots are programmed to perform particular jobs, and in areas where essential information is required, thinking outside the box is still not viable with automation.

3. Interpersonal Abilities

Communication is essential in this situation since interaction with clients, vendors, and consumers is necessary to reach a shared interest or negotiate an agreement. Automation is far behind and cannot disrupt professions that demand the most business contact.

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Easiest Jobs to Get Automated

Technology has played a more significant role in the banking sector and transformed how they function, and there are some areas where automation is pretty simple. Finance occupations can be automated if you do a repetitive operation that does not involve creativity or interpersonal skills. When less supervision and judgment are necessary, automation may readily accomplish that function with less time consumption and sufficient correctness. Jobs requiring little or no human involvement are likewise expected to be automated sooner or later.

Wrapping up

With automation in place, finance professionals can enjoy working in other areas where more creativity and strategies are required. Automation has reduced the stress level of most employees as they are tired of doing repetitive tasks, and new opportunities come with the introduction of new technology. Above mentions finance positions are a few examples of finance positions that will be safe with automation and can bring more people to work on new ideas and innovations. Companies that upgrade and retrain their workforce to work with technological developments are well-positioned to capitalize on the growth prospects of robotics.

15 Finance Jobs Safe from AI & Automation [2024] (2024)


15 Finance Jobs Safe from AI & Automation [2024]? ›

Not to mention, human financial analysts bring creativity and critical thinking AI doesn't tend to possess. So, it is unlikely that AI will fully replace financial analysts, or at least any time in the near future. Instead, they may work together to improve efficiency and accuracy in decision-making processes.

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Not to mention, human financial analysts bring creativity and critical thinking AI doesn't tend to possess. So, it is unlikely that AI will fully replace financial analysts, or at least any time in the near future. Instead, they may work together to improve efficiency and accuracy in decision-making processes.

Are finance jobs at risk of automation? ›

As AI technology continues to advance, it is likely that many routine and repetitive tasks in finance can be automated, such as data entry, reconciliation, and reporting.

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The Most Vulnerable and Impacted Professions

Roles focused on data analysis, bookkeeping, basic financial reporting and repetitive administrative tasks are highly susceptible to automation. Jobs involving rote processes, scheduling and basic customer service are increasingly handled by AI.

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Which Jobs Are Safest from AI and Automation?
  • Health Care: Nurses, doctors, therapists, and counselors.
  • Education: Teachers, instructors, and school administrators.
  • Creative: Musicians, artists, writers, and journalists.
  • Personal Services: Hairdressers, cosmetologists, personal trainers, and coaches.

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In 2024, we expect to see several tech jobs at risk of disappearing due to AI, including data entry and data processing, routine customer support roles, manual software testing, IT helpdesk support, and manual content moderation.

Will FP&A be replaced by AI? ›

No, AI is unlikely to completely replace FP&A. Instead, it will automate many of the routine and time-consuming tasks currently handled by FP&A professionals. This will free them up to focus on more strategic aspects of financial planning, like analysis, interpretation, and providing insights to leadership.

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Who is at risk of losing their job to automation? Workers with lower levels of education and who perform routine tasks—think cashiers or file clerks—face the greatest risks of their jobs being automated. However, automation is likely to have widespread effects.

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AI is unlikely to completely replace finance jobs, but it will significantly impact the field. Here's a breakdown of how AI will likely transform finance professions: Tasks replaced by AI: Repetitive tasks: AI excels at automating repetitive tasks like data entry, bookkeeping, and basic financial analysis.

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The risk of automation tends to be higher for lower-skilled roles for this reason. When considering the overall risk of automation, the three occupations with the highest probability of automation are waiters and waitresses, shelf fillers and elementary sales occupations, all of which are low skilled or routine.

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Software Engineering

“Examples include data entry, basic customer service roles, and bookkeeping.” Even assembly line roles are at risk because robots tend to work faster than humans and don't need bathroom breaks. Zafar also points out that jobs with “thinking” tasks are more vulnerable to replacement.

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6 Jobs That May Disappear by 2030
  • Taxi Drivers. Jobs such as taxi drivers rely on the ability to drive and pay attention to their surroundings. ...
  • Cashiers. ...
  • Truck Drivers. ...
  • Teachers. ...
  • Travel Agents. ...
  • Data Entry Clerks.

Are accountants going to be replaced by AI? ›

However, the question remains: will AI eventually replace accountants and bookkeepers with automation? The quick answer is, no — not any time even remotely soon. But accountants and bookkeepers need to understand both AI and automation in order to do their jobs as effectively as possible. Keep reading to find out more.

Which jobs will not be taken by AI? ›

Jobs that require creativity and innovation, such as artists, architects, writers, and designers. AI can assist in some aspects of these jobs, but it's unlikely to replace the human touch completely. Jobs that require complex decision-making and critical thinking, such as doctors, psychiatrists, lawyers, and engineers.

Will data analysts be replaced by AI? ›

Answer: While AI can automate certain tasks traditionally performed by Data Analysts, such as data cleaning and preliminary analysis, it is unlikely to fully replace the need for human analysts.

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The best way to avoid being disrupted by AI is to figure out how to use AI to reinvent what you do. If you're on the forefront of re-authoring your own job, you've increased the likelihood that you're going to be just fine no matter how this plays out.

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119 Jobs That AI Won't Replace
  • Health care and well-being.
  • Creative and artistic fields.
  • Skilled trades and construction.
  • Academia, education, and training.
  • Service and personal care.
  • Business management and legal fields.
  • Sports, fitness, and recreation.
  • Environment, agriculture, and conservation.
Jan 16, 2024

Will AI replace finance degrees? ›

AI won't replace investment bankers, but it will enhance them. Still, there are specific job roles that AI may replace: data analytics, data entry, research analysis, customer support, traders, financial analysis, administrative functions, and compliance officers.

Is finance in danger of AI? ›

Thus far, many financial institutions have incorporated AI-related risks into their existing risk management frameworks, especially those related to information- technology, model, compliance, and third-party risk management.

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It's unlikely that AI will replace financial advisors and financial planners. Investment is still a human activity, driven by emotion and uncertainty, which means that there are no “right” answers that a computer can solve.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.