11 New Survey Findings on Money, Regrets and Life in Retirement | ThinkAdvisor (2024)

11 New Survey Findings on Money, Regrets and Life in Retirement | ThinkAdvisor (2)11 New Survey Findings on Money, Regrets and Life in Retirement | ThinkAdvisor (3)11 New Survey Findings on Money, Regrets and Life in Retirement | ThinkAdvisor (4)11 New Survey Findings on Money, Regrets and Life in Retirement | ThinkAdvisor (5)11 New Survey Findings on Money, Regrets and Life in Retirement | ThinkAdvisor (6)11 New Survey Findings on Money, Regrets and Life in Retirement | ThinkAdvisor (7)

MedicareFAQ has released the results of a survey in which researchers asked retired Americans to reflect on their transition out of work, finances, various aspects of retired living and any regrets they may have. Not surprisingly, many retirees did have regrets.

MedicareFAQ, a learning resource center for the online brokerageElite Insurance Partners,surveyed 569 self-reporting retired Americans in January. Sixty-five percent were women and 35% men, with an average age of 65. At retirement, the average age among respondents was 58, with the majority having been out of the workforce for at least five years.

See the gallery for 11 survey findings on what retirees really think about life after work and how well they were financially prepared for it, according to MedicareFAQ.

11 New Survey Findings on Money, Regrets and Life in Retirement | ThinkAdvisor (2024)
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